Category: IN THE NEWS

Peter Greenlaw Call Series – FREE Podcasts
Join host Udana Power as she welcomes guest speaker Peter Greenlaw who talks about the astonishing opportunity that Isagenix offers for better health and greater wealth. He also review the week ahead and what we will cover. This is call number one in this five part series.

Peter Greenlaw Call Series #1

“The Astonishing Opportunity”

August 29, 2011

Peter Greenlaw Call Series #2

“In Depth Product Analysis”

August 30, 2011

Join host Udana Power and guest speaker Peter Greenlaw as he does an in depth product analysis and tells why there is only ONE Isagenix, why it can never be duplicated and why Isagenix will ALWAYS be at the cutting edge of the wellness industry. This is call number two in this five part series.

Peter Greenlaw Call Series #3

“In Depth Protocol” August 31, 2011

Join host Udana Power and guest speaker Peter Greenlaw as he speaks on why the cleanse works, Product B, the 5 Pillars of Health. Then he goes into the Race to Maintenance in detail, and why you want to use these products for the rest of your life. (Please note the recording was lost at the 44 minute mark, so there a 10 second blank space and then the call resumes)


Peter Greenlaw Call Series #4

“The Isagenix Opportunity as a Business Investment”

September 1, 2011

Join host Udana Power as she welcomes guest speakers Peter Greenlaw and Bob Sievewright as they talk about The Isagenix Opportunity as a Business Investment. Bob was a Senior Vice President for 2 major Wall Street investment firms and a registered investment advisor and tells why he thinks Isagenix is the best investment today.

Peter Greenlaw Call Series #5

“Putting It All Together” September 2, 2011

Join host Udana Power and guest speaker Peter Greenlaw as he reviews the call series and talks about how to implement what you have learned this week. Putting this into action, will make it work for you! Working with your teams, and helping new cleansers. Staying inspired will transform your life as well as the life of others. This is the final call in this five part series.


This recording is for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Isagenix products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Weight-loss results may vary. In a recent study, participants averaged a weight loss of seven pounds at the completion of their first Isagenix 9 Day Program. Always consult your physician before making any dietary changes or starting any nutrition, weight control or exercise program. Earning levels for Isagenix Independent Associates that appear in this publication should not be construed as representative of fixed or typical income earned with an Isagenix business, nor are they intended to represent that other Associates will eventually achieve the same level of income. Income level achievements are dependent upon the individual Associate’s business skills, personal ambition, time commitment, activity and demographic factors. For average financial performance data, see the Independent Associate Earnings Statement at

Nutritional Cleansing unlocks the miracle of the human body


Nutritional Cleansing increases the health benefits you’ll receive from the ancient health practice of cleansing. The herbs, vitamins and minerals that aid cleansing do two things:

  • Accelerate the removal of impurities from the body.
  • Nourish the body with vital nutrients to rapidly revive health.

A cleansed and revitalized body is stronger, resists illness better, is more efficient and performs at a higher level than one that is filled with impurities. Many people notice an ability to reach and maintain their ideal weight.



On the hunt for new bedding, one is presented with exhaustive (and exhausting) options. Sateen or jersey? Is there a difference between the 300- and 800-threadcount comforter? What is pima cotton? And how on earth can you choose a mattress after lying on it for five minutes at Sleepy’s? Throw sustainability and organics in the mix and it’s more confounding that ever.

And yet we spend a third of our lives sleeping, so there’s a reason these can be hard decisions to make. It’s also why we should all give a little more thought to chemicals involved in the production of our beds and linens. Cotton farming occupies only 3 percent of farm land, and yet accounts for about 25 percent of worldwide insecticides use and over 10 percent of pesticide use. To help break it down, it takes about a quarter pound of chemicals to produce one cotton T-shirt. So, think of all the chemicals going into a set of sheets and a blanket, and then consider these guidelines to make your bedroom shopping trip a little greener.

1. The next time you shop for sheets, go organic. Organic cotton farming leaves no chemical residue on the finished material, so they are safe for you to cuddle up in at night. This is good for the planet and for you.

2. Think outside the usual material. There are great natural fibers you can try like linen, silk, jersey, and flannel. Online shopping is great when it comes to bedding because of the great selection and with standard bed sizes, fit isn’t a concern.

3. Be a little flexible with colors. Synthetic dyes offer a wide range of colors, but they are just that—synthetic. There is a range of colors offered in organic bedding, but they may not be as easy to find or as vast as the non-organic sheets you find in most stores. You can always get a little help from the internet. Or you can opt for a more neutral hue and spice up the room with paint or other colorful accessories.

4. If have a little Martha in you, make your own duvet cover or pillow cases. For the duvet cover, take two organic flat sheets or blankets and sew them together to create your own duvet for a fraction of the cost. All you need for the pillow cases is some great organic material from the fabric store and a simple pillow pattern.

5. When choosing a new mattress, do your research. Most conventional mattresses are chemical havens. They are often made with synthetic materials like polyester, a plastic that emits gasses, and then they are covered in formaldehyde-based finishes for stain resistant convenience. Many also contain a fire retardant, which is a whole other set of chemicals.  So, opt for natural fibers. They are sometimes more expensive, but arguably a worthwhile investment that will last you a decade or longer.

6. Get a good pillow. Fortunately, there are several options in the eco-friendly department when it comes to pillows. If you prefer firm, look at organic cotton. For a bit of spring, try wool. If you are concerned with proper alignment, look at natural latex foam pillows. There are several more options out there one of which should suit your particular needs.

7. Buy a pillow protector. This may just seem like an extra pillowcase, but a pillow protector will extend the life of your pillow and help to relieve dust mite allergies. Extending the life of our products creates less waste.

Do you have any great natural-bedroom tips to share?

Read the original post here:

by: Fleur Hupston
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(NaturalNews) The brain is dependent on mood-boosting nutrients. When food lacks these essential nutrients, depression and anxiety can quickly set in. Typically, anti-depressants are prescribed to treat these problems, which in many cases can so easily be remedied by taking the correct nutrients.This article is for information purposes only. Anyone suffering with severe depression should see a qualified naturopath or homeopath to correctly identify the causes. Self-treating even mild cases of “the blues” with the supplements mentioned here is best undertaken with the help of a medical professional.Mood boosting mineralsChromium: This mineral helps to stabilize blood sugar. Individuals experiencing mood swings, who perhaps over-react when it comes to minor issues or feel very tired during the day, may be lacking in this essential mineral. According to Psychology Today, “Duke University scientists found that consuming chromium picolinate, a trace mineral naturally found in whole grains, mushrooms, liver and many other foods, has significant effects on individuals suffering from atypical depression”.Magnesium: Low levels of magnesium in the human body can result in anxiety, sleeplessness and depression. Simply put, magnesium is the mineral needed to make serotonin, the brain’s “happy chemical”.

Amino acids

Most anti-depressant drugs supposedly work by boosting serotonin levels. Raising serotonin levels naturally can apparently be achieved by supplementing with the amino acid 5-hydroxytryptophan, or 5-HTP. This is sold over the counter in the UK, USA and Canada as a dietary supplement for use as an antidepressant, and it is marketed in many European countries for cases of major depression.

Other amino acids that can make a difference to mood swings include phenylalanine and tyrosine, from which the body makes the neurotransmitter noradrenalin – vital for motivation and drive.

Essential fats and mood

Much has been said on Natural News on the subject of omega 3 fats and the importance of eating oily fish such as wild salmon. Cod liver oil is another rich source of omega 3. Studies have shown that severely depressed individuals consuming a diet high in these fats generally show significant improvement, greater than that reported for antidepressant drugs.

Vitamins B & D

In older people, vitamin B is often missing because this vitamin is not absorbed so well the older one gets. Vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid are often recommended for individuals over 50 years of age, particularly with depression or “brain-fog”.

There is a definite correlation between individuals with a vitamin D deficiency and depression. In cold Northern climes, many people feel low, irritable and angry during winter because of the lack of sunshine. Depression levels can be substantially lowered by taking vitamin D supplements or by getting direct sunlight on the skin each day.


by: Elizabeth Walling
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(NaturalNews) The idea that exercise is good for us is constantly pummeled into our brains by the medical community, by health coaches and by the mass media. And while certain types of exercise can certainly be beneficial in context, placing too much emphasis on formal exercise may be highlighting the wrong issue and contributing to long term health problems–because it`s movement rather than exercise that has the most dramatic impact on our health.What Makes Us Sedentary?Who is more sedentary: the person who exercisesfor one hour several times per week or the one who never exercises at all? Conventional wisdom says the second person is sedentary and will probably experience negative side effects from it. This, however, is an incomplete picture and may in fact be completely wrong if other factors are considered.More important than how often you exercise is how much you move during your everyday life. Why? Because how much time you spend sitting adversely affects your health far more than how much time you spend doing formal exercise. If you spend several hours a day sitting (at a desk, while commuting, at restaurants, etc.), it can negatively impact your health–even if you exercise regularly. Basically, regular exercise is not enough to counteract an otherwise sedentary lifestyle.How to Add Movement to Your Lifestyle

There was a time when we didn`t have to consciously think about moving more during our daily lives, but that is no longer the case. During the last several decades, we have unconsciously shifted from a lifestyle that included plenty of movement to one that is mostly spent sitting down. Desk work is far more common than it used to be; commuting for at least an hour every day is not uncommon; and activities that used to require movement now require much less of it (washing dishes, doing laundry, etc.).

The best solution is to pepper our everyday lives with activity. This can be done in a variety of ways:

1. Take phone calls standing up or walking.
2. Use a standing desk if possible, or sit on an exercise ball at your desk.
3. Take frequent breaks during your day to use the restroom or to get a drink of water.
4. Try to get up and walk around for about five minutes during each hour.
5. Get up during commercial breaks while you`re watching television.
6. Use the stairs instead of the elevator whenever you have the choice.
7. Park on the far side of the parking lot when you can.
8. Get up and go window shopping rather than browsing online.
9. When you meet with friends, clients or colleagues, try to do something that includes more movement (such as walking through a local museum or park, etc.).

How you incorporate more movement into your life will largely depend on your lifestyle and preferences, but it can certainly be done if you make small changes over time. The little things really do add up in this case. Pretty soon you`ll be unconsciously moving more instead of unconsciously sitting more–and your health will thank you for it.

For more information:…


by: Derrell Jones
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(NaturalNews) Going through a heart attack can be a harrowing experience. With symptoms ranging from heart palpitations, cold sweats, fatigue, and anxiety a heart attack is downright frightening with 40% of sufferers not surviving the episode. Survivors must make long term lifestyle changes immediately or risk another cardiac event. In a culture of fast living and fast food long term changes can be difficult to obtain.

A heart attack, or myocardial infarction, occurs when blood flow to certain areas of the heart is interrupted causing a shortage of oxygen in the heart tissue. Stress, sedentary habits, and diets high in unhealthy fats are prominent factors. A recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Missouri, Kansas City shed light on an interesting but unfortunate phenomenon. They found that of the 884 patients that frequently ate fast food before their heart attack, 503 of them continued to do so despite their recent attacks. Is this a matter of mere unhealthy convenience or something more?

It is no secret that fast food is a hodge-podge of chemically laced and genetically modified ingredients. The importance of the chemical aspect of the food is how it interacts with the brain, potentially leading to addictions or cravings. At the top of the list of addictive substances is MSG and any of its derivatives. MSG acts on different areas of the brain including the hypothalamus, which controls appetite and satiety. When damaged or otherwise diminished, the hypothalamus is unable to properly control not only our appetites, but also how much we eat. Also, consuming saturated fat and sugar in high amounts are thought to hijack natural brain processes causing the overproduction of opioids. Opioids are produced naturally by the brain, but overproduction can give way to self intoxication leading to addictions much like you would see in heroin addicts (not nearly as strong but powerful none the less).

For those poor souls who find it difficult to stay away from fast food let’s order up a few suggestions. First, it is imperative to increase the consumption of good fats, also known as essential fatty acids (EFA’s). Doing so in combination with reducing or eliminating saturated and trans fats will provide proper nutrition, satiety and relief for the hypothalamus allowing time for the gland to restore itself. Besides nourishment and boosting brain health EFA’s also bind toxins helping to rid the body of inflammatory substances. Also, one should avoid MSG and any of its variants (i.e. autolyzed yeast extract). MSG is a documented neurotoxin that has the ability to overwhelm areas of the brain that control appetite such as the hypothalamus as mentioned earlier. Finally, decreasing sugar intake will go a long way in fighting cravings for foods that aren’t healthy to consume. When blood sugar is kept at a steady level, as opposed to spiking and crashing, most cravings stop or become controllable.

A healthy heart starts with great nutrition. Without doubt anything resembling nutrition will not be found in a bag of fast food. Fast food is not only cheap and plentiful, but it is also engineered to make you want it and generally against your own best interest. Be good to your heart and let not your heart be troubled.


by: Kshamica S. Nimalasuriya MD, MPH

(NaturalNews) What’s a non-allergenic diet? Well, it’s a diet that decreases your level of reaction to external allergens. In other words, it’s dietary changes you can make to help improve your allergies and to help reduce the itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing and wheezing.

Dairy products and sugar cause the creation of more mucus in the body. Mucus should be thin and runny to help get rid of allergens. When mucus gets thick allergens get stuck in the body instead of being cleared out which causes allergy symptoms to be more pronounced. So limiting both dairy and sugar is one way to help allergies.

Allergy is connected to the immune system and inflammation so it makes sense to strengthen this part of the body.

Quercetin is a bioflavonoid, which may have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties helpful for allergies. Foods rich in quercetin include green tea, apples, onions, kale, papaya, kale, broccoli and many berries. Eating these foods may lessen the common allergy symptoms.

Vitamin C is a great immune boosting vitamin and is a great addition to meals during spring. Foods rich in vitamin C include bell peppers, dark leafy greens, broccoli, papaya and oranges. The two herbs with the most vitamin C are thyme and parsley.

Allergic symptoms are caused by histamine being released in our bodies. Avoiding foods high in histamine can help reduce these symptoms. These foods include tofu, beer, sausage, blue cheese, red wine, eggplant and many canned fish.

There are also a number of herbal products that are anti-histamines, which can help reduce allergy symptoms. These include nettle, chamomile, garlic and plantain.

So there are many things to add and subtract from the diet to help with allergies!

Before taking a natural herb for your allergies, consult your doctor. Some herbs can have interactions with other herbs, as well as dangerous side effects when taken with prescription and over the counter medications.

Check out the current pollen count in your area by checking out websites such as this one (American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology National Allergy Bureau).

About the author:
Kshamica Nimalasuriya MD, MPH is a Preventive Medicine Physician involved with merging Media with Health, Open-Source Education, Herbal Medicine, Fitness, Nutrition, Wellness, and Love. She works on many initiatives bridging the global digital divide of health care education.

She has a line of organic natural skin care:

You can also find her on twitter:

by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer – Natural News

(NaturalNews) For years, biotechnology companies have been making lofty, unsubstantiated claims that genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) are the cure for world hunger, and that without them, people will starve to death. But according to many agricultural scientists and researchers, such claims have absolutely no basis in reality, and are nothing more than deceitful marketing. One researcher from the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) recently compared the nonsensical industry rhetoric in favor of GMOs to giving cigarettes away free to children — in other words, claims that GMOs are the answer to world hunger are nothing but a ploy to hook farmers and consumers into taking the deadly bait.

Biotech mouthpieces and their media lackeys routinely hail GMOs as superior to conventional and organic crops because they say yields are better, less pesticides are needed to grow GM crops, and GM crops can be grown more densely in a given area than alternatives can. But is any of this actually true? To date, GMOs have not surpassed conventional or organic crops in terms of yields. And since 1996, which is right around the time GMOs were first introduced, pesticide use in the US has increased by nearly 400 million pounds (…).

On the other hand, a recent United Nations (UN) report explains that eco-farming, which uses natural growing methods rather than chemical- and GM-based methods, has actually boosted food production much more significantly than any GM methods have.

“Today’s scientific evidence demonstrates that agro ecological methods outperform the use of chemical fertilizers in boosting food production where the hungry live — especially in unfavorable environments,” said Olivier De Schutter, a UN Special Rapporteur, at a recent presentation. “To date, agro ecological projects have shown an average crop yield increase of 80 percent in 57 developing countries, with an average increase of 116 percent for all African projects. Recent projects conducted in 20 African countries demonstrated a doubling of crop yields over a period of three to ten years.”

In truth, GMOs have failed in virtually every category of supposed benefit — they simply do not live up to the industry hype. And besides offering no benefit or improvement upon natural growing methods, GMOs are also a significant threat to both environmental and human health. There are no credible safety studies that have ever been conducted proving that “Frankencrops” are safe or beneficial (…).

Sources for this story include:…