Category: Toxicity in our World



Belly fat 

The most dangerous form of body fat is intra-abdominal fat, or visceral fat, which contributes to total belly fat.

If you’re like many Americans, when you were younger you were able to eat with gusto and without a care in the world. Even if you weren’t working out or exercising on a regular basis many of us could seemingly consume whatever, whenever. But now, the days and nights of youth-filled binges are long gone and you may actually exhibit the dreaded “middle-age spread.” Or worse, you are overweight or obese. Today, obesity is the single most important health issue facing the United States. More than one-third of adults and almost 17 percent of children and adolescents are obese. That’s according to new data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, released from The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The excess adiposity (“fatness”) that exists in obese individuals is associated with serious adverse health effects including increased susceptibility to cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. With obesity-related healthcare spending at about 5 to 10 percent of all health care costs, it’s a problem that clearly stresses an already unstable economy.

Obesity is a complex, dynamic process involving genes and hormones; however, the most amendable lifestyle factor is simply our excessive calorie consumption relative to our energy expenditure. Not surprisingly, according to a 2010 consumer survey, 55 percent of us are actively trying to lose weight. But to address the issues of prevention, treatment, and lifestyle factors, you need to understand body fat–what it is, what it does, and how different types of body fat are associated with health and disease.

Body Fat is an Active Endocrine Organ

Previously, body fat was thought to be just that: fat. However, scientists have known for some time that body fat is indeed no less an organ than the liver or kidney due to its metabolic activities, its target by hormones, and its ability to secrete cytokines—those proteins with hormone-like effects. Body fat comes directly from our diet. Foods contain varying levels of carbohydrates, proteins, and, of course, fat. Alcohol, too, provides potential energy, more than the other macronutrients except for fat, that contributes to body fat.

Now, when examining body fat and body composition, researchers have generally divided fat into either subcutaneous or visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is fat accumulated in the lower body, often visualized as producing a “pear shaped” appearance. This body shape is more frequently associated with the adiposity of women. In contrast, visceral fat is the fat within your belly (not the fat hanging over your belt) and is associated with the “apple shaped” appearance observed more frequently in men. Visceral fat is also known as central or abdominal fat.

In general, visceral fat is a relatively small proportion of total body fat. Why is it so important? It is chiefly because, unlike subcutaneous fat, visceral fat bathes the liver, kidneys, pancreas, and other organs that are necessary for maintaining optimal health and wellness. Because of its proximity, this type of fat has serious implications on health.

Visceral Fat is Inflammatory

Visceral fat is deleterious to health also because it is metabolically very active, causing low-grade inflammation within the body. In obese individuals, visceral fat consists of fat cells (adipocytes) that stimulate and secrete a variety of potent chemicals as well as activating cellular pathways that are implicated in disease. For example, visceral fat can stimulate the production and release of adipokines such as tumor necrosis factor and interleukins, which are potent pro-inflammatory mediators. These molecules travel to both neighboring and distant cells stimulating recruitment of other cells, generating yet more pro-inflammatory mediators and causing a profound cascading event. Visceral fat accumulation is also associated with insulin resistance, which is a primary factor in type 2 diabetes and other obesity-related conditions. Adipocytes in visceral fat can also increase proteins that promote additional fat storage, a process known as adipogenesis. Visceral fat accumulation in the liver is also a precursor to much more serious liver problems such as scarring (cirrhosis), and even liver cancer. The cumulative effect of these pathophysiological events causes glucose impairment, increased triglycerides, altered lipoprotein balance, and high blood pressure—collectively comprising the metabolic syndrome, a hallmark for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes among other associated health risks.

What Can Be Done to Reduce Visceral Fat?

Luckily, there are things that can be done to reduce visceral fat, but not without effort. First, the individual must lose weight. Exercise is certainly one of the most effective lifestyle interventions for reducing visceral fat. In one recent study, researchers found that aerobic exercise alone significantly reduced visceral fat by 12 percent (1). Next, loss of visceral fat requires modifications from a typical high fat, high-calorie consumption pattern.

Among nutrients targeted for assisting us in promoting fat loss are dietary fiber and protein. In fact, a recent study found that intake of soluble fiber was directly associated with reductions in visceral fat (2). Additionally, consumers of Isagenix products already know about the great features of our whey protein-based products such as IsaLean Shakes and IsaPro. Among the myriad of benefits of whey protein that will help individuals reduce their visceral fat include whey’s satiating properties, compared with carbohydrates, and its positive effects on metabolism. An increase in dietary protein also facilitates muscle protein synthesis, which has the additional benefit of stimulating body metabolism. Even better would be to incorporate the Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning System into an overall dietary strategy to metabolize visceral fat. In fact, a review of the literature by Krista Varady at the University of Illinois-Chicago has found that either daily caloric restriction or intermittent fasting reduces stubborn visceral fat by 5 to 15 percent (3). Since both the 30- and 9-day fat burning and nutritional cleansing systems feature aspects of caloric restriction and intermittent fasting it makes perfect sense that the Isagenix way would help reduce toxic, health-robbing visceral fat.

1. Johnson NA, et al. Aerobic exercise training reduces hepatic and visceral lipids in obese individuals without weight loss. Hepatology 2009;50:1105-12.
2. Hairston KG, et al. Lifestyle Factors and 5-Year Abdominal Fat Accumulation in a Minority Cohort: The IRAS Family Study. Obesity 2011 Jun 16.
3. Varady KA. Intermittent versus daily calorie restriction: which diet regimen is more effective for weight loss? Obes Rev 2011 Jul;12(7):e593-601.

Peter Greenlaw Call Series – FREE Podcasts
Join host Udana Power as she welcomes guest speaker Peter Greenlaw who talks about the astonishing opportunity that Isagenix offers for better health and greater wealth. He also review the week ahead and what we will cover. This is call number one in this five part series.

Peter Greenlaw Call Series #1

“The Astonishing Opportunity”

August 29, 2011

Peter Greenlaw Call Series #2

“In Depth Product Analysis”

August 30, 2011

Join host Udana Power and guest speaker Peter Greenlaw as he does an in depth product analysis and tells why there is only ONE Isagenix, why it can never be duplicated and why Isagenix will ALWAYS be at the cutting edge of the wellness industry. This is call number two in this five part series.

Peter Greenlaw Call Series #3

“In Depth Protocol” August 31, 2011

Join host Udana Power and guest speaker Peter Greenlaw as he speaks on why the cleanse works, Product B, the 5 Pillars of Health. Then he goes into the Race to Maintenance in detail, and why you want to use these products for the rest of your life. (Please note the recording was lost at the 44 minute mark, so there a 10 second blank space and then the call resumes)


Peter Greenlaw Call Series #4

“The Isagenix Opportunity as a Business Investment”

September 1, 2011

Join host Udana Power as she welcomes guest speakers Peter Greenlaw and Bob Sievewright as they talk about The Isagenix Opportunity as a Business Investment. Bob was a Senior Vice President for 2 major Wall Street investment firms and a registered investment advisor and tells why he thinks Isagenix is the best investment today.

Peter Greenlaw Call Series #5

“Putting It All Together” September 2, 2011

Join host Udana Power and guest speaker Peter Greenlaw as he reviews the call series and talks about how to implement what you have learned this week. Putting this into action, will make it work for you! Working with your teams, and helping new cleansers. Staying inspired will transform your life as well as the life of others. This is the final call in this five part series.


This recording is for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Isagenix products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Weight-loss results may vary. In a recent study, participants averaged a weight loss of seven pounds at the completion of their first Isagenix 9 Day Program. Always consult your physician before making any dietary changes or starting any nutrition, weight control or exercise program. Earning levels for Isagenix Independent Associates that appear in this publication should not be construed as representative of fixed or typical income earned with an Isagenix business, nor are they intended to represent that other Associates will eventually achieve the same level of income. Income level achievements are dependent upon the individual Associate’s business skills, personal ambition, time commitment, activity and demographic factors. For average financial performance data, see the Independent Associate Earnings Statement at

We have all been sold a lie, yet again. We are constantly being told that the only solution to solving the world’s food shortages is to use enormous amounts of fertilizers or genetically modified seeds that produce “super” crops. What we are not being told is that we do not need either of these two options to solve the worldwide crisis in food production, all we need to do is give seeds a little magnetic tickle.

That is right, that is all we need to do. No nitrates, no genetics, no toxic chemicals, no damage to our health or to the natural balance of nature. Just a simple tickle of tiny amounts of magnetism.

One of the authors of a study into crop growth through magnetic stimulation, Angel De Souza, wrote to me after reading the research in my book, Blinded by Science,( which proved that magnetism was the long term solution. He wanted to share his disbelief as to why seed companies showed no interest in his research.

“We developed a technology of magnetic treatment to improve the vigour of tomato, lettuce and onion seeds, rate and germination uniformity, growth, emergency and seedling vigour under field conditions as well as crop yields and quality of harvest… Also, this technology increases protection against the stress of heat and pathogens.

In further correspondence he went on to say that he published a paper in an official seed journal to promote his research in 2010, proving it was possible to increase seed germination and growth of yield of tomatoes. This piece of research fell on deaf ears. No seed company was interested.

This is almost an act of crime against humanity!

So start asking yourself this question, what is the motive behind all of this. It can only be one thing, profits. What can we do about it? Start a media campaign and spread the word, let everyone know what is being done and put pressure on supermarkets, retail outlets and specifically seed companies to let them know that we don’t want to eat food grown with chemicals of plants that are genetically modified in any way. We want natural.
If this means that they don’t make enormous profits then so be it as humanity will be the big benefactor, not only for you, but for your children and your children’s children.

De Souza A, Garcia D, Sueiro L, Gilart F, Porras E, Licea L (2006) Pre-sowing magnetic treatments of tomato seeds increase the growth and yield of plants. Bioelectromagnetics, 27, pp. 247-257.

De Souza A, Sueiro L, Gonzalez L, Licea L, Porras E, Gilart F (2008) Improvement of the growth and yield of lettuce plants by the non-uniform magnetic fields. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 27, pp. 173-184.

“Extremely low frequency non-uniform magnetic fields improve tomato seed germination and early seedling growth” Seed Science and Technology 2010.

About the author:
Matthew Silverstone is the author of Blinded by science, a book that will completely change your attitude to your health.

Blinded by Science offers a theory which when applied to factors like water, plants, the Sun and the Moon all seems to make perfect sense. As simple as it sounds, it is the theory that everything vibrates. The book explains that everything vibrates from the nucleus of an atom to the molecules of our blood, our brain, sound, plants, animals, all the way into outer space. Once this basic principle is understood, everything suddenly becomes clear. Once you apply this theory to the world around you, you will be astounded by what you learn. Find out more at

A new report published by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) highlights some of the worst cosmetic products that cause harmful side effects. Among the most damaging are permanent hair dyes, facial and body moisturizers, cleansers, and even sunscreens, all of which are used by a significant portion of the overall population. And cases of severe reactions from such everyday-use products are widespread, say researchers.

Cosmetics, of course, imply much more than just make-up for women. Hair gels, toothpastes, mouthwashes, skin creams, body sprays, moisturizers, deodorants, and pretty much anything else a person applies to skin or hair is considered a cosmetic product. In other words, virtually every human being uses some kind of cosmetic product every single day.

According to the report, entitled National Register of Adverse Effects from Cosmetic Products 2008-2010, roughly 12 percent of survey respondents indicated that they experienced “very unpleasant adverse effects” as a result of applying common, conventional cosmetic products to their skin and hair. Some of these effects were so severe that respondents indicated that they had to be hospitalized.

The overall worst offender was moisturizers, which represented nearly 58 percent of all adverse events reported. Sunscreens and tanning products ranked second worse at 12.5 percent, and both cleansing products and hair dye products placed third and fourth at 9.2 percent and 6.6 percent respectively. Further down on the list were general hair care products, dental care products, and make-up.

The number one reported adverse event from using cosmetic products included eczema and oedema, as well as blistering and/or stinging pain. Other negative effects included dermatitis, urticaria, acne, itching, and even anaphylactic shock. Swelling and allergic reactions were also common, likely due to the presence of harmful toxins in the cosmetic formulas.

“The Register gives us a better overview of the products that cause adverse effects, the type of adverse effect and who experiences them. Then we can make an assessment and even warn against the use of certain products,” said Berit Granum from the Division of Environmental Medicine at NIPH, concerning the report.

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has also established a Cosmetics Database through which the public can freely access information about the ingredients used in cosmetic products. It is important to always be aware of what you are putting on your skin or ingesting in your body, and you can learn more about that here:

Sources for this story include:……

It’s getting harder and harder to stay healthy in our increasingly toxic world. We’re exposed to more chemicals, pesticides and pollutants than ever before in history; they seep into the water we drink, pollute the food we eat and permeate the air we breathe.

Recently, the nonprofit Environmental Working Group released a disturbing study after analyzing the blood of newborn babies across the United States. In addition to discovering 287 chemicals and other toxins in their blood, they also found 76 chemicals that damage cells in humans and animals; 94 that are toxic to the brain and nervous system; and 79 that are toxic to a developing fetus.

What’s causing this?
Alarmingly, over-farming is wiping out the nutrients in your vegetables and fruits. Fertilizers intended to sterilize the soil have robbed it of mineral content. Since the soil is depleted, so are the foods grown in the soil, and so are we.
Take a look at this important study by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) showing the loss of vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables since 1975.

• Apples: Vitamin A is down 41%
• Sweet peppers: Vitamin C is down 31%
• Watercress: Iron is down 88%
• Broccoli: Calcium and vitamin A are down 50%
• Cauliflower: Vitamin C is down 45%; vitamin B1 is down 48%; and vitamin B2 is down 47%
• Collards greens: Magnesium is down 85%

So, how do you get the nutrients your body needs to safeguard your health?

Health professionals have signified certain supergreens and superfruits that infuse the body with phytonutrients to protect your health. Phytonutrients enhance your body’s natural detoxification pathways, enabling health and longevity. You might have heard of spirulina, chlorella and wheat grass, for example, which are supergreens. Mangosteen, Star Fruit and Acai Berry are powerhouses of nutrition, too—which is why they’re called superfruits. These superfoods can be your essential line of defense against environmental toxicity.

As the World Leader in Nutritional Cleansing, Cellular Replenishing, and Youthful Aging™, Isagenix® offers two revolutionary superfood products to boost your body’s ability to clear toxins and replenish with optimal nutrition. Isagenix Greens!™ and IsaFruits® contain the healthiest supergreens and superfruits on the planet. Our unique cold processing technique, which features natural spray drying and concentration, preserves the phytonutrients in these superfoods.

Your Green Light to Good Health

Isagenix Greens! contains premium sources of phytonutrients including spirulina, wheat grass, and chlorella among its supergreens.  Spirulina is a kind of blue-green algae that is one of the world’s richest sources of vitamins, minerals, iron, protein and a host of other energizing and detoxifying nutrients. Wheatgrass contains dozens of minerals, including high concentrations of potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Chlorella is powerful detoxifier to safeguard against pollutants, chemicals and pesticides.

Isagenix Greens! also contains a rich supply of key antioxidants including ginkgo biloba and green tea extract to help combat free radicals (which endanger cells), and probiotics to support digestive health, plus milk thistle, cilantro and other power-packed ingredients from the plant kingdom to further support detoxification. In addition to containing premium sources of phytonutrients, Isagenix Greens! contains Ionic Alfalfa™, a proprietary blend of minerals with alfalfa juice sourced from prehistoric beds of organic plant matter located within the Earth. Using no-compromise ingredients in this “spark plug” of life, these minerals provide the building blocks that support the body’s functions.

The power of superfruits
IsaFruits contains almost 20 different superfruits. In fact, one serving of IsaFruits equals the same antioxidant-strength of 20 servings of fruit. These antioxidants help protect your body from free radicals—which can harm your cells—as well as promote cardiovascular health and a healthy immune system. Plus, IsaFruits is free of binders, waxes, artificial flavors or sweeteners. With only 30 calories and only 1 gram of sugar per serving, IsaFruits is an ideal alternative to unhealthy sugar drinks and sodas. It’s a great drink for kids and they love the taste. Did you know that when children and teens get their fruit-derived nutrients each day, they’re more likely to do better in school and have a healthier lifestyle long-term? IsaFruits can give your children and teens a competitive edge in all the activities they do.

Convenient packets for briefcases and backpacks
Both IsaFruits and Isagenix Greens! are available in on-the-go packets, as well as canisters. These packets are great to toss in lunchboxes and backpacks (for kids’ lunches and their afterschool activities including sports), and also convenient to take to work—where it’s often a challenge to eat healthfully.

Get your nutrients on-the-go
Did you know that the United States Department of Agriculture recommends 7 – 13 servings of fruits and vegetables every day? Both Isagenix Greens! and IsaFruits are fast and convenient ways to boost your daily intake of vegetable- and fruit-derived nutrients to protect your health. Pour a packet of IsaFruits or Greens! powder—containing the phytonutrient power of superfoods—into your water bottle and shake it up. Or stir a packet in a glass of water or juice.

Protect your health
With IsaFruits and Isagenix Greens!, now you have a way to get both supergreens and superfruits into your daily diet to protect your health against environmental toxins, achieve and maintain optimal health, and safeguard your longevity.

Most of us use shampoo every day, or at least a few times a week. We grab for the bottle, squirt a dollop into our hands, lather, and voilà: Clean hair. But do you know what’s actually in it? Let’s take a look at the basic anatomy of a shampoo by breaking down the “recipe” of ingredients: surfactants, actives, preservatives, color, and fragrance. We’ll look at what is used in conventional shampoos—aside from water, which makes up 50 percent of most of them—and what is used in cleaner alternatives.

Deciphering the key components of the shampoos we use on a regular basis helps makes the long names found on their ingredient lists less confusing—and may also give you something to think about when choosing your next one.


Also known as surface active agents, surfactants are necessary for the lathering, cleaning, and degreasing effects of a shampoo. Shampoos usually contain a cocktail of surfactants, artfully combined to strike the right balance.

Conventional: These have the potential for harshness, stripping away fatty acids and usually contain a higher percentage of petroleum-based ingredients and portions. These ingredients can include compounds with environmental concerns. Examples include: sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate, ammonium laureth sulfate, cocamide DEA, ammonium xylene sulfonate.

Natural: Your shampoo may not foam like a conventional product because it contains a higher percentage of natural materials, but your hair will still be just as clean, with added natural benefits. Examples include: decyl glucoside, sucrose cocoate, sodium methyl cocoyl taurate, sodium lauroamphoacetate.


The main function of preservatives is to prevent microbial growth and to ensure a long shelf life. When it comes to preservatives, none are truly benign. And while preservative systems are a necessary component of most personal care products—and in particular water-based ones such as shampoos—some are worse than others.

Conventional: These tend to be stronger, used to increase shelf life. With this comes allergenic and irritant potential, and there is concern about some preservatives’ hormone-disrupting ability. Examples include: iodopropynyl butylcarbamate, methylisothiazolinone, and methylchloroisothiazonlinone (which are not allowed in personal care products at Whole Foods Market), as well as parabens.

Natural: These preservatives will be milder. They will be ones that have been shown to function properly, yet with a lower likelihood of causing cosmetic-related allergies and sensitivities. Examples include: potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, and alcohol.

Active and other Ingredients

These are the ingredients that are intended to nourish and beautify, making your hair shinier, smoother, softer, thicker, and more manageable. Other ingredients, such as thickeners, humectants, pH-control agents or chelators, may be added to stabilize the formula.

Conventional: These products typically contain less natural actives, fewer botanical-based ingredients and more synthetic ones. Examples include: disodium EDTA, polyquaternium-10, and aminomethyl propanol.

Natural: These products will contain high percentages of natural actives such as aloe vera gel, antioxidants, herbal extracts, plant oils, vitamins, proteins, amino acids, and fatty acids.


Along with functionality, fragrance—often a melange of many artificial smells, combined in a proprietary formula—is one of the main reasons we consumers will pick one product over another.

Conventional: Typically, synthetic fragrances are used in conventional shampoos, due to cost, performance, and variety. These have the potential to be irritating and their safety has been questioned.

Natural: Ideally, these are phthalate-free and 100 percent natural. At Whole Foods, only 100 percent natural fragrances are allowed in our Premium shampoos, for philosophical and safety reasons.


In basic shampoos, color is added for decorative purposes only, and is unnecessary for functionality.

Conventional: Synthetic colorants are often added for decorative purposes only. In Premium Body Care products at Whole Foods Market, no colors are allowed, neither natural nor synthetic, as they are not necessary for a shampoo to function at all.

Natural: Most natural brands skirt even “natural” dyes in their shampoo.

So how does your shampoo measure up? Shampoo is one of the most challenging products to make truly natural because functionality is so important for hair products, and so we applaud brands like Depth, Ikove, Alaffia, Mineral Fusion, and John Masters Organics, which prove it is possible to make many good improvements in the area of natural shampoos while keeping your hair clean and looking its best.


Read the original post here:

On the hunt for new bedding, one is presented with exhaustive (and exhausting) options. Sateen or jersey? Is there a difference between the 300- and 800-threadcount comforter? What is pima cotton? And how on earth can you choose a mattress after lying on it for five minutes at Sleepy’s? Throw sustainability and organics in the mix and it’s more confounding that ever.

And yet we spend a third of our lives sleeping, so there’s a reason these can be hard decisions to make. It’s also why we should all give a little more thought to chemicals involved in the production of our beds and linens. Cotton farming occupies only 3 percent of farm land, and yet accounts for about 25 percent of worldwide insecticides use and over 10 percent of pesticide use. To help break it down, it takes about a quarter pound of chemicals to produce one cotton T-shirt. So, think of all the chemicals going into a set of sheets and a blanket, and then consider these guidelines to make your bedroom shopping trip a little greener.

1. The next time you shop for sheets, go organic. Organic cotton farming leaves no chemical residue on the finished material, so they are safe for you to cuddle up in at night. This is good for the planet and for you.

2. Think outside the usual material. There are great natural fibers you can try like linen, silk, jersey, and flannel. Online shopping is great when it comes to bedding because of the great selection and with standard bed sizes, fit isn’t a concern.

3. Be a little flexible with colors. Synthetic dyes offer a wide range of colors, but they are just that—synthetic. There is a range of colors offered in organic bedding, but they may not be as easy to find or as vast as the non-organic sheets you find in most stores. You can always get a little help from the internet. Or you can opt for a more neutral hue and spice up the room with paint or other colorful accessories.

4. If have a little Martha in you, make your own duvet cover or pillow cases. For the duvet cover, take two organic flat sheets or blankets and sew them together to create your own duvet for a fraction of the cost. All you need for the pillow cases is some great organic material from the fabric store and a simple pillow pattern.

5. When choosing a new mattress, do your research. Most conventional mattresses are chemical havens. They are often made with synthetic materials like polyester, a plastic that emits gasses, and then they are covered in formaldehyde-based finishes for stain resistant convenience. Many also contain a fire retardant, which is a whole other set of chemicals.  So, opt for natural fibers. They are sometimes more expensive, but arguably a worthwhile investment that will last you a decade or longer.

6. Get a good pillow. Fortunately, there are several options in the eco-friendly department when it comes to pillows. If you prefer firm, look at organic cotton. For a bit of spring, try wool. If you are concerned with proper alignment, look at natural latex foam pillows. There are several more options out there one of which should suit your particular needs.

7. Buy a pillow protector. This may just seem like an extra pillowcase, but a pillow protector will extend the life of your pillow and help to relieve dust mite allergies. Extending the life of our products creates less waste.

Do you have any great natural-bedroom tips to share?

Read the original post here:

by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer – Natural News

(NaturalNews) For years, biotechnology companies have been making lofty, unsubstantiated claims that genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) are the cure for world hunger, and that without them, people will starve to death. But according to many agricultural scientists and researchers, such claims have absolutely no basis in reality, and are nothing more than deceitful marketing. One researcher from the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) recently compared the nonsensical industry rhetoric in favor of GMOs to giving cigarettes away free to children — in other words, claims that GMOs are the answer to world hunger are nothing but a ploy to hook farmers and consumers into taking the deadly bait.

Biotech mouthpieces and their media lackeys routinely hail GMOs as superior to conventional and organic crops because they say yields are better, less pesticides are needed to grow GM crops, and GM crops can be grown more densely in a given area than alternatives can. But is any of this actually true? To date, GMOs have not surpassed conventional or organic crops in terms of yields. And since 1996, which is right around the time GMOs were first introduced, pesticide use in the US has increased by nearly 400 million pounds (…).

On the other hand, a recent United Nations (UN) report explains that eco-farming, which uses natural growing methods rather than chemical- and GM-based methods, has actually boosted food production much more significantly than any GM methods have.

“Today’s scientific evidence demonstrates that agro ecological methods outperform the use of chemical fertilizers in boosting food production where the hungry live — especially in unfavorable environments,” said Olivier De Schutter, a UN Special Rapporteur, at a recent presentation. “To date, agro ecological projects have shown an average crop yield increase of 80 percent in 57 developing countries, with an average increase of 116 percent for all African projects. Recent projects conducted in 20 African countries demonstrated a doubling of crop yields over a period of three to ten years.”

In truth, GMOs have failed in virtually every category of supposed benefit — they simply do not live up to the industry hype. And besides offering no benefit or improvement upon natural growing methods, GMOs are also a significant threat to both environmental and human health. There are no credible safety studies that have ever been conducted proving that “Frankencrops” are safe or beneficial (…).

Sources for this story include:…

A few months ago, I made my way to a presentation to hear Peter Greenlaw speak. Peter is ‘a researcher of researchers’, having dedicated the last 10 years of his life gathering and piecing together information on the effects of environmental toxicity on the human body.

If you’re into facts and stats – Peter is your guy. In 90 minutes, he seemed to share enough information to fill a 300 page book. And in fact, Peter has just co-authored a book with a medical doctor which is to be released some time in the next few months. After hearing him speak last week, I can hardly wait.

My head was absolutely spinning at the end of his lecture. There’s only so much the brain can absorb in 90 minutes. However – I did take some good notes, and I thought some of you might find this information to be interesting and informative.

The rest of this post is a summary of his lecture, with some of the stats and figures Peter shared.

Below is a brief clip from his lecture.

So here it is – a detailed summary of Peter Greenlaw’s Lecture, ‘Toxicity in North America’.

The State Of Our Health

In 1930 less than 3000 in North America people died of heart disease. This year roughly 1,000,000 people will die of the same cause.

In the year 1990, 1/50 women got breast cancer. Today, it’s 1/8. Ten years from now, it is projected that 1/3 women will get breast cancer.

In the year 1990, 1/10,000 children were born with Autism. In 2010, it is 1/100 and 1/70 boys.

1/3 babies born today will develop diabetes in their lifetime.

What Kind of Air are we Breathing?

Peter explained that in a given space the ideal percentage of Oxygen should be 25%. He also noted that if this drops below 5%, we can’t survive. In big cities around North America such as Chicago, New York, Toronto and Los Angeles, the Oxygen levels are already dropping to as low as 17%. He told a brief story about a time when he was speaking in Hong Kong and on the day he was there, the Oxygen levels had dropped to 7%.

Peter’s Tip: The Breath of Fire

Stand up and start to take deep breathes through your nose. Begin slowly, and steadily increase the speed of the breathes over a 20 second period. On the last breath hold it for just a few seconds and release your air on the sound ‘Pahw’. According to Peter, if you do this just a couple of times per day (first thing in the morning, and right before you go to bed) it will have a significant impact on your health, and it fuel your body Oxygen.

He risked his life!

10 minutes into his lecture Peter held up a glass of water and announced, ‘I am about to risk my life right now, by drinking this tap water’. After sipping the water he explained that on average he had just consumed 700 chemicals. He shared that water treatment plants are now having to build screens in their systems to take out the plastic pill capsules moving through our water and that Gastroenterologists are finding pills in their colon cleanses. Not only have these pills not been digested and absorbed, but in many cases they can still read the labels.

And finally, Peter polled the room about the use of nutritional supplements. When 95% of the room raised their hands he responded, ‘Congratulations. Welcome to the world of expensive urine’.

His point was this: the biggest problem we have with drugs, supplements and food is absorption. In other words, how much is actually getting to where it needs to be? Through his research, he’s concluded that because we are so toxic, our ability to absorb nutrition is dropping significantly.

What is a Calorie?

The next topic was one we all love – diets. He asked the room to give him the definition of a Calorie. Nobody was able to.

He was kind enough to share the real definition: A Calorie is the amount of heat it takes to raise 1 gram of water, 1 degree centigrade.

Then, the message: “Do you understand that the body cannot count calories? It doesn’t know what they are! The only thing your body can measure and use is nutrition”. He explained that most of the calories we’re eating today look like a donut – they are empty. We’re eating and eating, but we’re never full because there’s no nutrition. “And the more bankrupt our food becomes, the more we eat, the bigger we get, the sicker we get, the more tired we get because we don’t have any fuel”.

Some quick facts about our food (in point form)

* Lettuce grown in the fall and winter months in Southern California or Arizona may contain higher levels of toxic rocket fuel than is considered safe by the US Environmental Protection Agency.
* If you eat a normal serving of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis in North America this year you will drink approximately 1 Gallon of Herbicides and Pesticides.
* Showing up in our fruits and vegetables and now showing up in mother’s breast milk – traces of of jet fuel
* Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein is a chemical made from junk vegetables that are unfit for sale and it is added to tons of the processed food we see in our grocery stores today
* The amount of HVP in a single bowl of commercially available soup is probably enough to cause blood glutamine levels to rise higher in a human child than levels that predictably cause brain damage in immature animals
* The food industry has substituted nutrition, with sugar

What’s going on with our soil?

I personally found this next point to be somewhat shocking. Peter picked up a report and read, “The leading authorities of the day would sound the alarm that depleted soils are causing a significant decline in the nation’s health, as evidenced by a steady increase of degenerative diseases. Most of us today are suffering from certain dangerous diet deficiencies which cannot be remedied until the depleted soils from which our foods come are brought into proper mineral balance.

The alarming facts that fruits, vegetables and grains now being raised on millions of acres of land no longer contain enough of certain needed minerals. They are starving us no matter how much of them we eat.

It is bad news to learn from leading authorities that 99% of American people are deficient in these minerals, and that a marked deficiency in any one of these important minerals actually results in disease”.

As if this wasn’t enough, after he read this Peter shared that this was from a report published in the year 1936!!

What effect is this having on us directly?

He read from a report recently published by the American Red Cross: ‘…the average baby tested an average of 287 contaminants in their umbilical chord blood. Of the 287, we know that 180 cause cancer in humans or animals, 217 are toxic to the brain and nervous system, and 280 cause birth defects or abnormal development in animal tests”.

Peter noted that today in North America we now have 100,000 chemicals in commercial use and that only 563 of these chemicals have been tested for their effect on humans. Furthermore, it is the chemical companies who do the testing.

Here are a few more stats he shared (again, in point form):

* In China, a 2001 study found that 85% of University students that were tested were completely infertile
* Among 8-year-old girls in the US, Britain and Australia, 1/6 have already entered puberty (Just a generation ago it was 1/100)
* Today, nearly 2 out of every 100 girls are showing signs of sexual development at just 3 years of age

When you come to his lecture there will be more information shared by Peter Greenlaw as well as a very informative question and answer period.