Category: Nutritional Cleansing



Belly fat 

The most dangerous form of body fat is intra-abdominal fat, or visceral fat, which contributes to total belly fat.

If you’re like many Americans, when you were younger you were able to eat with gusto and without a care in the world. Even if you weren’t working out or exercising on a regular basis many of us could seemingly consume whatever, whenever. But now, the days and nights of youth-filled binges are long gone and you may actually exhibit the dreaded “middle-age spread.” Or worse, you are overweight or obese. Today, obesity is the single most important health issue facing the United States. More than one-third of adults and almost 17 percent of children and adolescents are obese. That’s according to new data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, released from The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The excess adiposity (“fatness”) that exists in obese individuals is associated with serious adverse health effects including increased susceptibility to cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. With obesity-related healthcare spending at about 5 to 10 percent of all health care costs, it’s a problem that clearly stresses an already unstable economy.

Obesity is a complex, dynamic process involving genes and hormones; however, the most amendable lifestyle factor is simply our excessive calorie consumption relative to our energy expenditure. Not surprisingly, according to a 2010 consumer survey, 55 percent of us are actively trying to lose weight. But to address the issues of prevention, treatment, and lifestyle factors, you need to understand body fat–what it is, what it does, and how different types of body fat are associated with health and disease.

Body Fat is an Active Endocrine Organ

Previously, body fat was thought to be just that: fat. However, scientists have known for some time that body fat is indeed no less an organ than the liver or kidney due to its metabolic activities, its target by hormones, and its ability to secrete cytokines—those proteins with hormone-like effects. Body fat comes directly from our diet. Foods contain varying levels of carbohydrates, proteins, and, of course, fat. Alcohol, too, provides potential energy, more than the other macronutrients except for fat, that contributes to body fat.

Now, when examining body fat and body composition, researchers have generally divided fat into either subcutaneous or visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is fat accumulated in the lower body, often visualized as producing a “pear shaped” appearance. This body shape is more frequently associated with the adiposity of women. In contrast, visceral fat is the fat within your belly (not the fat hanging over your belt) and is associated with the “apple shaped” appearance observed more frequently in men. Visceral fat is also known as central or abdominal fat.

In general, visceral fat is a relatively small proportion of total body fat. Why is it so important? It is chiefly because, unlike subcutaneous fat, visceral fat bathes the liver, kidneys, pancreas, and other organs that are necessary for maintaining optimal health and wellness. Because of its proximity, this type of fat has serious implications on health.

Visceral Fat is Inflammatory

Visceral fat is deleterious to health also because it is metabolically very active, causing low-grade inflammation within the body. In obese individuals, visceral fat consists of fat cells (adipocytes) that stimulate and secrete a variety of potent chemicals as well as activating cellular pathways that are implicated in disease. For example, visceral fat can stimulate the production and release of adipokines such as tumor necrosis factor and interleukins, which are potent pro-inflammatory mediators. These molecules travel to both neighboring and distant cells stimulating recruitment of other cells, generating yet more pro-inflammatory mediators and causing a profound cascading event. Visceral fat accumulation is also associated with insulin resistance, which is a primary factor in type 2 diabetes and other obesity-related conditions. Adipocytes in visceral fat can also increase proteins that promote additional fat storage, a process known as adipogenesis. Visceral fat accumulation in the liver is also a precursor to much more serious liver problems such as scarring (cirrhosis), and even liver cancer. The cumulative effect of these pathophysiological events causes glucose impairment, increased triglycerides, altered lipoprotein balance, and high blood pressure—collectively comprising the metabolic syndrome, a hallmark for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes among other associated health risks.

What Can Be Done to Reduce Visceral Fat?

Luckily, there are things that can be done to reduce visceral fat, but not without effort. First, the individual must lose weight. Exercise is certainly one of the most effective lifestyle interventions for reducing visceral fat. In one recent study, researchers found that aerobic exercise alone significantly reduced visceral fat by 12 percent (1). Next, loss of visceral fat requires modifications from a typical high fat, high-calorie consumption pattern.

Among nutrients targeted for assisting us in promoting fat loss are dietary fiber and protein. In fact, a recent study found that intake of soluble fiber was directly associated with reductions in visceral fat (2). Additionally, consumers of Isagenix products already know about the great features of our whey protein-based products such as IsaLean Shakes and IsaPro. Among the myriad of benefits of whey protein that will help individuals reduce their visceral fat include whey’s satiating properties, compared with carbohydrates, and its positive effects on metabolism. An increase in dietary protein also facilitates muscle protein synthesis, which has the additional benefit of stimulating body metabolism. Even better would be to incorporate the Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning System into an overall dietary strategy to metabolize visceral fat. In fact, a review of the literature by Krista Varady at the University of Illinois-Chicago has found that either daily caloric restriction or intermittent fasting reduces stubborn visceral fat by 5 to 15 percent (3). Since both the 30- and 9-day fat burning and nutritional cleansing systems feature aspects of caloric restriction and intermittent fasting it makes perfect sense that the Isagenix way would help reduce toxic, health-robbing visceral fat.

1. Johnson NA, et al. Aerobic exercise training reduces hepatic and visceral lipids in obese individuals without weight loss. Hepatology 2009;50:1105-12.
2. Hairston KG, et al. Lifestyle Factors and 5-Year Abdominal Fat Accumulation in a Minority Cohort: The IRAS Family Study. Obesity 2011 Jun 16.
3. Varady KA. Intermittent versus daily calorie restriction: which diet regimen is more effective for weight loss? Obes Rev 2011 Jul;12(7):e593-601.

If you have a question relating to nutritional cleansing, you can send it to
If you have a question relating to nutritional cleansing, you can send it to

Do you have a question about nutritional cleansing? Are you a new cleanser, but unsure how to use the products? Not to worry—we’ve put together some of the most common questions and answered them on this post. As you start a new year, we hope these FAQ will assist you.

Q. Why do I need  nutritional cleansing?

 A. Toxins and stress in our modern environment subject our bodies to continual risk of poor health. Once you begin cleansing you’ll notice you’ll feel cleaner (like the feeling you get after a shower), and more energized. You’ll be healthier, too. Next time you look in the mirror you may also notice you are a few pounds leaner.

 Q. How does nutritional cleansing work?

 A. Over time, the human body has had to adjust to natural toxins in the environment, often with significant help from certain plants that provide special active components. Nutritional cleansing enlists a blend of these botanicals along with vitamins and minerals to support the body nutritionally for the modern world’s onslaught of new toxins*.

Q. Why does Cleanse for Life™ Tropical Berry flavor have two sets of directions? What is the difference between Everyday Cleansing and Deep Cleansing?

 A. Keeping your body free of toxins is not too different from maintaining a home. To renew the beauty of your home, an annual “spring cleaning” does the job, but to keep your home safe and orderly, regular daily cleaning is necessary.

Cleanse for Life Tropical Berry flavor can be used to serve both the function of giving the internal body a thorough wash-down and that of providing for its daily up-keep, which is why its label now features two sets of directions.

The first set of directions highlights Everyday Cleansing and the second highlights Deep Cleansing. Everyday Cleansing consists of drinking 1-2 fl. oz. up to twice daily, first thing in the morning or between meals. Deep Cleansing consists of its use as an all-day drink for up to two consecutive Cleanse Days, drinking 4 fl. oz. with 4 fl. oz. of cold water four times daily as part of the Cleansing and Fat Burning System or Total Health and Wellness System.

Q. Where can I find instructions on  how to use the Cleansing and Fat Burning System?

  A. You can find instructions on how to use the Cleansing and Fat Burning System here (30-day supply) and here (9-day supply). You can find instructions on how to use the Total Health and Wellness System here.

Q. Is Cleanse for Life safe for long-term use?

A. Yes. It is absolutely safe. And healthy. You can use Cleanse for Life on a daily basis long-term. Deep Cleansing, which entails performing Cleanse Days, should be limited to no more than two consecutive days per week.

 Q. Can I use Cleanse for Life by itself for nutritional cleansing benefit?

 Yes. However, the product was designed to be used as part of one of our complete programs: the Cleansing and Fat Burning System (9-day, 30-day supply) or the Total Health and Wellness System (30-day supply).

 Q. Why was Ashwaghanda added to the product?

A. Ashwaghanda (Withania somnifera), also known as Winter Cherry, is classified in Ayurvedic medicine as a plant that helps the body resist stress.* The plant helps reduce oxidative stress, supports liver health and detoxification, and has potential for slowing aging.*

Q. Why was Yellow Dock added to the product?

A. Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus) leaves, sometimes used in salads, can help encourage bile production, serving the needs of the liver for ridding itself of toxins.* In larger doses, it can serve in helping with constipation.

Q. Why were bilberry, blueberry and raspberry added to the product?

A. Three berries that are well known for their antioxidant activity are now part of Cleanse for Life. Bilberry and blueberry, touted for supporting vision and mental health, also assist in strongly supporting detoxification.* Raspberry’s content of ellagic acid provides strong free-radical scavenging activity.*

 Q. Why does Cleanse for Life contain inner-leaf Aloe vera gel?

 A. Aloe vera gel consists of polysaccharides, glycoproteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. The gel can help soothe and reduce inflammation in the gut and colon, may enhance bioavailability of vitamins C and E and its natural antioxidant activity can help reduce oxidative stress.

The gel’s polysaccharides have been studied for their ability to balance the immune system and their actions as natural detoxifiers, helping to move along biochemical processes in the liver to neutralize toxins.

Q. Is Aloe vera gel a laxative?

A. No. Unlike “aloe bitters,” a yellow sap that contains anthroquinones, the gel contains no laxative effect and is absolutely non-toxic. Note: Use of “aloe bitters” is not legal in dietary supplement drinks.

Q. Why is Pau d’Arco used in the product?

A. Pau d’Arco (Tabebuia heptaphylla) is an herb with a history of use in Paraguay for a wide variety of ailments. It nourishes cells within the digestive tract and can help the body resist infection.* The plant may help reduce inflammation and guard against damage from cumulative toxins.*

Q. Why is Burdock in the product?

A. Burdock root (Arctium lappa) has a historic use as a blood purifier and helps rid the circulation system of toxins.* This thistle relative offers components that help protect the liver.*

Q. Why is Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice in the product?

A. Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), or DGL, is commonly used for detoxification in Asia and helps offer protection to the liver.* Its antioxidant activity helps protect DNA against damage.* We use the deglycyrrhizinated version of licorice root so there’s no contraindication for people with high blood pressure.

Q. Why is there fructose in Cleanse for Life?

A. Cleanse for Life includes a small amount of natural fructose (fruit sugar) because it provides a pleasant taste and feeds the body a steady stream of carbohydrates for energy. We do not use high-fructose corn syrup or any artificial flavors or sweeteners in any products.

Q. Why are B vitamins in Cleanse for Life?

A. A healthy amount of B vitamins is needed to support your metabolism to break down fats and carbohydrates. Daily B vitamins can also support your immune system and help maintain muscle tone, healthy skin, and steady energy.

Q. I see you offer Cleanse for Life in liquid and powder. Which is more effective for nutritional cleansing?

A. Both products offer the same potency from its ingredient.

Q. Are there any contraindications when performing Cleanse Days?

A. Because of the reduced calories, Cleanse Days should not be performed by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. In addition, those on medication or with a medical condition should consult a physician before Deep Cleansing.

Q. Should someone on blood thinners perform Cleanse Days?

A. If you’re on blood thinners or any other medication, we strongly advise you seek supervision of your healthcare professional. Your physician will need to monitor your Pt levels if you choose to cleanse. Performing Cleanse Days may result in natural thinning of the blood. This is because you are drinking lots of fluids and limiting caloric intake.

Q. Should athletes and “thin” people use Cleanse for Life?

A. Athletes and thin people can benefit from Cleanse for Life. We regard nutritional cleansing to be the “missing link” to many health benefits such as vitality, more energy and better absorption of nutrients.

When preparing for competition such as endurance events, Deep Cleansing should be avoided because limiting caloric intake may deplete muscle glycogen. 

Q. I get headaches while Deep Cleansing. What can I do about them?

A. First-time cleansers may experience mild headaches (for up to a week) as a common caffeine withdrawal symptom from giving up coffee or caffeinated soda. If necessary, headaches can usually be alleviated by eating an IsaDelight® dark chocolate (approximately 10mg of caffeine per piece) or drinking a cup of green tea.

Q. I experience leg cramping while Deep Cleansing. What can I do to avoid the cramping?

A. Some cleansers will experience leg cramps if they are receiving insufficient mineral electrolytes—magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium. These can be alleviated by taking IsaFlush® and IsaCalcium®, eating 1 or 2 IsaDelight pieces, and/or snacking on nuts, fruits or leafy green vegetables. If cramping continues or becomes chronic, please be sure to follow up with a visit to your doctor’s office.

Q. I experience constipation while Deep Cleansing. How can I make sure to stay regular?

A. The key to avoiding constipation during a Cleanse Day is to keep dietary fiber intake high on Shake Days. Our recommendation is to gradually increase fiber intake to 25-30g daily in line with recommendations from the National Fiber Council. Getting enough is easily achieved by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables as well as taking advantage of products such as FiberPro and SlimCakes®. Regular water intake also works with fiber to help alleviate constipation. If constipation continues beyond a few days, please be sure to follow up with a visit to your doctor’s office.

On Cleanse Days, you may also wish to include some fiber by adding FiberPro to your Cleanse for Life drink throughout the day.

Q. I feel cold when Deep Cleansing in winter. How can I stay warm?

A. Customers may feel cold while cleansing because they are drinking cold water and liquids regularly and avoiding regular amounts of food, which in itself produces a thermal effect during digestion. To alleviate feelings of coldness during cleansing in the winter months, consider drinking Cleanse for Life and accompanying water and herbal teas at warm temperatures.

Q. I feel flu-like symptoms or feel like I may be becoming sick while Deep Cleansing. How can I avoid this feeling?

A. If you begin to feel like you are coming down with the flu, please stop your Cleanse Day, return to Shake Days, and be sure to follow up with a doctor’s visit. If it turns out you have caught a bug, you may need medical treatment  and steady nutrition for your immune system.

Q. I experience “flushing” when I cleanse. Is this harmful? How can I avoid it?

A. Customers may experience “flushing” while on the program. This reaction is safe and may be related to an individual sensitivity to nicotinic acid, a form of niacin. Flushing can be avoided by taking the following products, which contain nicotinic acid, separately: Cleanse for Life, Ionix Supreme® and Natural Accelerator®. Because Natural Accelerator contains other ingredients that may result in a more pronounced flushing experience, it should be taken with food or replaced with Antioxidants.

Q. I have experienced an allergic reaction while Deep Cleansing. What should I do?

A. If you experience an allergic reaction, please discontinue whichever product may have been associated with the reaction and be sure to follow up with a doctor’s visit. Please also report your reaction or any other serious adverse event to

Q. I feel dizzy, like I will pass out when I’m cleansing. Could this be because my blood pressure is too low?

A. Yes. Lower blood pressure may be a natural result of performing Cleanse Days. If you have low blood pressure or are on blood pressure medications, please have your doctor monitor you and make adjustments as necessary before and while cleansing. (Reviewed by Dr. Dennis Harper.) Dizziness can also be caused by blood sugar becoming too low (See next question.)

Q. I have diabetes. Should I be worried about my blood glucose rising too high or falling too low?

A. Blood glucose levels should be monitored closely while on the program if you have diabetes. Not every individual will have similar results and you may need to make modifications as necessary. Please consult your doctor before adjusting medication. (Reviewed by Dr. Dennis Harper)

Q. How should someone who is diabetic and insulin dependent use Cleanse for Life?

A. We strongly advise anyone who is diabetic perform Cleanse Days only under close medical supervision. A physician will be able to help a patient with diabetes monitor glucose levels, modify medication and transition to short-acting insulin versus long-acting insulin when needed for cleansing. For more information, email us at

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Peter Greenlaw Call Series – FREE Podcasts
Join host Udana Power as she welcomes guest speaker Peter Greenlaw who talks about the astonishing opportunity that Isagenix offers for better health and greater wealth. He also review the week ahead and what we will cover. This is call number one in this five part series.

Peter Greenlaw Call Series #1

“The Astonishing Opportunity”

August 29, 2011

Peter Greenlaw Call Series #2

“In Depth Product Analysis”

August 30, 2011

Join host Udana Power and guest speaker Peter Greenlaw as he does an in depth product analysis and tells why there is only ONE Isagenix, why it can never be duplicated and why Isagenix will ALWAYS be at the cutting edge of the wellness industry. This is call number two in this five part series.

Peter Greenlaw Call Series #3

“In Depth Protocol” August 31, 2011

Join host Udana Power and guest speaker Peter Greenlaw as he speaks on why the cleanse works, Product B, the 5 Pillars of Health. Then he goes into the Race to Maintenance in detail, and why you want to use these products for the rest of your life. (Please note the recording was lost at the 44 minute mark, so there a 10 second blank space and then the call resumes)


Peter Greenlaw Call Series #4

“The Isagenix Opportunity as a Business Investment”

September 1, 2011

Join host Udana Power as she welcomes guest speakers Peter Greenlaw and Bob Sievewright as they talk about The Isagenix Opportunity as a Business Investment. Bob was a Senior Vice President for 2 major Wall Street investment firms and a registered investment advisor and tells why he thinks Isagenix is the best investment today.

Peter Greenlaw Call Series #5

“Putting It All Together” September 2, 2011

Join host Udana Power and guest speaker Peter Greenlaw as he reviews the call series and talks about how to implement what you have learned this week. Putting this into action, will make it work for you! Working with your teams, and helping new cleansers. Staying inspired will transform your life as well as the life of others. This is the final call in this five part series.


This recording is for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Isagenix products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Weight-loss results may vary. In a recent study, participants averaged a weight loss of seven pounds at the completion of their first Isagenix 9 Day Program. Always consult your physician before making any dietary changes or starting any nutrition, weight control or exercise program. Earning levels for Isagenix Independent Associates that appear in this publication should not be construed as representative of fixed or typical income earned with an Isagenix business, nor are they intended to represent that other Associates will eventually achieve the same level of income. Income level achievements are dependent upon the individual Associate’s business skills, personal ambition, time commitment, activity and demographic factors. For average financial performance data, see the Independent Associate Earnings Statement at


Worried you might eat too much at Thanksgiving or during the holiday season? Following the festivities with a couple of Cleanse Days is an effective way to get back on track by compensating for the extra calories eaten. Results from a study published recently in the International Journal of Obesity show just that.

In a randomized trial on 107 middle-aged, overweight or obese women, researchers compared intermittent calorie restriction—similar to Cleanse Days on an Isagenix system—with continuous calorie restriction (regular dieting). It was one of the first human trials to ever compare the two weight-management strategies. Over the six-month study, researchers took measurements including weight, total body fat, blood pressure, and blood sampling to determine changes in weight and insulin resistance.

The study assigned the women to either consume a continuous calorie-restricted diet (25 percent below estimated requirements daily) or a diet that restricted calories by 75 percent for two days a week, the other five days followed the estimated requirements for weight maintenance.

The women in the calorie-restricted group followed a Mediterranean-type diet. The diet contained 30 percent calories from fat (most being monounsaturated fat like olive oil as found in IsaLean Shake), 45 percent calories from low-glycemic carbohydrates, and 25 percent calories from protein. The intermittent calorie-restriction group followed the same diet, but for two days consumed only about 492 to 541 calories each day—that’s not quite as low in calories as the average Cleanse Day of about 150 calories daily, but it’s pretty close.

At the end of the six months, the researchers found that both groups were comparable in total weight loss and improvements in several risk markers for type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and several cancers. However, the intermittent calorie restriction group appeared to have greater improvements in insulin sensitivity and oxidative stress markers.The increased insulin sensitivity from intermittent calorie restriction may be related to the significant decrease of insulin in the body during a one-or-two-day reduced intake in calories, which was followed by regular calorie intake. The authors called for future trials that look into the effects that intermittent calorie restriction has on insulin and glucose metabolism.

They wrote, intermittent calorie restriction “may be offered as an equivalent alternative to” dieting “for weight loss and reducing disease risk.”

Previously, research reviews have also speculated that intermittent calorie restriction might be linked to better disease prevention than continuous fasting because of increased resistance to oxidative stress—results from this study may support this assertion.

For those on an Isagenix system, these findings support the importance of Cleanse Days. They may offer similar if not more benefits than regular dieting for weight loss. Unlike normal intermittent calorie restriction, drinking Cleanse for Life also supports the body nutritionally, adds antioxidant protection, and promotes detoxification because of its content of herbs, vitamins, and minerals.


Harvie MN, et al. The effects of intermittent or continuous energy restriction on weight loss and metabolic disease risk markers: a randomized trial in young overweight women. Int J Obes (Lond) 35.5 (2011): 714-27. doi:10.1038/ijo.2010.171

Most people will experience a nearly 40 percent decrease in lean body mass and more than 100 percent increase in fat mass from age 25 to 70. However, did you know that you can reverse this trend with how much high-quality protein you consume and when you consume it daily to keep and build lean body mass with age?

lbm_percentagesThe effect of age on body composition. Source: Schock et al. 1984 (adapted).


New research shows that eating protein at the right times, particularly at breakfast, is primary for maintaining lean body mass with age. Combined with calorie control, it is also important for avoiding obesity. Plus, the effect of protein on muscle synthesis, satiety, and fat burning can also depend largely on the protein’s quality.

Isagenix, for one, has been advising its customers about the benefits of higher intake of quality protein for breakfast with an IsaLean® Shake and IsaPro® for more than eight years. It’s perhaps the single most important way to help people stay leaner and healthier.

Aging is associated with an increasing body fat mass while simultaneously losing lean muscle tissue. This progressive process is characterized by 3 to 8 percent reduction in lean muscle mass each decade after age 30 and can be more than 50 percent loss of tissue in those over 80 years of age.

The change to gains of more fat and loss of lean mass impacts health in a way that leads to frailty, loss of strength, and decline in function and ability to care for oneself. The loss of muscle mass with age, called sarcopenia, is estimated to lead to socioeconomic and health care spending costs exceeding $18.5 million (1).

Most people don’t know they are losing muscle. It often goes undetected by the medical field because fat gain and weight stability mask the sarcopenia (2 & 3). However, the muscle loss, like osteoporosis, reduces quality of life and increases risk of disease and mortality.

Building and maintaining muscle is the most effective way to stave off the negative impact of sarcopenia and resulting risk of chronic disease.

Protein At Breakfast and Throughout the Day

The leading factors of observed sarcopenia are insufficient protein intake along with the lack of regular exercise. Maximizing muscle protein synthesis while watching total caloric intake in a dietary plan amounts to between 25 and 30 grams of high-quality protein per meal (3).



This is contrary to the current RDA, which is woefully inadequate! The RDA does little to promote optimal health in 
the elderly.

Surprisingly, 15 to 41 percent of adults have dietary protein intakes below the current RDAs, which further suggests a need to push 
for higher intakes of protein (4).

Clearly, maximal protein synthesis happens with adequate protein distribution throughout the day, starting with 25 to 30 grams of protein at breakfast (3). Protein at breakfast helps people stay stronger and leaner over the course of their lifetimes.

Putting a Stop To Sarcopenia with IsaLean Shake

When it comes to manufactured foods in the marketplace, protein often takes the back seat and is often replaced with cheap carbohydrates. Protein fortification isn’t easy and usually affects flavor in a bad way.

This is where IsaLean Shake comes into the picture. It makes getting enough quality protein delicious and enjoyable. It can also be combined with IsaPro whey protein to obtain higher amounts if needed.

Not all protein is the same: There are a variety of ways to address quality such as biological value and protein digestibility corrected amino acid score. Whey protein comes out on top by these measures. Also, the concentration of branched-chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, valine) is crucial, especially leucine.

Leucine is a rate-limiting step for protein to trigger muscle synthesis. Whey is unique for having a naturally higher concentration of leucine versus other sources of proteins such as meat, eggs, or soy.

IsaLean Shake is key because it is a beverage with quality protein from whey, rich in branched-chain amino acids including leucine, which alone will trigger protein synthesis in muscles with or even without exercise.

The beauty of quality protein is that intake affects short-term and long-term mechanisms for body weight, beyond just muscle mass anabolism.

Quality protein taken every morning also increases satiety more than either fat or carbohydrate do, keeping people fuller longer, and inducing thermogenesis when it is 25 percent of dietary energy intake (4-9).

Source: Johnstone et al. AJCN. 1996: 50, 418-430Source: Johnstone et al. AJCN. 1996: 50, 418-430


The bottom line: quality protein throughout the day leads to better weight management, increased muscle and anti-aging. The end result is weight loss combined with maintained muscle, and a better quality of life.


1. Janssen HC, Samson MM, Meeuwsen IB, Duursma SA, Verhaar HJ. Strength, mobility and falling in women referred to a geriatric outpatient clinic. Aging Clin Exp Res 2004;16:122-5.
2. Paddon-Jones D, Rasmussen BB. Dietary protein recommendations and the prevention of sarcopenia. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 2009;12:86-90.
3. Hughes VA, Frontera WR, Roubenoff R, Evans WJ, Singh MA. Longitudinal changes in body composition in older men and women: role of body weight change and physical activity. Am J Clin Nutr 2002;76:473-81.
4. Luhovyy BL, Akhavan T, Anderson GH. Whey proteins in the regulation of food intake and satiety. J Am Coll Nutr 2007;26:704S-12S.
5. Hochstenbach-Waelen A, Veldhorst MA, Nieuwenhuizen AG, Westerterp-Plantenga MS, Westerterp KR. Comparison of 2 diets with either 25% or 10% of energy as casein on energy expenditure, substrate balance, and appetite profile. Am J Clin Nutr 2009;89:831-8.
6. Tappy L. Thermic effect of food and sympathetic nervous system activity in humans. Reprod Nutr Dev 1996;36:391-7.
7. Lejeune MP, Westerterp KR, Adam TC, Luscombe-Marsh ND, Westerterp-Plantenga MS. Ghrelin and glucagon-like peptide 1 concentrations, 24-h satiety, and energy and substrate metabolism during a high-protein diet and measured in a respiration chamber. Am J Clin Nutr 2006;83:89-94.
8. Westerterp KR, Wilson SA, Rolland V. Diet induced thermogenesis measured over 24h in a respiration chamber: effect of diet composition. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1999;23:287-92.
9. Heaney RP. Protein intake and bone health: the influence of belief systems on the conduct of nutritional science. Am J Clin Nutr 2001;73:5-6.



Maintaining a healthy body mass index, or BMI, is one of the most important ways to help you live longer, according to a new study published in the December issue of New England Journal of Medicine (1).

BMI is not a perfect measure, but it is one of the simplest for estimating body fat. It is calculated by weight in pounds divided by height in inches squared and multiplying the number by 703, or by weight in kilograms divided by height in inches squared. What’s your BMI? Find out using this free calculator provided by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, of the National Institutes of Health.

The study’s findings support an optimal BMI in the “normal weight” range of 20 to 24.9, which is generally associated with the lowest risk of death from all causes including chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. The association was strongest among participants who were younger than 50 years old.

A BMI of 25 or more was associated with the highest mortality risks. The higher the BMI, the higher the likelihood of dying from cardiovascular disease.

“The results of our analysis are most relevant to whites living in affluent countries,” write the authors who pooled and analyzed data from 19 prospective studies encompassing 1.4 million white adults ages 19 to 80.

In the United States, among non-Hispanic whites, there was an estimated 11 percent of men and 17 percent of women with a BMI of 35 or higher in 2008.

The authors restricted the study to non-Hispanic whites based on self-reported ethnic group and controlled for pre-existing conditions, alcohol consumption, barbital status, education, and physical activity. They also excluded those with a BMI of less than 15 or higher than 50.

Smokers made up 25 percent of the study participants in the lowest BMI category of 15 to 18.4 and 8 percent of those in the highest BMI category.

Getting to “normal weight” range (ideally between 20 to 24.9)

Earlier this year, Isagenix reported results from two pilot studies (a 9-day and a 28-day study) performed on the company’s Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning System. Both studies showed a statistically significant reduction in BMI from baseline measurements.

In the 28-day study, a total of 30 healthy individuals (ages 20 to 60) followed a calorie-restricted program consisting of Shake Days, replacing two meals with the IsaLean Shake (240 kilocalories per serving) and consuming a 400- to 600-kilocalorie meal per day, and Cleanse Days, water fasting supplemented with Cleanse for Life one day per week.

After the 28 days, the subjects had lost a statistically significant average of 6.4 pounds (3.6 percent of initial bodyweight). The average waist and hip circumference decreased by 1.9 and 1.1 inches, respectively, and were statistically different from baseline.

The second study randomized 42 healthy individuals (ages 20-60) to one of two groups. Group 1 received Cleanse for Life from a dry-powder drink mix and Group 2 received the product from a ready-to-drink liquid.

Both groups followed Shake Days and Cleanse Days similar to the 28-day study, except that they performed two consecutive Cleanse Days per week (2). Measurements were taken on the day before they started the study and then again at the end of the study.

The average weight loss of the subjects was 6.6 pounds (3.8 percent of initial bodyweight), which was also statistically significant. Waist and hip circumference decreased an average of 0.6-0.7 inches, which was statistically significant.

The two studies were funded by Isagenix and conducted at New York Chiropractic College where Mary Balliet, Ph.D., dean of the basic sciences department, was the principal investigator. The university conducted the studies according to Good Clinical Practice with Institutional Review Board approval, and had the clinical expertise to run studies for weight loss and body composition.

Why does the Cleansing and Fat Burning System work?

Studies show subjects who used the Cleansing Fat Burning System had a significant reduction in BMI.Cleansing and Fat Burning System (30-day supply)

Thousands of customers have also experienced fantastic results in obtaining a healthy BMI using the Cleansing and Fat Burning System, despite having been unable to lose weight through other means, including common diets.

A frequent question we receive is “Why does the Cleansing and Fat Burning System works so well for helping people achieve weight loss?”

Principally, there are three reasons:

  1. The Cleansing and Fat Burning System is a complete  nutritionally sound program that maximizes nutrition while minimizing calories. Reducing calories while maintaining optimal levels of nutrients leads to healthy weight loss.
  2. The Shake Days are based on maximizing weight loss by using the quality proteins in amounts that keep people fuller longer and with minimal calories that promote fat to be mobilized for fuel. The quantity of whey protein in the IsaLean Shake helps satisfy appetite. The whey protein, in addition, contains high levels of branched-chain amino acids that simultaneously sustain muscle while on a reduced-calorie diet. Typical calorie-restricted diets are inadequate in lean, quality proteins and nutrients causing muscle wasting.
  3. The Cleanse Days are unique. Not only are you consuming few calories and sustaining fat burning, but you are also giving your body and liver a rest from digestion, which allows your liver to detoxify and use stores of fat for energy. The limited calories on Cleanse Days also help to condition the stomach and body for eating less with less of an appetite. The natural cleansing herbs in the product Cleanse for Life also support the liver and the body during weight-loss with antioxidants and by encouraging natural detoxification.

The Cleansing and Fat Burning System is a common-sense, proven strategy for weight management and nutrition. It is also a quality system because of its effectiveness in helping thousands of people reach or maintain an optimal BMI. Ultimately, as people reach and keep their desired weight, they are leaps and bounds ahead of folks who choose not to eat healthy! A healthier BMI is an increased opportunity for a healthier future.


1. Berrington de Gonzalez A, Hartge P, Cerhan JR et al. Body-Mass Index and Mortality among 1.46 Million White Adults. New England Journal of Medicine 2010;363:2211-9.

2. Balliet M, Burke JR, Rasmussen O, Rockway S. Nine-day weight loss program with high protein shakes supplemented with herbal beverage in dry mix powder or liquid form on fasting days leads to healthy weight loss. J FASEB April 2010 (Meeting abstract Supplement) Ib335.

Did you know that cravings for foods like pizza, French fries, doughnuts, and ice cream are the most oft-cited reasons in controlled studies for people not sticking to a weight-management program? In fact, some people may not even attempt losing weight because they think they won’t be able to kick the “junk food” habit.

No one likes to set themselves up for failure. But is there hope of getting over the sweet tooth or a preference for fatty foods by sticking to a strict regimen? New research published in this month’s issue of Obesity suggests that, yes, there is, which could also explain why people who stay on an Isagenix program long-term see their cravings lessen over time.

The randomized trial, led by a collaborative effort from researchers at Temple University, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, University of Colorado and Washington University, studied the effects of following either a low-carb or low-fat diet. At the end of the two-and-a-half-year trial, the researchers found that both groups of dieters had decreased cravings and preferences for the foods their diet restricted.

The study participants, 270 obese adult men and women, attended regular group sessions where they were coached on how to stick with their diets. They filled out questionnaires rating how often they had food cravings, for what types of foods, what foods they naturally preferred to eat, and the size of their appetite. The low-carb group had significantly reduced cravings for carbs and starches, as well as a lesser amount of times that sweets or fast foods were craved. Also, their preference for high-carb and high-sugar foods decreased. Likewise, the low-fat group experienced reduced cravings for the high-fat and low-carbs foods that were restricted in their diet.

Since the low-fat group consumed fewer calories overall than the low-carb group, it’s not surprising that the low-carb group reported being less bothered by hunger. Or, it could also have something to do with the higher amount of protein the low-carb group was eating since protein is known to keep people feeling fuller longer—we know that high-protein IsaLean Shakes work on the same principle.

The authors conclude, “Promoting the restriction of certain types of foods while dieting results in decreased cravings and preferences for the foods that are targeted for restriction.”

This study showed that men had a bigger decrease in high-fat food cravings, in addition to larger decreases in overall hunger, times of being bothered by hunger, the desire to eat in response to the sight or smell of food, and thoughts about food. Interestingly, there was a gender difference when it came to food cravings and preferences. The authors note that this has been pointed out before: obese men tend to prefer foods such as pizza and French fries more, while obese women favor foods such as cake and doughnuts.

Something else to think about, although not noted in the study results, is that part of the study design and potential reason for participants’ success is that they attended regular group sessions where they discussed their progress and continued adherence to the diets. This may point to the benefit of being involved in a group where diet and health are discussed. People might hold themselves more accountable when it comes to their diet, while the support of the group may help people stay on track to reach weight-loss goals.

So, how to best stick to a program, consistently lose pounds and eventually get to that desired target weight? Stay disciplined—eventually your stomach may learn to no longer crave for those diet-busting, high-calorie foods that are rich in fat or carbohydrates. And a little help from a network of friends (like those on Facebook) to keep you on track can go a long way.

Reference: Martin CK, Rosenbaum D, Han H et al. Change in food cravings, food preferences, and appetite during a low-carbohydrate and low-fat diet. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2011;19:1963-70. doi:10.1038/oby.2011.62


Whey protein is not only superior to soy for trimming down, but may help maintain or even promote weight loss regardless of intake of calories.

Protein has long been associated with increased satiety, thereby improving weight loss and promoting adherence to difficult, otherwise hunger-inducing diets. While protein may keep you fuller longer, a new study in the July issue of The Journal of Nutrition, showed that whey protein is more effective than soy protein when it comes to weight loss.

Researchers from the United States Department of Agriculture randomly assigned 90 participants to consume soy protein (SP), whey protein (WP), or carbohydrate (CHO) supplements at mealtime for 23 weeks. Total calorie consumption was not reduced or restricted—all participants were overweight or obese at the start of the intervention.

“This study suggests that after 6 mo of supplementation, there was a difference in body weight and fat mass between overweight and obese adults who consumed supplemental WP compared to those who consumed isoenergetic supplemental CHO,” the authors report.

The scientists didn’t observe similar weight-reducing results in the group that consumed soy protein or carbohydrate.

At the end of the trial, the whey protein group lost 4 more pounds in body weight and 5 more pounds in fat mass than the carbohydrate group.

“Additionally,” the researchers wrote, “consuming WP resulted in a significantly smaller waist circumference compared with the group consuming supplemental CHO.”

As found in this study, macronutrient (protein, carbohydrate or fat) choices can make an impact on body composition. Not only is protein thought to be satiating and thermogenic, whey protein consumption without calorie restriction had a favorable impact on body weight. The researchers emphasize that in the WP supplementation group “the difference in body weight was associated with a decrease in fat without an effect on lean mass.”

The authors write that protein is key to short-term weight loss because it reduces the urge to overeat and that the impact of whey protein on body weight without calorie restriction or the intention to lose weight is novel.

“Protein supplementation, particularly WP, in overweight and obese individuals may assist in long-term maintenance of body weight without energy restriction,” the researchers suggest.

Reference: Baer DJ, Stote KS, Paul DR, et al. Whey Protein but Not Soy Protein Supplementation Alters Body Weight and Composition in Free-Living Overweight and Obese Adults. J Nutr 2011, 141 (7). doi: 10.3945/​jn.111.139840

by Ina Nozek, DC, MS, CCN

Looking for a one-stop shop for answers to the most frequently asked questions about Isagenix products?

Over the last two years, I’ve answered hundreds if not thousands of questions about Isagenix products on the IsaProduct Coaching Call. The 30-minute call available twice daily during the week (Monday to Friday 8 a.m. PT and Monday to Thursday at 6:30 p.m. PT) continues to be popular as a “go-to” resource for helpful advice. Now, based on my experience, I’ve compiled the top 25 most frequently asked questions and answers for you. Here they are:

Q. I take a prescription medication. Do I need to check with my doctor before starting Isagenix? After all, it’s just food and supplements!

A. Anyone taking medication and/or under the care of a medical doctor for any medical condition should check with his/her doctor before starting Isagenix or any other nutritional program. Just bring the ingredients of all the products you plan to take to your doctor. Tell the doctor you are about to start a low-calorie healthy eating program and that it involves periodic fasting and incorporates some nutritional supplements. Ask him or her to make sure all the ingredients are okay for your health situation. And then state that you would like him or her to monitor your results. The reason this is important is that sometimes medications need to be adjusted as a result of your increasing health, and only your doctor can do that. (To learn more about the most frequently asked questions from health professionals, listen to this podcast.)

Q. I have diabetes. Can I still use your shakes and can I still perform Deep Cleansing days in my Isagenix program? 

A. We have many people with diabetes who are very successful at improving their health with our various systems. It is very important that you have your doctor monitor your blood sugar levels and medication. For some people with diabetes, daily cleansing is more appropriate than deep cleansing, and for some, half an IsaLean Shake at a time may work better than a whole shake at once. However, many people with diabetes have had great results with deep cleansing programs, and most do fine with full shakes or half shakes with added IsaPro.

Q. I am pregnant or breast feeding. Can I use Isagenix for weight loss?

A. Pregnancy and/or lactation are not the time to focus on weight loss. You’ll need calories to gain healthy amounts of weight for your baby, so it is not the time to cut down. You may incorporate IsaLean Shake, Bars, Soups, FiberSnacks!, and SlimCakes; however, these should not be used to replace meals. The IsaFruits, IsaPro, IsaCrunch, FiberPro, and Want More Energy? can also be great additions to your diet. At the same time, you should of course be “cleaning up” what you eat—avoiding excess sugar, fatty foods, etc. Cleanse for Life is not appropriate for pregnant or lactating women, nor are the following products: Ionix Supreme, Natural Accelerator, or IsaFlush!. What you ingest goes right to your baby, and some of the botanicals used in these products have just not been studied well enough in pregnant or breastfeeding women. Finally, you should be aware that our Essentials for Women is not a substitute for a prenatal multivitamin. Once you have weaned your baby, it will be a perfect time to begin an Isagenix program. (For more information, click here.)

Q. I am vegetarian.  How do I know which of your products are suitable for me?

A. Isagenix has a table listing what products are suitable for strict vegetarians and lacto-vegetarians. The lists are actually part of the Isagenix Allergens Table.

Q. I am gluten-intolerant. Which Isagenix products do I need to avoid? 

A. The most important product to avoid is the SlimCakes. Isagenix Greens also contains wheat grass and barley grass; if you have a strong gluten intolerance or Celiac disease, you should avoid Isagenix Greens, but many people with less gluten sensitivity have no trouble with Isagenix Greens. All of the other Isagenix products are completely gluten free.

Q. Can children or teenagers use the Isagenix products?

A. Yes; many, but not all, of the Isagenix products are appropriate for children and teenagers. Isagenix has a table showing which products are appropriate for which age groups. You can find out which products are appropriate for what age group here.

Q. I have a food allergy.  How do I know which of your products are safe for me?   

A. Many of the common allergens are found on the Isagenix Allergens Table. For allergens not listed, we suggest you go to the Isagenix Product Catalog; all product ingredients are listed in an appendix at the back of the catalog.

Q. My friend won’t use Isagenix because he/she says the shakes are too high in sugar. What do I tell him/her?

A. First, the sugars contained in IsaLean Shake and Bars are all from natural sources. There are no artificial sweeteners. They are designed to be low glycemic, which means they shouldn’t spike blood sugar. A sufficient amount of healthy carbohydrates is a good thing in a complete meal replacement. IsaLean Shake is scientifically formulated to have an ideal ratio of low-glycemic carbohydrates, quality proteins, and healthy fats to create balance in the body. This is a meal replacement, and your body needs these healthy carbohydrates for energy (especially the brain). For the large majority of people, IsaLean Shakes are definitely not “too high” in sugar.

Q. Why do I need to take my measurements? What’s wrong with weighing myself every day?

A. Since many changes are taking place in your body as you cleanse and replenish, ones that are not reflected on the scale, the scale will often show fluctuations that might make you feel frustrated if that’s all you look at. Remember, the scale only measures net weight, not the amount of fat lost or the amount of muscle you may have gained. The quality of the whey protein in our shakes supports the growth of lean muscle mass while you are burning off fat. This is one reason people who have lost weight on Isagenix don’t tend to have sagging skin. (For instance, look at the “success stories” photos under the “People” tab of website.) For all these reasons, we recommend that you weigh yourself only once a week, preferably first thing in the morning, after you use the bathroom, on the same scale each time. But you will often see and feel a difference in your clothes. And by taking your measurements, you will be able to see that your body is releasing fat, even if the scale is not showing weight loss.

Q. Why do I need to drink so much water?  How do I know how much water is enough? Can I put anything into my water to give it flavor? 

A. The products do a great job of supporting the body at releasing impurities, and it’s our job to flush them out of the body by drinking plenty of pure, plain water. We recommend drinking approximately half of your body weight in ounces of pure, plain water whether you are on a cleansing program or not. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, it is suggested that you drink 75 ounces of water each day. We don’t recommend that you add anything to flavor your water. You can use as much herbal or green tea as you want, or put flavored stevia in your water.

Q. I’ve hit a plateau (or my weight loss is slower than expected). What should I do? 

A. If you have hit a weight-loss plateau, make sure you are continuing to drink enough water each day, and that you are moving your bowels well every single day. In addition, make sure that you are eating enough calories and that your meal is healthy and balanced. For some people, it is better that they split their one meal into two smaller meals. Often, adding IsaPro to your shake can help break a plateau. We recommend that you add 1 scoop of IsaPro to 1 1/2 scoops of IsaLean Shake. The additional protein can help boost metabolism, fat burning, and satiety. In addition, getting enough fiber in your diet can help lead to better results. If none of this seems to help, you may need to increase your activity level and/or do something to reduce your level of stress.

Q. Why shouldn’t I have coffee on the Isagenix program? Is there anything I can substitute? 

A. Because coffee can potentially interfere with goals of detoxification while on Cleanse Days, we recommend that people take a break from it, at least while they are on the initial phase of their program. Many people voluntarily give up coffee afterwards since they are no longer dependent on it and find that they feel natural energy from the nutritional products. We recommend substituting green tea (not black tea), and any natural herbal teas. Consuming Ionix Supreme, Want More Energy?, and IsaDelights can also provide a little energy boost. If you decide to resume coffee consumption, we recommend that you drink low-acid, low-temperature roasted, low-acrylamide, certified organic coffee, and only consume 1 cup per day.

Q. Why shouldn’t I have diet soda on the Isagenix program?  Is there anything I can substitute?

A. Diet soda is not recommended as it contains artificial sweeteners. Regular soda is no better because it still contains lots of chemicals and refined sugars. Plain, pure water is really your best bet or Want More Energy? for during or after exercise.

Q. I find myself getting very hungry on Shake Days. What am I doing wrong?

A. Make sure that you are drinking enough water. Sometimes we think we are hungry but we are actually thirsty, and drinking more water can satisfy our hunger. Also, it is important to have your IsaLean Shake within one hour of waking in the morning. Don’t let too much time go by during the day without having your meal or shake. The Isagenix Snacks, or other suitable snacks, are very important to consume between meals and shakes, to balance your blood sugar, and ward off hunger. For some people, splitting the one meal into two smaller meals can be very helpful for warding off hunger too.

Q. I find myself getting very hungry on Cleanse Days. Why can’t I eat an egg, a salad, or some nuts? 

A. The ideal way to do a Cleanse Day is to not consume anything other than the Cleanse for Life, Natural Accelerator, and Isagenix Snacks spread throughout the day and maybe a couple of IsaDelights. This will produce the most effective cleansing and fat-burning results. Cleansing involves giving the body (especially the liver) a break from digestion. When we eat food on Cleanse days such as an egg or some nuts, it will slow down or stop the cleansing process so the digestive system can break down those foods. Optimally, if you can avoid snacking on anything other than the Isagenix Snacks and IsaDelights, you will have better results. Again, make sure to be hydrating enough, distract yourself from food as much as possible, and if absolutely necessary or to manage blood sugar, eat some apple slices (preferably organic).

Q. Can I use Isagenix if I’m lactose intolerant? What about if I have an actual milk allergy?

A. There is an extremely small amount of lactose in the IsaLean Shake. As a result, most lactose intolerant people do very well with our shakes. A dairy allergy is different. Depending on the severity of your allergy, the shake and other dairy containing products may or may not be appropriate for you. However, we find that most people are surprised at how well they can tolerate our products. If extremely intolerant, you may wish to consider just trying half a shake with added IsaPro—this limits the lactose and adds more of the enzyme lactase for easier digestion.

Q. Are the Isagenix products considered organic, or not? 

A. Our products are considered all-natural using only non-GMO ingredients. They also contain organic ingredients wherever possible, and some ingredients that even exceed USDA organic standards. However, some of our ingredients are sourced from parts of the world that do not have organic certification systems.

Q. I’ve been getting terrible headaches during the first few days of my program. Should I quit?

A. It is not unusual to feel some “cleansing symptoms” during the first few days of the program. Your body is starting to withdraw from certain substances such as caffeine, sugar, etc., and the detoxification process has begun. The headaches can also be caused from lack of hydration, so make sure to be drinking enough water. Low blood sugar can also cause headaches. Don’t quit! Make sure to keep your blood sugar stabilized by using the Isagenix Snack wafers and IsaDelight chocolates throughout the day. Usually within a few days, the headaches are gone. You will start to feel better with each passing day, and before you know it, you’re going to feel fantastic.

Q. Should I stop taking my other supplements and medications while I’m doing Isagenix?

A. Anything that has been recommended by your medical doctor or health professional should be continued while you are doing Isagenix. As for any other supplements you may be taking, you might want to give yourself a break during the initial phase of the program.  See what the Isagenix products can do for your body. After your initial program, you may wish to consider switching over to our Ageless Essentials Daily Pak or some of our other superior supplements. The formulas, ingredient quality, and bioavailability of these supplements are extremely hard to beat.

Q. Is Isagenix a good product line for people who have had gastric bypass surgery?

A. Yes. Many people who have had bariatric surgery find themselves becoming malnourished, since it is very challenging to eat enough nutritious food and absorb the nutrients contained in them. The IsaLean Shake for example, is extremely nutrient dense, and is a fantastic way to nourish your body with the right protein and other nutrients for a strong and healthy body. Depending on how soon it is after your surgery and how much volume you can accommodate, you may need to start with only half a shake at a time. For more information, see this article.

Q. Do I have to stay on Isagenix forever if I want to maintain my results?  

A. We suggest that once you reach your health and /or weight loss goals, you stay on a maintenance program for long-term health and wellness. Although there are no “have to’s”, it’s hard to imagine why anybody wouldn’t want to continue feeling fabulous. We are constantly being bombarded by toxins in our environment, and our food supply continues to be depleted of the nutrients our bodies need. So it makes sense to continue to stay on some sort of continual cleansing and nutritional supplementation. This can include daily and/or deep cleansing, IsaLean Shakes, Ionix Supreme, Ageless Essentials Daily Pak, and Product B.

Q. My face, chest and arms are blotchy red. My skin feels hot and itchy, almost like a sunburn. Am I having an allergic reaction? What should I do?

A. More than likely, what you are experiencing is known as a niacin flush. Since the Cleanse for Life, Ionix Supreme, and Natural Accelerator all contain niacin (vitamin B3), it is possible to have a niacin flush after consuming these products. Niacin acts as a vasodilator and will dilate the blood vessels closest to the skin’s surface. This can cause a “flush,” which looks and feels like a sunburn. The skin can become hot, itchy, and red. It typically won’t last more than a half hour or so, and the most important thing to realize is that there is nothing unsafe about it. It’s a completely natural reaction to niacin. If this happens, drink plenty of water and know that it’s nothing to be afraid of. If you are not sure whether you are experiencing a niacin flush as opposed to an actual allergic reaction (which may include symptoms such as hives, skin redness, difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, nausea, or palpitations), be sure to check with your doctor. If you experience an allergic reaction to any Isagenix product, please discontinue the product.

Q. I don’t need to lose weight, but I still want to take advantage of the benefits of Cleanse Days. How do I adapt the program so I don’t end up losing weight? 

A. Although not everybody is overweight, every single one of us is toxic. Since Cleanse Days have the side benefit of safe yet dramatic weight/fat loss, those who do not want to lose weight will need to make some minor modifications. Cleanse Days should be the same no matter what. However, your Shake Days should be different: Instead of enjoying two shakes and one meal consisting of 400 to 600 calories, add more calories into your day. For example, you could have two shakes, two meals, plus lots of healthy, nutrient-dense snacks in between. Each shake can include fresh or frozen fruit, natural nut butters, etc., to add extra nutrient-dense (not empty) calories. The meals should include lean protein, lots of fresh vegetables, healthy fats, and a generous amount of low-glycemic carbohydrates such as from brown rice, baked sweet potatoes, or whole-grain pasta.

Q. I am experiencing constipation. What should I do? 

A. First of all, make sure that you are drinking enough water. Remember to drink half of your body weight in ounces of pure, plain water each and every day. Also, make sure that you are taking enough IsaFlush! You can safely take up to six IsaFlush! capsules per day. If you do increase your dose to four or more, you may want to split the quantity into morning and evening doses. In addition, include more fiber in your diet. FiberPro can be added to one or both of your shakes (one scoop per shake). You can also take advantage of FiberSnacks! and SlimCakes. If constipation persists, try having one or two servings of Isagenix Greens each day on an empty stomach. (For more information on common gastrointestinal problems, see this article by Dr. Nicole Kafka.)

Q. How do I know if I should add IsaPro to my program?  

A. There are a number of reasons a person might want to add additional protein to their shakes. For example, for those who have a challenged metabolism, adding IsaPro to your shake could help to optimize your weight-loss results. In addition, if after a few days on the program, you are still feeling tired and/or hungry, we suggest adding 1 scoop of IsaPro to 1 ½ scoops of the IsaLean Shake. Also, if you are an athlete who consumes large amounts of protein to support your fitness regime, I suggest adding 1 scoop of IsaPro to 2 scoops of IsaLean Shake for each shake you consume.

About the Author

Dr. Ina Nozek

Dr. Ina S. Nozek is a clinical nutritionist; was in private practice from 1987 until 2009; specializing in stubborn weight loss and detoxification. She holds a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport and a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Sherman College. She and her husband, Dr. Glenn Nozek owned and directed the Lifeline Center for Holistic Health. They were also the co-hosts of a cable TV series entitled, Lifeline; and a radio show entitled, Listen for your health. She and her husband live in Toms River, New Jersey, with their three children, Max, Arielle, and Jake.

Nutritional Cleansing unlocks the miracle of the human body


Nutritional Cleansing increases the health benefits you’ll receive from the ancient health practice of cleansing. The herbs, vitamins and minerals that aid cleansing do two things:

  • Accelerate the removal of impurities from the body.
  • Nourish the body with vital nutrients to rapidly revive health.

A cleansed and revitalized body is stronger, resists illness better, is more efficient and performs at a higher level than one that is filled with impurities. Many people notice an ability to reach and maintain their ideal weight.