Category: Healthy Mind, Body & Spirit

The SWAT Certified Coaching Program is divided into three modules:

Module 1 – Building the Temple: Mind and Body

Without great health and vitality, succeeding in other areas is far more challenging. When our bodies are aligned, we have the strength to tackle the other parts of life—money, relationships, home, family, and living with purpose and passion; we have the strength to reach our highest potential.
Module 1 is composed of 3 courses
Nutrition & Physiology – This course explores the functions of various body systems as we discover the role of nutrition in health and disease management and prevention. Topics include: the sources and functions of nutrients, foundation of a balanced diet, weight management, physical activity, fitness and eastern holistic approaches to diet and nutrition. We use both Western and Eastern philosophies.

Psychology – This course explores the concepts and philosophies used in positively meeting life’s challenges, coping with stress, dealing with emotional struggles, developing self-identity, creating healthy relationships, and embracing healthier lifestyles.

Women’s Health and Wellness – Exploring the body-mind-soul connection in creating physical and emotional health and healing, this course is designed to finish off Module One in an esoteric and open-minded way. Students will learn from some of the world’s leading experts including Dr. Christian Northrup and Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz! Students must complete the 12-Week Total Transformation TeleCourse with Crystal Andrus in order to successfully graduate from the program..

Module 2: Empowerment Coaching

Module Two is spent directly with SWAT Founder, Crystal Andrus, as well as learning from some of the world’s most powerful teachers including Louise Hay, Marianne Williamson, Sandra Anne Taylor and Colette Baron-Reid.

Using Crystal’s distinct style of coaching, students are introduced to the higher realms of consciousness and empowerment while addressing core beliefs, patterns, and neurolinguistics. Students learn first-hand how to identify what is holding a client back, i.e. shame, guilt, blame, fear, grief, and anger, while shifting them into courage, willingness, and faith. Students are empowered to develop their intuition, while remaining very grounded and task-oriented. A more metaphysical module than the Module One, studying universal laws, metaphysics, and energy work, students understand the emotional and spiritual components of success.

Students finish up this module with a personal sense of strength to laser in on truth, lies, and solutions! Students will do 4 weeks of practice coaching, then will send in three (3) of their recorded coaching calls to be graded.

Module 3: The Business Behind the Business!

Rarely trained with proven techniques for recruiting leads, converting sales, overcoming objections, and effective marketing, as well as voice training and building a “brand”, there are countless highly-trained and motivated counsellors and coaches struggling to get their own practice off the ground.

Graduates leave Module Three with an understanding of internet marketing, social media, branding, web design, strategic business planning and forecasting, while also understanding how to help their own clients achieve financial success. The course provides you with mastery in all aspects of business and will assist you in becoming a successful coach.

Students will be required to complete the 12-Week Total Transformation TeleCourse. This must be completed in order to successfully complete the program.

Upon graduation, a SWAT Certified Coach can choose to continue to receive on-going support via The Crystal Club — the SWAT Membership Site. This includes your own website with an e-commerce site, lead generation and continual support from The SWAT Institute — faculty and students. In addition to being SWAT Accredited, you will also be Accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP).


How Does a Virtual Classroom Work?

The SWAT Institute has set the standard in technology, experience, quality and affordability.

Technology – It’s not enough to offer tele-bridging, eBooks and email courses. The SWAT Institute relies heavily on technology. Our training utilizes the latest technology in web- based software including:

• At our learning platform at we put our students first with easy access to your coursework,
assignments, and quizzes.
• We use on-line and phone access for all lectures.
• A minimum of one to two new Conference Calls monthly with faculty and special guests, with access to all recorded
calls already in our curriculum.
• Weekly Homework.
• E-mail tips from faculty and classmates easily shared on our learning platform, along with easy access to faculty and
our student community.
• Global Collaboration.
• Regular newsletters.
• On-line grading.
• Plus, we have an interactive business building membership site called The Crystal Club—that includes access to our
International SWAT Certified Coaching Directory.

Quality and Experience – Do your homework! Look at the curriculum, platform, courseware content, required reading materials, and credentials of our teachers. Compare their experience and subject knowledge. You will see our program is superior to anything on the market today. We provide the highest caliber of subject matter, coaching, software, platform, technical support, and mentoring to our students.

Affordability – After quality, consider the cost. Don’t fall for cheap scams. You can’t expect to train for a position paying $50 – $150 an hour, for the cost of a hotel room, but you shouldn’t have to refinance your car either! Education is an investment and the dividends received are proportionate to what you invest. There is no such thing as something for nothing! Your clients rely on your experience and training. If you don’t have any, they will quickly discover it and find someone who does possess the right skill-set.

What are the minimum requirements for admission to the SWAT Institute?

Skill-set requirements include: The 12-Week BODY-MIND-SOUL Total Transformation TeleCourse is a pre-requisite for Module Two in this diploma program. It is also highly-recommended to have basic CPR and First Aid

Hardware requirements include: Computer set-up with modem, duplex soundcard, phone line separate from internet access, and either a headset or microphone and speakers to participate in the class.

Software requirements include: PC Users: MS Word 97 or newer (or compatible software), Windows XP Professional, Vista, or Windows 7, including an email program supporting attachments.

Mac Users: We also provide assistance to students working within Mac environments and will offer suggestions for document conversion options.

What are the other benefits of being a SWAT Certified Coach?

• Coach Certification. Once certain program requirements are fulfilled and approved, such as satisfactory completion of
courses, client coaching hours, mentor coaching, case studies, etc., you will receive the SWAT Institute certification
for marketing and credibility purposes.

• University-level textbooks. Undoubtedly, our program uses the most comprehensive printed curriculum in the world.
Our college-level textbooks will provide you with state-of-the-art learning tools brought to life by our seasoned faculty.

• License to use our materials. Immediately start using our pre-designed forms, assessments, tools and other programs
with your clients.

• A flattened learning curve. When you are working with experienced coaches and teachers who care about your success,
you stay on track and focus on the future. With weekly TeleClasses, you will have time to both integrate and practise
what you learn, thus ensuring that these skills, concepts and phrasing are permanently a part of your coaching toolbox.

• The Crystal Club. You will be encouraged to build a strong network with other SWAT Certified Coaches via The Crystal
Club—a membership site dedicated to you and all your health, fitness, emotional, spiritual and business needs! As a
member of The Crystal Club you can purchase all our products at wholesale pricing—or sell them directly from your
website (which we will also provide you via The Crystal Club) but you keep all the profits! Additionally, SWAT graduates
are invited to join our International SWAT Certified Coaching Directory via The Crystal Club where we not only promote

you as a newly certified coach but we drive our leads your way and help you to convert them into new clients. Coaches

who haven’t been trained with us regularly ask to join this private directory…they can’t!

• Affordable pricing. We’ve kept tuition low compared to other coaching institutes. Payment plans are also available to
support you in getting started soon. There will be additional fees for books, office supplies, and required reading
materials. What is the cost? When you evaluate the SWAT Institute, including our International SWAT Certified
Coaching Directory, you can be confident that you are getting the highest quality program at an extremely reasonable

What is the amount of time or courses that are live rather than taught through pre-recordings?

Our program is unique as our students are not on a fixed timeline and can start at any time that is convenient to them, also our students are from all over the world and in different time zones. Thus most of the courses will be taught via online text and pre-recorded lectures. When Crystal holds her 12 week teleseminar courses she may ask the students who are able to join live on the calls. All live calls with guest speakers will always be saved as mp3’s for our students so they do not miss out! For example Crystal just had an exciting interview with Dr. Christiane Northrup which will be saved as an mp3 for our students.

Will my SWAT Certification accreditation have real value?

You bet it does! Here’s why:

Successful professional coaching is about your client’s success. It’s about your ability to truly help an individual achieve her goals.

Our SWAT Certification course was developed by some of the most experienced professionals in the coaching industry. Combined, they have over four decades of professional experience in developing systems and programs that have helped millions of people to improve their lives and achieve a higher level of success. From this experience they have identified the very best professional coaching practices, techniques and methodologies and combined them into a practical, easy-to-use coaching system that supplies you with everything you will need to insure your clients will receive the finest coaching experience available.

What about my SWAT Coach credential? Is it real?

Yes, the SWAT Certified Coach credential is absolutely real.

There are over a half of a dozen organizations providing life coaching certifications. Their training programs range from two days to 3 years.

The truth is there is no government regulatory agency that sanctions or oversees life coaching certification. In the end, the true value of any coaching credential is measured by the recipient’s ability to deliver meaningful, successful coaching to each and every client served.

When you graduate from The SWAT Institute, you will have gained not only your SWAT & AADP certification, you will have also acquired the expert knowledge and complete confidence to fully utilize the finest professional and comprehensive coaching system available.

Will there be any additional costs other than my tuition fee?

There will be additional cost for books during your course. The average cost is $300-$400 (depending if you prefer print or e-Book version). You are not required to pay for your books all at once. As you finish one course, you move on to the next course and at that time you will pay for the corresponding books. The cost is then spread out throughout the year.

Will I be able to write a diet plan for a client?

As a life coach you will be able to empower women through changes they need to make to have success in each area of their life. You will have excellent knowledge of the foundation of a healthy diet; understanding the nutrition recommendations and guidelines for a healthy diet and weight management. You will be able to share tips to guide clients in healthy eating. You will have resources to share with your client regarding healthy eating and weight management.

Will I be able to write a fitness plan for a client?

As a life coach you will be able to empower women through changes they need to make to have success in each area of their life. You will understand the true benefits and importance of exercise and physical activity. You will be able to provide some tips of what exercise may be most suited to your client. As an example Crystal’s book Simply Woman includes a workout DVD.

Is the SWAT Institute Accredited with the International Coaching Federation?

The ICF is an independent credentialing program, which The SWAT Institute recognizes as a respectable organization trying to standardize and organize coach training. We have looked into what it takes to become ICF certified and at this point The SWAT Institute chooses not to move forward with this. As our Empowerment Coaching Program is unique, it is essential to retain its integrity and flexibility to continue to meet the vision for our school and offer the highest quality program to our students. The SWAT Institute goes above and beyond what the ICF requires and at this time they do not have a process to recognize the other attributes of our school.


The SWAT Institute welcomes all women who have at least six years full-time experience living as an adult on your own! As a SWAT Certified Coach you need at least that experience under your belt to handle the responsibilities of supporting other women in their journey. Upon completion of our program, you will be SWAT Certified and can apply to be Certified wtih the AADP Accredited (American Association of Drugless Practitioners).

Hardware requirements
Computer set-up with modem, duplex soundcard, phone line separate from internet access, and either a headset or microphone and speakers to participate in the class.

Software requirements
MS Word 2003 (or newer), including an email program supporting attachments and either Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari.

General Inquiries
The Simply woman Accredited Trainer (SWAT) Institute Certification Program is designed to be a three-year part-time or 12-month full-time distance education certificate. Beyond that time, if graduation requirements have changed, it will be up to the students to upgrade at their own expense.

Payment Terms
There will be a 5% fee charged to all payment plans that exceed 12 months. Penalty for a declined credit card payment will be $30.00. Students can pay off their tuition balance at anytime within the terms without penalty. All tuition prices are in Canadian dollars.

New SWAT Students have ten (10) days from the date of this agreement to cancel their enrolment in The SWAT Institute and receive a full refund (minus a $200.00 administration fee). However, after the tenth day, no refunds will be issued. Students who have enrolled in The SWAT Institute via a payment schedule will still be required to fulfill the entire payment plan.

The SWAT Institute is committed to keeping your personal information Private and will never disclose any information about you without prior written authorization. We will also be providing you with materials and access to information that is intended for ‘paid’ SWAT Students only. As a student, you are expected to keep all information regarding the certification program confidential and private.

Graduation Policy
In order to graduate, a student must fulfill all academic and financial requirements. If a student has completed all of the academic requirements, but has not yet paid her tuition in full, she will not be able to graduate. Students must maintain an average of 70% in each course in order to move on to the next course. There will be a comprehensive test at the end of each course. As a Student you will be required to apply for the SWAT Institute Certificate at the end of completing and successfully passing all 3 modules, after which an academic evaluation of the student’s records will be conducted and certification issued within 5 business days. Your graduation date is the end date of your last term or 30 days beyond if an extension is required. Certificates are shipped approximately four to six weeks after graduation has been verified.

There will be no exemptions from any course within the modules without prior approval from the Dean of the SWAT Institute

Code of Conduct
The SWAT Institute is committed to the health, safety, and welfare of each of its students and faculty members. The SWAT Institute does not tolerate unreasonable, threatening, obscene, harassing, indecent, or illegal behaviour. The SWAT Institute has the right to judge behaviour and respond accordingly. This right includes, but is not limited to, termination of tuition without refund.

Crystal Andrus – Founder and CEO

Crystal Andrus is a worldwide leader in the field of self-discovery and personal transformation. From a tough beginning—her parent’s divorce at age 12, continued sexual abuse from a family friend, moving on her own at 15, off and on homelessness for three years, marrying young, battling health scares and a huge weight gain, then a difficult divorce that left her almost bankrupt to becoming a single mother to her two young daughters—she has subsequently risen to become a best-selling author, international motivational speaker, women’s health advocate, spokesperson for Louise Hay’s line of supplements—Haylo Health and the Founder of The SWAT Institute.

Her first book Simply…Woman!: The 12-Week Total Transformation Program (January 2005) was a blockbuster success in 2005, coming in at number 14 as the Reader’s Choice at Chapters, Indigo, and Coles across Canada.

Her second book, Transcendent Beauty (March 2006) was another huge personal success that cracked open Crystal’s speaking and television calling. First seen weekly on CTV’s CanadaAM, she was then hired as the Life Coach and Nutritionist on the hit show, X-Weighted, seen on Slice in Canada, Discovery Health in the US, SBS Belgium (in Flemish!), SBS Netherlands (in Dutch), Television New Zealand, Foxtel Australia, British Sky Broadcasting (UK, Ireland, Isle of Man, Channel Islands).

Her third book, Simply…EMPOWERED! (March 1, 2010) was hailed as one of the year’s “must-reads”. Dr. Christiane Northrup says it is: “A complete guide to creating the life of your dreams” and Debbie Ford claims: “If you are ready to become the hero of your own life, this book will get you there!”

Touring with The Power Within and the I Can Do It Hay House Events has allowed Crystal to share the stage with some of the most influential people of our time—Dr. Phil, Louise Hay, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Debbie Ford, Cheryl Richardson, Suze Orman, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Sarah Ferguson – the Duchess of York, among many many others.

Certified by the American College of Sports Medicine and the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, she is the CEO and founder of Crystal Andrus Productions—a company dedicated to creating health & healing products, CDs, DVDs, retreats, and telecourses. She is the founder of The SWAT Institute (Simply Woman Accredited Trainer)—a global online coaching program for women, and she is the is creator of The Simply… Woman Workout Club—Crystal’s private fitness facility.

She lives in a grand old farmhouse in a tiny town in southern Ontario, with her new husband, children, three dogs, two cats, and flock of singing canaries.

Wendy Cowles – Registrar and Vice President of Sales

Wendy Cowles brings over 20 years of Project Management and four years of direct sales experience to The SWAT Institute and is the Registrar and Director of New Business Development.

After working for Corporate America for over 20 years—feeling unfulfilled, Wendy began personal coaching with Crystal Andrus. In less than one year, she turned her life around—lost over 80 pounds and decided to follow her passion by starting her own business working from home. Since then, Wendy has helped co-create, train and lead Global Sales Organizations and has reached the top 1% of income earners in the Direct Sales Industry in the United States and was featured in Success From Home Magazine in 2009.

Wendy supports each new student to ensure their success getting started at the SWAT Institute, while also coordinating, leading and recruiting SWAT Ambassadors from around the world. Wendy is living her dream in Arizona with her husband of over twenty years. She has two beautiful daughters and has recently become a grandmother to a gorgeous baby boy.

“I am so blessed to be here and cannot wait to help inspire many women to step into their GREATNESS!!”

Yvonne MacRae – Dean of the SWAT Institute

Yvonne is Dean of the SWAT Institute, Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator. She has been educating adults in chronic disease prevention and management for over 15 years; helping clients improve their relationship with food, to feel in control of their eating, to nourish their bodies for optimum healthand embrace a healthy lifestyle.

In her mid 20’s Yvonne spent time traveling; exploring different cultures and learning much about the world and herself. This experience helped to deepen her belief that women from all over the world have beautiful spirits and are connected, no matter what their life circumstance. She learned to see great strength and courage in women, even if they did not see it themselves.

Yvonne has firsthand experience coaching with Crystal Andrus, and has attended many of Crystal’s retreats and telecourses—all which have made a great difference in her life. She now uses this positive experience, along with her skills, to help other women feel great about themselves and fulfill their dreams. Her passion is to help women see their own courage, strength and beauty, move past their personal life barriers and live an empowered life, loving themselves, loving what they do, and sharing their unique gifts with others.

As our Dean, Yvonne works directly with each new student to make sure they get the utmost of their education. She is proud to be making a difference in women’s lives as a Dean of the SWAT Institute, and Professor.


Discover And Express Your Life’s Purpose!
If you are tired of living with a feeling of emptiness, if you’re exhausted, depressed, frustrated, confused, or if you know there must be more, but aren’t sure how to find it, then you will want to listen to this amazing call with SWAT Institute founder, Crystal Andrus!

On this awe-inspiring call, you will discover how to :
• Connect with your truth, needs, dreams and desires
• Channel your guilt, fear, anger and disappointment into courage, willingness and
• Discover how and why you’ve been unconsciously stopping yourself from accessing
your truth
• Learn to express your gifts in a way that is rewarded by the world

Why Wanting Is Not Enough!
Best-selling Hay House authors, Colette Baron-Reid and Crystal Andrus have a life-changing conversation that will help you outline “The Map” that you must create in order to live the life you truly desire!

During this call you will learn how to:
• Create the most important environment you need for empowered and authentic self-healing
• Discover the key to co-creating the most powerful life
• Identify the voice of your shadow—the goblin
• Use powerful metaphors for a “3- minute instant awareness shift”
• Reclaim your innate capacity to shape your destiny

Are You Ready To Find The Love Of Your Life?
Listen to this conversation with SWAT Institute Founder Crystal Andrus and author of ‘The Soul Mate Secret’, Arrielle Ford.

During this call you will learn:
• The key steps to manifesting a soulmate!
• The 5 common blocks that stop you from finding true love!
• How the Law of Attraction applies to finding your life partner!

Meet A Real Life Angel For Mankind!
Listen to the Amazing story of Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish!

Dr. Abuelaish is committed to improving the quality of life for women all over the world, focusing on good health and education of females. Crystal says, “I am honored to have this conversation with Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish. He is an icon of hope and peace, a real-life angel for mankind.”

During this 90-minute teleseminar you will:
• Learn how to channel your own stories of pain, tragedy and anger into courage,
willingness, and love.
• Recognize that hatred, whether in your own family or between races or religion, is
a learned belief, driven by fear.
• Feel empowered to heal your own heart.
• Discover that world-peace is not only possible, it is needed more now than ever before.
• Want to make a difference in the lives of young girls and women around the world!







Have you been blessed enough to have found that “one thing” that absolutely LIGHTS YOU UP, even if you don’t get to experience “it” as often as you wish?

I have…
And I must tell you that once you discover your passion—the thing that lifts your spirit to heights unimaginable—you will never be content living a mediocre life again!

I know…
Whether it’s getting up on a stage to talk to 5, 000 people or inviting a small group of 20 women to my home retreat, when I am blessed enough to be able to share my insights, experiences, vision, and hope with others, I am exalted to a level of consciousness that I presume the word “bliss” must be describing.

I’ve found my bliss…
It is the “one thing” I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that is my calling!! Sure, I write books! I create products, work on TV, train coaches, market and produce my events, etc. etc. etc., but it’s none of these things that give me the rush I get when I walk off the stage knowing that God has just used me as His messenger! And that is precisely what I feel like…

I am a messenger…
Sometimes my message is condensed into a 90-minute talk that will give you all the tools you need to tackle any challenge in your life. Other times, it is a 5-day retreat that will, literally, leave you a transformed being.

Take a peek at the events I’ve got coming up! Hope to see you soon!!

February 27th, 2012

Get up-close and personal with Christiane Northrup, M.D., visionary pioneer and the world’s leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness on Monday, February 27th at 8pm ET / 5pm PT for a surprisingly-candid conversation with The SWAT Institute’s Founder, Crystal Andrus, about Sex, Pleasure, Sensuality and The Wisdom of Menopause!

Click here to register!

February 1st, 2012

Join Crystal Wednesdays at 8:00pm ET/5:00pm PT beginning on February 1st, 2012 as she gently yet, systematically guides you on a journey that will awaken your passion, override your fears, and open you up to the endless possibilities for your life. Crystal will then show you how to manifest those possibilities into your life and within no time at all, you will see it showing up in your outer world: Abundance, love, great health, and thin-thighs are all the by-product!!

Click here for more information and to register!

March 31st, 2012

Join Crystal, and 19 other women, in the privacy and intimacy of Crystal’s home in Ontario, for a day to reclaim your health, beauty, femininity, power, and truth!

The Simply Woman Retreat: A One-Day Course in YOU will leave you feeling absolutely empowered, inspired, and ready to face any the fears that have held you back from shining in all your glory! Crystal’s amazing mind-soul mastery, combined with her wisdom, intuition, and cutting-edge coaching techniques, will open up the “eyes of your eyes” allowing you to look at yourself and the world in a whole new light.

This enchanted day is for any woman who is looking for a deeper connection in her relationships, a healing in her body, to discover the path that is right for her life, or simply to understand and love herself in a way she never has before … body, mind, and soul.

Regular: $249


September 7-18th, 2012

Goddess Rising Retreat! – Come join bestselling author and women’s advocate, Crystal Andrus, for a magical 10-day retreat in Italy. Traveling from the heart of Rome to the magical mountains of Abruzzo, Italy (where the essence of the REAL goddesses were known throughout this region), this 10-day retreat from Sept. 7th – 18th, 2012, will elevate your life to a reality you never knew possible.




Listen to the Latest Webcasts!!! (for Free!)

This week’s webcast features
Dr. Christianne Northrup!!!

Listen to Replays of these Fabulous Webcasts!

Loretta LaRoche & Crystal Andrus present The Art of ReInvention!

Humourous & Simply Fabulous…an inspiring outlook on life!

Listen to Celebrity Psychotherapist & Life Coach, Sherry Gaba & SWAT Founder,

Crystal Andrus – webcast replay from Monday, February 13th!

The Real You or the Wounded You? Who is Running the Show?

Join SWAT Founder Crystal Andrus as you:
· Identify the Voice of your Real Self from your Wounded Self
· Heal the Wounded Self so that she can stop reacting – sabotaging your relationships, finances, health, hopes and dreams
· Reconnect with your Real Self and give her permission to “run the show”
· Feel confident and empowered about your future, knowing that you can create the life you were destined to live!

ReClaim Your Beauty!

Listen to SWAT Founder, Crystal Andrus, as she interviews Celebrity Make-up Artist, Michelle Phillips for a deeply healing conversation to help us reclaim our buried essence and forgotten beauty!


Crystal Andrus, international motivational speaker, relationship expert and world-renowned empowerment coach, will support, guide and heal the listeners of “The Crystal Andrus Show”.

Greenbank, Ontario, Canada, January 22, 2012 – Crystal Andrus, one of the world’s most inspiring empowerment coaches, hosts “The Crystal Andrus Show” every Monday 4-5 pm ET on CBS Sky Radio. This promising radio show will deliver its listeners the taste of freedom each week as Andrus takes their calls and answers their most important and pressing questions.

Empowering, enlightening, and educational, “The Crystal Andrus Show” is a not just another live coaching show, instead it will lift the listeners to the highest levels of consciousness, while impressing upon addressees the tools needed to create their greatest life. Crystal’s sidekick and Musical Director, Natalie Hughes, is a prolific songwriter and riveting performer, who adds passion, humor, and healing to this magical hour.

Every speaking event, teleseminar, or show that Crystal leads, is filled with powerful, cutting-edge information, education, and inspiration. When Crystal teaches, the listener learns. To access this empowerment coaching show, and to get direct help, guidance and support from Crystal Andrus, please visit:

Crystal Andrus is a reputable name among the leaders in the field of self-discovery and personal transformation. But this was not always so easy. After her parent’s divorce at age 12, extended sexual abuse from a family friend, a stranger rape at 14, moving on her own at 15, battling the early stages of cervical cancer alone, moving countless times to avoid homelessness until she married very young, experiencing a huge weight gain then a difficult divorce that left her almost bankrupt, to becoming a single mother with no support to her two young daughters—Crystal has subsequently risen to become a best-selling author, international motivational speaker, relationship expert for The Huffington Post, TV host, women’s advocate, and Founder of the #1 coaching program for women world-wide: “The SWAT Institute” (Simply Woman Accredited Trainer).

For more information about ‘The Crystal Andrus Show or any of Crystal’s services, please visit her official website:,

Listeners who desire more information, or to be a part of this unique radio show, everyone is invited to visit:

For media enquiry, please contact:
Aaron Morissette
Director of Operations Crystal Andrus Productions



Women are different than men…everything about us from our bodies, hormones, brains, and metabolisms, to our needs and desires. We respond differently to problems and emotional demands. When we are happy, our homes are happy. When we aren’t, everyone feels it. Women are the emotional center of not only the home but of our world. “When Momma
ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!”

Over the past hundred years, women around the globe have fought (or are fighting) for the right to a fulfilling career, relationship, family, home, wealth, health, body, sex & spiritual life. Many women are still learning how to balance all these areas, while many others feel totally confused. Unless we’ve done some serious soul-searching we are competitive and far too critical. We see ourselves through extremely scrutinizing eyes and think the world does too. Our hormones are out of balance, our weight is ballooning, our relationships are complicated and our finances are a mess.

Women need specialized coaches who can see through the lenses of a woman and who understand our specific struggles and solutions.

A SWAT Certified Coach is exclusively trained to integrate these areas, while solving acute and chronic life struggles.


by: John Phillip

(NaturalNews) Increasing incidence of high blood pressure continues to be the most significant factor in death from a heart attack and advancing cardiovascular disease. Elevated blood pressure readings cause thickening of the coronary arteries as micro-cracks develop that the body attempts to correct with deposits of coronary plaque. Overweight and obesity, smoking, physical inactivity and stress are known contributing factors to the hypertension epidemic. Researchers publishing in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that the imbalance of potassium to sodium in the diet is a significant factor driving high blood pressure. Maintaining an optimized ratio of 2:1 (potassium to sodium) by cutting salty processed foods and increasing natural fruits and vegetables is shown to significantly lower out of control blood pressure readings.

Potassium from natural food sources has been rapidly depleted from the typical diet due to the dramatic rise in sodium-laden processed foods over the past half century. Combined with a reduction in raw vegetables and fruits that are excellent sources of potassium, the balance of potassium to sodium in the diet has shifted from an ideal ratio of 2:1 to a blood pressure raising rate of 2:3. Current potassium intake is fully one-third that of our generational ancestors and is attributed to the skyrocketing increase in high blood pressure incidence and associated cardiovascular risk.

Researchers examining the potassium intake across 21 countries including the US found that average daily consumption of the mineral ranged from 1.7 to 3.7 grams, well below the recommended daily allowance of 4.7 grams. Similarly, sodium consumption averaged 5 grams per day with many individuals taking in as much as 9 to 12 grams. The recommended sodium intake is 2,400 mg daily and 1,500 mg or less is suggested for those with established cardiovascular risk factors.

The study found that only 20% to 30 % of the adult population maintains normal blood pressure readings. The study authors found “An effective way of increasing potassium intake is to follow the guidelines for healthy nutrition more closely, including a higher consumption of vegetables and fruit. In addition, the use of mineral salts in processed foods – by which sodium is partly replaced by potassium – would contribute to an improved intake of both sodium and potassium.”

The study concluded that increasing potassium in the diet has a significant effect on lowering blood pressure and is equal to the effect seen by lowering sodium consumption. Higher potassium intake from natural sources including avocados, spinach, carrots and tomatoes and elimination of sodium-infused processed foods (snacks, soup and fast food) can combine to lower systolic blood pressure readings by 5% to 7%. Improving this single risk factor could reduce hypertension rates enough to dramatically lower cardiovascular risk and heart attack deaths.

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