Lets You Plant A Full Acre Garden!


New “Seed Bank™” Produces Thousands Of Pounds Of Nutrient-Dense Food For Pennies Per Pound… Enough To Feed Friends And Family Forever!

Survival Seeds

Now you can grow all the survival food you will ever need anywhere in the country with a kit that contains a special seed bank of hard to find, open pollinated… super seeds, grown by small, fiercely independent farmers.

Let’s face it. If the stories coming out on the world’s food supply are even half right, we’ve got real problems and they aren’t going to go away quickly. Here are a couple stories that I ran across recently:

  • Grocery store prices are rising faster than any time in U.S. history.
  • Worldwide grain stocks are dropping precipitously as bio-fuels consume inventories… and on and on and on.

You don’t have to be an Old Testament prophet to see what’s going on all around us. A desperate lower class demanding handouts. A rapidly diminishing middle class crippled by police state bureaucracy. An aloof, ruling elite that has introduced us to an emerging totalitarianism which seeks control over every aspect of our lives.

Are You Ready To Take Control Of Your Own Food Supply?

Do you have the right kind of seeds to plant? If you’re answering no to this questions, you need to stop wherever you are and ask yourself… “What would I do if the grocery stores closed?”

Here’s What You Should Do Right Now…

First, you need to have the peace of mind knowing that if things were to get scary, that you and your family could still eat. Listen: having enough non-hybrid seeds to plant an acre or two could be the difference between life and death. With our new “Seed Bank™,” growing your own  food becomes easy. Remember, our hand-picked seeds are not genetically modified in any way. You simply save some of your harvest seeds from year one and have more than enough to plant in year two. You’ll never need to buy seeds again! You just can’t do that with man-made hybrid seeds.

It’s been very difficult to acquire high quality, open pollinated seeds lately. We’ve had a lot of our Food Storage Secrets’ customers asking for a good source and we finally have seeds we feel comfortable offering folks whose lives may depend on exceptional germination rates.


Survival Seed Bank

What will your family eat when grocery store shelves are empty?


These seeds are authentic strains which are NOT genetically modified in any way. When the going gets tough… you’ll only want this special type of seed which will produce not only outstanding nutritional plants but will allow you to plant the seeds from the plants you grow unlike sterile hybrids. Most seed companies are now selling only “terminator” seeds which have been genetically modified and will not reproduce themselves.

These are NOT ordinary seeds… they have been chosen for their truly extraordinary germination rates!

Grown in remote plots, far from the prying eyes of the big hybrid seed companies, each of the Seed Bank™ varieties have been hand-picked for germination rate, nutritional density and of course, storage life. These seeds are true heirlooms and produce extremely nutritious plants. In fact, some studies show that these varieties are up to five times as nutritious as hybrid varieties. We have also selected seeds that will produce some of the best tasting garden produce available.

Each seed pack is individually packaged for maximum shelf life. Here’s what we mean by that: We carefully dry each seed to the precise level of allowable moisture which “locks in” hardiness and maintains extremely long shelf life. Then, each seed package is sealed in a special foil packet with a very expensive desiccant designed to keep seeds fresh for 20 years at 70 degrees. However, if you freeze your “seed bank” you could increase the shelf life by five times or more beyond that.

(By the way, never buy seeds in plastic or paper containers. The seeds just won’t last.)

The seed packs are then packed and placed in a special waterproof (practically indestructible) container we call a Seed Bank. We believe that this type of storage container is the absolute best way to store seeds for the long term. Yep, it costs a little more, but if you do have to store seeds for the long haul, it’s pretty darn important that they will not only have high germination rates, but grow into lush, productive crops when you need them most.


The Seed Bank™ produces thousands of pounds of nutrient-dense food for pennies a pound.

Seed Bank


Each Seed Bank™ has a total of 22 varieties of OPEN POLLINATED “super seeds.” Also included are detailed growing instructions for each variety which includes helpful information on harvesting of seed stock for the following year in a survival situation. This is obviously very important because failing to collect seeds properly at harvest time could mean starvation.

Each Seed Bank™ Contains
These Or Similar Hand Picked,
Heirloom Varieties:

   1) October Bean – Beans are rich in fiber and an inexpensive source of protein. This Native American variety     dates back to the 1830’s from the Cherokee Nation in Tennessee. Prolific producer, great winter staple. Bush habit, 85-90 days. 200 seeds per Seed Bank.
Black Valentine Bean 2) Black Valentine Bean, Stringless – Straight slender dark-green, nearly round pads, stringless at all stages. 16-18 in. plants, hardy, good for early plantings, good shipper, very old heirloom, pre-1850, introduced by seedsman Peter Henderson in 1897. 48 to 70 days. 300 seeds per Seed Bank.
3)Bountiful Bean – In 1897 Abel Steele of Ferguson, Ontario won a $25.00 prize for naming this new variety from Peter Henderson & Company, previously known as “Green Bush Bean #1.” Heavy crops of excellent quality, brittle, stringless 6-7″ pods. Productive bush plants grow 16″ tall, 47-50 days. 200 seeds per Seed Bank.
4)Detroit Dark Red Beet – Introduced in 1892; original selections were made from Early Blood Turnip by Mr. Reeves of Port Hope, Ontario. Nearly globe, blood-red 3″ diameter roots. Beets are often credited in folk medicine for gallbladder and liver health, and they have natural anti-inflammatory properties. Delicious fresh, great for canning. Prolific, good keeper.  60-65 days. 300 seeds per Seed Bank.
5)Copenhagen Market Cabbage – Introduced by H. Hartman & Co. in 1909. Solid heads reach 6-8″ in diameter, weigh 3-4 pounds and rarely burst. Medium sized plants ideal for small gardens. Cabbage is a part of the brassica family of vegetables, which are known for their cancer-protective properties. 63-100 days from transplant. 300 seeds per Seed Bank.
6) Stowell’s Evergreen Corn – The original strain of this variety was bred by Nathaniel Newman Stowell, born May 16, 1793 in New Ipswich, Massachusetts. After years of refining the strain, Nathaniel sold two ears of seed for $4.00 to a friend who agreed to use it only for his private use. His “friend” then turned around and sold the seed for $20,000 and it was introduced to the seed trade in 1848. His variety is still the leading white variety for home gardens and market growers. Ears grow 8-9″ long and have 14-20 rows of kernels, 1-2 ears per stalk, holds well. 80-100 days. 250 seeds per Seed Bank.
7) Reid’s Yellow Dent Corn – Old-timer, well adapted to Southern heat and soils, vigorous 6 – 7 ft. plant, 9-10 in. double well filled ears,high protein. Developed by James L. Reid in northern Illinois. This late large reddish corn was crossed with an earlier yellow dent to create the modern Reid’s Yellow Dent. 85-110 days. 300 seeds per Seed Bank.
8) Bushy Cucumber – Enjoy the cool, satisfying crunch of cucumber in your salads! This well-known older variety originated in Russia. Recommended for dacha gardens that surround Moscow because of its compact “bush” plants with 3-5 foot vines. Good production, for fresh eating or pickling. 46-49 days. For earlier harvest, start indoors before the last frost. 90 seeds per Seed Bank.
9) Yellow Of Parma Onion – A top-quality, late-maturing onion with handsome, golden, upright globe-shaped bulbs. Average size is 1 pound. One of the best for storage. Imported from Italy. 110 days from transplant. 1000 seeds per Seed Bank.
10) Bloomsdale Spinach – Vigorous, upright plants. Dark glossy green leave are thick, twisted, crumpled, blistered and savoyed. Fine quality, very tender, excellent flavor. Rich in Vitamins A and K, rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, a good source of folate, Vitamin C, potassium, and more. Quick growing, heavy yields, well adapted for late spring or summer plantings, slow to bolt. Introduced before 1908. 39-60 days. 400 seeds per Seed Bank.
11) Scarlet Nantez Carrot – Cylindrical roots are 7″ long by 1“” wide. Bright reddish-orange flesh, fine grained, nearly coreless, great flavor, sweet and brittle. Good as baby carrots. Good for storage, freezing and for juice. Variety chosen for its extremely high anti-oxidant constituents. Widely adapted, highly selected, uniform strain. 65-70 days. 1,050 seeds per Seed Bank.
12) Red Salad Bowl Lettuce – Large decorative upright plants with wide leaves that are crisp and delicious. One of our best performers. Beautiful deep-lobed bronze leaves, 6″ tall and 14-16″ wide plants. Very slow to bolt. Introduced to U.S. gardeners in 1955. Looseleaf, 50 days. 1,750 seeds per Seed Bank.
13) Oakleaf Lettuce – Known as Baltimore or Philadelphia Oakleaf in the 1880’s. Resistant to hot weather, long-standing, never bitter. Excellent quality even in late summer. Looseleaf, 50 days. 1,750 seeds per Seed Bank.
14) Hale’s Best Melon – A reliable early melon with heavy netting and firm salmon colored flesh. Good flavor and drought tolerant. Fruits are round and weigh 3-4 pounds.  Introduced in 1923. Melons are ripe when they “slip” off the vine.  Hale’s Best should be harvested just prior to “full slip” or when you might still need to pull a bit to make them slip off the vine. A serving of this melon delivers 100% of the recommended daily allowance of Vitamins A and C. 175 seeds per Seed Bank.
15) Green Arrow Pea – An English main crop variety, a standard home and market variety. Medium-size vines grow 24-28″ tall. Slim pointed pods are 4-5″ long and contain 8-11 small deep-green peas. Pods are almost always borne in doubles. Very heavy, reliable production. Shell, 62-70 days. 500 seeds per Seed Bank.
16) Fordhook Giant Chard – Introduced in 1934 by W. Atlee Burpee and Co. Broad dark green heavily crumpled leaves with white veins and stalks. Plants grow 24-28″ high with 2½” wide stalks. Abundant crops all season and even after the first light frosts. 50-60 days. 200 seeds per Seed Bank.
17) Brandywine Tomato – (a.k.a. Red Brandywine) The original Brandywine introduced by Johnson and Stokes in 1889, the large vines produce fruits that are 8-12 ounces and deep red in color. Tomatoes are an excellent source of Vitamins A and C, along with protective antioxidants. Very productive, excellent taste. Indeterminate, 80 days. 200 seeds per Seed Bank.
18) California Wonder Pepper – First introduced in 1928. This is one of the best for the home gardener, long known as a great canning and freezing variety. Heavy sets of 4-lobed, 4″ blocky fruits that ripen from green to red. An excellent source of Vitamins A and C.  Start indoors; 70-75 days from transplant. 50 seeds per Seed Bank.
19) Early Jalapeno Pepper – The earliest Jalapeno, does well even in cool areas. Sturdy 24″ plants are loaded with 3″ fruits that ripen from green to red. Fruits are mild when green, but hotter when red and fully ripe. Great for pickling. 60-70 days from transplant. 50 seeds per Seed Bank.
20) French Breakfast Radish – Oblong and blunt, rose-scarlet with a white tip. White, crisp flesh, mildly pungent flavor, top quality. Sow in the spring or fall, pick when small. A garden standard since the 1880s. 30 days from transplant. 900 seeds per Seed Bank.
21) Waltham Butternut Squash – Prized for its uniform shape, rich dry yellow-orange flesh, nutty flavor and high-yielding vines. Good source of healthful carotenoids. Fruits are 3-6 pounds and exceptional keepers. The result of years of patient refinement and selection by Bob Young of Waltham, Massachusetts. One of the most recognized types of baking squash. AAS winner in 1970. 83-100 days. 40 seeds per Seed Bank.
22) Rossa Bianca Eggplant – Stunning Italian heirloom, beautiful fruits are prized by chefs. Very meaty 4-6″ round fruits, mild flavor and almost never bitter. Well suited for all of your cooking needs, great for Eggplant Parmisiana. 80 days from transplant. 50 seeds per seed bank.

*Important: We are in a very real “non-hybrid” seed shortage. This means we may have to substitute varieties if supplies become exhausted. All Seedbanks will contain the same amount of ONLY Heirloom seeds, enough to plant a full acre Crisis Garden!

Total Seeds –
Enough To Plant One
Full Acre!


Heirloom Survival Seeds

Remember, non-hybrid seeds can be grown practically anywhere and have the ability to assimilate mineral and trace elements from the soil that man made plants just don’t seem to have. That’s because they were created by God as we read in Genesis:


Survival Seed Bank Picture

So… all in all… you’re saving $149.00 off the full price… and you get a waterproof seed bank FREE. That’s right. You can actually bury this unit for 20 years if you like and still have your seeds when you need them most. Most seed companies send you seeds in paper envelopes and cardboard boxes. But the difference is that the seed bank you get from us is practically indestructible.

That’s a heck of a deal right there.

But there’s more: I am also going to give you a bottle of “Nitro Seed Starter Solution” absolutely free of charge. What this amazing product does is allow you to jump start your crop by simply soaking your seeds in this solution for a few seconds before you plant. When the Nitro soaked seeds hit the ground… it’s over. The seeds grow like crazy!

And there’s one more thing: You’ll also receive detailed instructions on how to harvest seeds for the following year.

Survival Gardening With Heirlooms In fact, we’ve included a special 81-page e-book called *Survival Gardening With Heirlooms*. It’s designed to help anyone (beginner or expert), cultivate a highly productive crisis garden. Written by a survivalist and a master gardener, it describes in detail, each step of the way, taking you by the hand from planting your seeds to cultivating to gathering and storing your seeds for the next growing season. The 81-page manual is absolutely free as an e-book to anyone that purchases a Survival Seed Bank™.