New “Crisis Cooker” Lets You Prepare Hot Meals

When The Power Is Off!


The Most Versatile Backup Stove In The World Allows You To Cook Anything, Any Time, Any Where.

Crisis Cooker


Many people call our company and ask “How do I cook when the power is off?” Well, we think we’ve found the most amazing and affordable way yet. I believe this is the best cooking solution for 90% of American families. We call it the “Crisis Cooker” and it is without a doubt the best survival cooker ever made.

The Crisis Cooker is a highly efficient charcoal, wood or propane cooker that allows you to boil, grill, fry or bake using a fraction of the fuel that other systems use. You can cook an entire meal with as little as 6 briquettes (even a Thanksgiving turkey dinner can be cooked with only 12!) – less than one tenth of the fuel you would use on a conventional charcoal grill and far less than you would use in a wood cook stove.

Burn virtually any type of fuel.

You Can Even Cook An Entire Meal With As Little As 6 Briquettes
Using the small firewood bundles available at your local store, or construction scrap wood, you can have a small warm and pleasant campfire using surprisingly little fuel. One bundle or a few left over 2×4’s will keep your fire going for hours.

With the unique ability to run on charcoal, wood or propane, the Crisis Cooker gives you the option for high efficiency cooking in any given situation. Remember, in an emergency, when systems start to fail… you want as many options as possible and this unit provides them.

Wood Powered Microwave?

Why is the Crisis Cooker so good compared to other cooking options in a true, life and death emergency? Because all the parts are designed from the ground up to work together as a system so it’s safe, economical and extremely easy to use. My wife thinks it’s great. In normal times it serves as an excellent barbeque for picnics. You can also use it to cook potatoes, vegetables, gravy or whatever else is on the menu while the turkey is roasting.

How does the Crisis Cooker work? Light a few briquettes with a paper towel and you’re ready to cook in as little as 10 minutes. Pop in your chicken and in less than an hour, your dinner is ready.

Patented Design Provides Complete Control Over Cooking Temperatures.
Crisis cooker

That’s why I’m so excited (maybe I should say relieved… at last, cooking totally off the grid) to find the Crisis Cooker.

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It’s as easy to use as a barbeque (with greater cooking versatility).
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It’s portable. The whole thing weighs 26 pounds.
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It’s economical to use. You’ll be able to store years of charcoal briquettes for a fraction of the expense of other cooking options.
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It’s also very reasonably priced.

The key to the efficiency of the Crisis Cooker is the patented heat chamber. It conducts heat 10 times more efficiently than conventional stoves. It also has vents that adjust so you can guarantee maximum heat efficiency. And here’s the best part… because it’s so efficient, there is almost no heat on the side or bottom of the vent. The sides will be a little warm to the touch… but not hot! All because of the patented design.

Here are a few more interesting facts:
In an emergency situation, 25 pounds of charcoal briquettes will cook two meals a day for up to 3 weeks.
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Because of the design… it’s almost impossible to tip over
The unit carries a 5 year warranty against manufacturing defects.
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When using briquettes, you can be cooking hot meals in only 5 minutes.
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Powder coat finish on 18 gauge steel makes it almost impossible to scratch.
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Ultra efficient heating system means 12 briquettes will give 2 hours of cooking time.
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Any size frying pan or griddle can be used.
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Up to 18 quart pots can be used for boiling water, soups, and corn on the cob.
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Easy to clean. Just dump the coals and wipe down the interior.
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Adjustable air valve allows you to roast, fry or sizzle with complete control over cooking temperature.
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If you can find a few pieces of wood, you’re ready to cook.
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Comes fully assembled.
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Can be placed on any surface.
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Instant set up in any location.
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Switch from charcoal to propane to wood in a matter of seconds.
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Powerful 30,000 BTU of heat when using propane.
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Cook two meals a day for three weeks with just a single bag of charcoal briquettes.


The Crisis Cooker is by far the most versatile multipurpose survival and emergency cooking stove available. You can use three different fuels so you’ll have food no matter what the circumstances. It’s the ultimate tool for heating, cooking and even sterilizing. It may be the single most important emergency device in your home.

Use to sanitize, sterilize or just warm your hands.
Use The Crisis Cooker To Sanitize, Sterilize Or Just Get Warm.

Along with the Crisis Cooker, I recommend storing charcoal briquettes (you can use small chunks of wood in it if you want, but briquettes are easier to use and, because the unit is so efficient, a full year’s supply is remarkably inexpensive and takes up very little space.)

The price of the Crisis Cooker is $159.95 plus $22.50 shipping and handling for a total of $182.45. All cookers shipped via FedEx.

The absolute fastest way to get one is by clicking on the “Order a Crisis Cooker” button below and placing your order online. You’ll be pleased to know that all “Crisis Cooker” sales are bonded by Buy Safe, the nation’s only online bonded purchase program





Now You Can Harness the Power of the Sun
to Cook Up Delicious Meals Anywhere!


Obviously, cooking a meal would be impossible for most people without electricity or natural gas. A stove would become nothing more than a useless hunk of metal; a microwave nothing more than a plastic box.

And that’s why I want to tell you about the new solar oven from Solutions from Science — a compact portable device that will cook anything using only the power of the sun!

New Solar Oven Cooks Food Even When
You Don’t Have Wood, Gas, or Electricity!

This new solar oven could be just what you need to help you survive an emergency, a widespread disaster, or even the collapse of the aging U.S. electrical grid.








With a solar oven you can cook just about anything so long as the sun is shining. And with the built-in thermometer, you can make sure your food is cooked thoroughly so it is 100% safe to eat. (Most meats should be cooked at 140-165 degrees Fahrenheit — the solar oven can reach temperatures up to 400 degrees!)


Here’s the best part: The solar oven is portable… durable… and super-easy to use. All you need is a pot (dark-colored ones work best). Align the oven with the sun to “preheat” it. Put the food inside the pot, place the pot on the preheated solar oven… and voilà! Your food will start cooking.

Believe it or not, cook times are fairly similar between a traditional oven and the solar oven. Of course the solar oven may take a bit longer if clouds get in the way. But overall, your food will cook fairly fast.

And here’s something most people don’t know. The food cooked in our solar oven actually…

Tastes Better Than Food
Cooked in a Traditional Oven!

That’s because the heat is evenly distributed and the natural juices remain “locked in.” In fact, it’s nearly impossible to burn a meal using your solar oven due to the how evenly the food is cooked. You don’t even have to stir it!

The Solutions from Science solar oven is perfect for:

Survival – Cook anything, anywhere, so long as the sun is shining. Cooks meat (including small and large game), vegetables, and more. The perfect survival oven to have on hand in case there is a disruption in electricity or natural gas supplies.
Camping – Want a back-up in case your gas-powered stove runs out of fuel? The solar oven is the perfect solution — much simpler and safer than trying to cook over an open fire.
Fishing – Cook your fish right after you catch it! It’ll be the freshest, best-tasting fish you’ve ever tried. And get this: It doesn’t even matter if it’s below freezing outside. So long as there’s sun, you’ve got “fire” to cook with.

The truth is, the Solutions from Science solar oven can be used to cook just about any food, anywhere, and in any situation! It’s convenient, easy-to-use, and…

It’s Totally FREE to Operate!

A conventional oven is usually the biggest energy hog in the house. Just one hour on medium heat sucks up 3 kilowatt hours of energy. And if you’ve done much cooking, then you probably know that the heat that escapes the oven can make your kitchen uncomfortably warm.

The solar oven, on the other hand, won’t cost you a penny to operate because it’s powered exclusively by the sun. So long as the sun is shining, you’ll have a source of unlimited FREE energy to cook with! Plus, your kitchen will stay comfortable — a real blessing if you live in a hot climate.

Getting a solar oven for yourself is important so you’re prepared for any emergency or disaster the moment it strikes. But it’s not only about being prepared — it’s about being smart, saving money, and conserving precious natural resources. Why use wood, electricity, or natural gas if you can cook just as well with the energy from the sun?

Act Now… And Start Enjoying
Your New Solar Oven!

The solar oven from Solutions from Science is one of the highest quality units on the market today. It’s made from tough durable materials so it can stand up to heavy use in rugged conditions. It comes with a comfortable handle (for easy carrying), heavy duty reflectors, and a leveling leg so you can easily adjust the oven to fully face the sun.










Dehydrating & Preparedness Accessory Package Includes:
  •  Multi-Level Dehydrating & Baking Rack Set (set of 3 racks w/1 roll parchment paper)
  • Two Easy Stack Pots with interchangeable enamel and glass lids
  • Multi-Fuel Water Pasteurizing Indicator (WAPI)
  • Two Loaf Pans
  • A computer CD with over 80 SUN OVEN recipes, cooking tips, FAQs, written & video operating instructions, a video on how the SUN OVEN works and emergency preparedness tips
  • Free Shipping within the Continental United States