Category: Featured Content

New “Nature’s Herb Bank”
Gives You
Access to
Nature’s Amazing MedicineChest.


Experts are telling us that Americans are just one disaster away from living like Haitians, where food, water and electricity are scarce but medical care is available only to the privileged few.

Let’s face it… news of natural disasters around the world are recurring with alarming frequency, terrorists are promising to hit us at every turn. Now governments and big business are colluding to use economic problems for their own benefit.

And when disaster does strike, the first responders are likely to be military, and their primary concern will be establishing law and order, not providing medical assistance. The recent catastrophe in Haiti and the government’s response to Katrina show that governments fear anarchy much more than they desire to take care of the sick or injured.

Can America Avoid The Heath Care Landmine?

Generations of Americans have become hooked on medical handouts from the government and are now demanding even more. Meanwhile, a rapidly shrinking middle class is becoming paralyzed by a growing police state and a bureaucracy gorging itself on taxes and regulations.  Our rulers –from both parties– are more arrogant than the British king we rebelled against 200 years ago.

As the lawless meltdown spreads into every corner of our lives, one of the casualties will be our health care system.  In fact, we can see it happening already with the imminent takeover of health care by the federal government.  And don’t fool yourself; the election of a few Republicans doesn’t mean we won’t eventually have nationalized health care.

Get Ready For Shortages Of
ALL Medical Services!

Nationalized, socialist health care will not only mean government dictated care, but government bureaucrats will also be making decisions about who receives any care at all.  With a massive inflow of new patients, doctors will not have the resources to treat everyone.  This will create horrific shortages similar to the British and Canadian systems.

Even worse, today’s hospitals, pharmacies and medical offices carry razor thin “just in time” inventories of the medicines that can spell the difference between life and death for you and your loved ones in an emergency situation. Once the “Pelosi Poison Pill” gets into our nation’s health care system, major disruptions in the ability of our health care system to provide today’s medical miracles quickly and efficiently, will vanish forever.

Think about it. If there was an emergency in your family right now and you can’t get to a doctor, what will you do?  Do you have the alternative medicines and the knowledge to use them when time is of the essence?

Survival Herb Bank - You can still grow off-the-grid medicines in your backyard. Off-The-Grid Remedies Can Still Be Grown In Your Backyard…

For thousands of years, civilizations have flourished using herbal remedies to treat common ailments and even serious disease and injuries, but today Big Government and Big Pharma have formed a well-muscled cartel to ban dozens of herbal medicines.  Why?  Well, simply put… greed. If Big Pharma can’t patent a herb, they lobby Big Government to regulate it.

And yet, they know these natural substances are powerful… so powerful in fact, that almost all prescription drugs today have their origin in plant extracts!

These time-tested herbal medicines are generally safe, all-natural and inexpensive… and in an emergency they may be a lifesaver! In fact…

Traditional medicines have an amazing history in treating many ailments including:

  • Headaches
  • Back Pain
  • Fever
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Common Cold
  • Insomnia
  • PMS
  • Allergies

And even more serious, chronic conditions, such as:

  • Arthritis
  • Rheumatism
  • Asthma
  • Migraines
  • Diabetes
  • Influenza
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Depression

And more!

These traditional remedies have been used effectively for centuries… but the Big Pharma and Big Government cartel can’t patent their natural healing powers, so they have every incentive to ban them.

In fact, efforts are already underway to ban dozens of traditional herbal remedies in capsule and pill form, so you’ll have no choice but to remain dependent on expensive, modern chemical concoctions and their potentially harmful side effects!

Off-The-Grid Medicines Have Been Used
For Thousands
Of Years.
Survival Herb Bank - Off-the-grid medicines have been used for thousands of years.

The all new Survival Herb Bank is the perfect antidote for the poisonous, crippling system being pushed for by the Pelosi, Reid and Obama axis of evil. You can now tap into powerful “off the grid” health care, using all natural, time tested herbal medications.  With the new Survival Herb Bank, you can grow and prepare your own survival herbs and take the first preventative step against the coming socialized medical shortages.

Here’s the best part: If you have ever used over-the counter herbs before, you’re in for a shocker when you start growing your own medicinal herbs. You see, most (certainly not all) store-bought herbal supplements are garbage. I really mean that. The reason is potency. Grown for bulk and not potency, most store-bought herbs are nasty combinations of pesticides and heavy shots of nitrogen to puff up the poundage for harvest. When you grow your own herbal remedies, potencies can go through the roof. You’ll see why we call a backyard herb garden… nature’s pharmaceutical factory!

Medicinal Plants They Don’t Want You To Grow

The Survival Herb Bank contains 20 powerful herbs, all with proven track records as “off the grid”, even underground treatments. Just look at what’s included:

Arnica Montana 1) Arnica Montana (Arnica), used throughout Europe and North America since the 1500’s as a cream or ointment, effective for soothing muscles, reducing inflammation and healing wounds. When brewed as a tea, this amazing herb has been used for stress, sleeping problems, emotional trauma making it an excellent “meltdown herb.”
Actaea Racemosa 2) Actaea Racemosa (Black Cohosh), a traditional Native American discovery from the root of the cohosh plant known for relieving menstrual cramps and symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, irritability, mood swings and sleep disturbances. The root of cohosh is an excellent remedy to provide comfort during times of hormonal changes and menstrual periods. It has sedative effects, making it useful for calming nerves, and has been used for assistance during childbirth, which is a particularly high-energy, depleting and traumatic time for the body.
Eupatorium Perfoliatum 3) Eupatorium Perfoliatum (Boneset), an herb traditionally used by Native Americans, who called it “Ague Weed,” now commonly called “boneset.” It’s a great remedy for treating the symptoms of influenza, and helpful for treating aches and pains and fever. Occasional use of boneset leaves brewed as tea helps detoxify the body, removing excess uric acid. It also acts as to expulse other toxins. In a survival instance, this herb can mean the difference between life and death in high fever or poisoning.
Calendula Officinalis 4) Calendula Officinalis (Calendula), is one of the most widely used herbs for relieving an upset stomach, ulcers, menstrual cramps and is known for having anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial effects. A boutique soap and cosmetic maker charges upwards of $40 per bottle of skin toner made from calendula extract. You can make this at home. The most helpful use of calendula is as a tincture made from leaves or flowers, used as soak for poultices to help heal wounds. It is a great, natural antibacterial agent.
Nepeta Cataria 5) Nepeta Cataria (Catnip), has a long history of being used as a digestive aid. It’s a natural sedative that also helps to ease digestion, colic and diarrhea. Dehydration caused by diarrhea, and high body temperatures caused by fevers can be life-threatening. A tea brewed from its leaves may help alleviate these symptoms. Catmint is also a mild sedative that naturally helps calm the nerves during stressful situations.
Capsicum Annuum 6) Capsicum Annuum (Red Pepper), is a powerful pain reliever when applied topically, and is used to treat osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and shingles. Use this pepper to help with everything from seasickness to a fever. It is easy to grow, and versatile in use, which means it should be a staple of your survival medicine cabinet.
Anthemis Nobilis 7) Anthemis Nobilis (Chamomile), one of the oldest and favorites in any herb garden for its soothing power and calming effect is also known to prevent nightmares. Use a tea brewed from the leaves and flowers of chamomile to help ease stress–including anxiety and panic attacks. The detoxifying and anti-anxiety benefits make this easy-to-grow herb a must-have. It promotes overall health and strength.
Cichorium Intybus 8) Cichorium Intybus (Chicory Root), was traditionally used as an additive to coffee, or as a substitute for coffee. It’s a natural sedative and anti-inflammatory that treats jaundice, helps the body resist gallstones and liver stones, and aids in reducing the levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood. This herb is particularly useful to rid the body of parasites, which are held mostly at bay by modern medicine.  The flowers, used as a poultice, help with wound healing.
Symphytum Officinale 9) Symphytum Officinale (Comfrey), a great first aid for external treatment for wounds and to reduce inflammation associated with sprains and broken bones. Keep this herb growing in the garden so it is readily available for external salves and poultices to help broken bones heal faster. (The plant can also be tilled back into the soil as a natural fertilizer, as it contains high levels of nitrogen in its tissue.)
Echinacea Purpurea 10) Echinacea Purpurea (Purple Coneflower), is one of the most popular herbal medicines today. It has been used for more than 400 years to treat infections, wounds, even malaria, blood poisoning and diphtheria. Drinking tea from Echinacea helps the body regain strength, and helps rid the body of the common cold up to three times faster than doing nothing. Growing your own is a perfect alternative to paying for expensive over-the-counter remedies.
Oenothera Biennis 11) Oenothera Biennis (Evening Primrose), is great for eczema, dermatitis and skin allergies.  It can also reduce inflammations, ease bloating of menstrual discomfort, and strengthens liver functions. One of the most interesting uses of evening primrose is to help alleviate symptoms of multiple sclerosis and other nerve disorders.  It is one of the few herbs that can help with nerve problems.
Foeniculum Vulgare 12) Foeniculum Vulgare (Fennel), used by the Chinese for centuries to treat hernia, indigestion and abdominal pain.  Adding fennel to tea or to a recipe that could cause digestive upset can prevent the digestive upset. Tea brewed from the fennel plant alleviates chronic coughs.  It can also act as a cough syrup and an expectorant to help clear mucus from the lungs.  Oil of fennel can be used as an external pain reliever for sore muscles.
Tanacetum Parthenium 13) Tanacetum Parthenium (Feverfew),
native to southeastern Europe, feverfew is now widespread throughout Europe, North America, and Australia.  The migraine-relieving activity of feverfew is believed to be due to parthenolide, an active compound that helps relieve smooth muscle spasms. In particular, it helps prevent the constriction of blood vessels in the brain (one of the leading causes of migraine headaches). Medicinally use the feverfew leaves, but all parts of the plant that grow above ground may also be used for medicinal purposes.
Hyssopus Officinalis 14) Hyssopus Officinalis (Hyssop), mentioned in the Bible, is an excellent expectorant and stimulant. It is also frequently used for relief of muscular rheumatism, for bruises and contusions Tea made from the flowers of this herb is good to have on hand for people needing assistance with breathing problems.  It has positive affects on the lungs, and can be helpful for asthmatics.
Lavandula Officinalis 15) Lavandula Officinalis (Lavender), is popular in soaps, shampoos and fragrances, but is also a natural remedy for insomnia, anxiety, depression and is known for its soothing effect. Never use lavender on an open wound, but otherwise it is an excellent and soothing herb. It is one of the few herbs that helps combat hair loss. Essentials from the lavender plant have natural anti-depressant properties when used aromatically.
Melissa Officinalis 16) Melissa Officinalis (Lemon Balm), a member of the mint family, is used to help treat sleep disorders when brewed as a tea. Potentially, the most useful application of lemon balm in the realm of the home is that oils from the lemon plant are a natural mosquito repellant. It can be rubbed on the body as a repellent. This helps aid in comfort, but also helps to repel mosquitoes that carry infectious disease.
Althaea Officinalis 17) Althaea Officinalis (Marshmallow), the root of this plant traditionally used to treat asthma, bronchitis, sore throat, cough and even the common cold. It aids in production of milk for mothers who breast feed. In emergency situations, this plant has medicinal properties that help dissolve kidney stones and improve kidney functions, when a tea made by boiling the root is consumed. The roots, when boiled with onions, are also an emergency food source.
Valarian Officinalis 18) Valarian Officinalis (Valerian), has been used as far back as the 2nd century A.D. to treat insomnia, anxiety, nervousness, seizures and epilepsy. Valerian is a natural anti-anxiety remedy.  It is also useful for treating headaches, even migraines.  A definite must for the herbal remedy garden.
Achillia Millefolium 19) Achillea Millefolium (Yarrow), named after Achilles who had used this medicinal to stop the bleeding wounds of his soldiers.  Used today to treat minor bleeding, inflammation fever and infection. Use this herb topically to ease discomfort of hemorrhoids, stop bleeding, as an anti-inflammatory to ease swelling.  Tea brewed from the flowers and leaves will help stop diarrhea, and its potential disastrous dehydrating effects, and helps purge the body of bacterial infections.
Rosmariumus Officinalis 20) Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary), used for indigestion, to treat muscle pain and arthritis, and to improve circulation. Tea brewed from the leaves and taken internally can slow brain degeneration due to Alzheimer’s disease.  It can also counteract nerve degeneration due to Lou Gehrig’s disease.

These remarkable seeds are authentic herb strains, which are NOT genetically modified in any way. If you ever need to get off the health care grid… you’ll only want this special type of herb seed which will produce not only outstanding medicinal quality plants, but will allow you to plant the seeds from the plants you grow unlike sterile hybrids. Many herb seed companies are now selling only “terminator” seeds which have been genetically modified and will not reproduce themselves.

Survival Herb Bank - These are are not ordinary seeds, they have been chosen for their extraordinary germination rates! These are
NOT ordinary medicinal herb seeds…
they have been
chosen for
their truly extraordinary germination rates!

Grown in remote plots all over the globe by independent herbalists, each of the Survival Herb Bank varieties have been hand-picked for germination rate, medicinal potency, and of course, storage life.

The seeds are picked to yield the most potent herbal medicines on the planet.  We have also selected herb seeds that will provide the maximum number of plants in the minimum amount of time.

Each herb seed pack is individually packaged for maximum shelf life. Here’s what we mean by that: We carefully dry each seed to the precise level of allowable moisture which “locks in” heartiness and maintains a long shelf life. Then, each herb seed package is sealed in a special foil packet with an expensive desiccant designed to keep herb seeds fresh for years.

(By the way, never buy seeds in plastic or paper containers. The seeds  won’t hold their germination rates as long.)

The seed packs are packed and placed in a special waterproof (practically indestructible) container we call an Herb Bank. We believe that this type of storage container is the absolute best way to store seeds for the long term. It does cost quite a bit more to do this, but if you have to store seeds for the long haul, it’s extremely important that they will not only have high germination rates, but grow into lush and highly medicinal plants when you need them most.

Also included with your Survival Herb Bank is the ebook, “How to Grow Your Own Herbs for Survival Remedies”, a virtual ‘off the grid’ herbal Bible, complete with a history of herbs, detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to grow “off the grid” herbs. The book also explains how to properly harvest and preserve herbs for optimal use as medicinal remedies.

“How to Grow Your Own Herbs for Survival Remedies” will walk you step-by-step through the process of planting, cultivating, harvesting, preparing and storing your herbs for medicinal use, and answering common questions such as:

  • How each herb has been used traditionally
  • Important new uses for medicinal plants
  • Scientific and clinical results (amazing!)
  • What part of the plant should be used
  • When to plant each of your herbs
  • Best places to plant your “off the grid” medical garden
  • How to engineer your soil for high potency plants
  • When to harvest your herbal medicines
  • Warnings for each type of herb, including often mentioned side effects and which herbs should only be used with the supervision of a physician

Warning: I want to be very clear about something. Having the ability to go “off grid” with medicinal remedies in an emergency doesn’t mean you shouldn’t see your doctor when you are sick. If you are sick and you can get to a doctor, by all means do the intelligent thing and use the amazing health care expertise and diagnostic tools that are the envy of the world.

But sadly, times are changing and changing rapidly. Chairman Obama and his allies on both sides of the aisle are pulling a page from the “state control” playbook. They will not stop until they nationalize our health care system and make most over the counter herbal supplements in pill or capsule form… illegal.

Who knows just how deadly the new socialized system may be… but if it’s anything like the Pelosi/Obama models in the UK and Canada, we can count on:

  • Deteriorating care for every condition
  • Extremely long wait times for critical surgeries
  • Tired overworked doctors and nurses (many will simply quit)
  • Life or death decisions made by bureaucratic panels
  • Crowded, contaminated and overwhelmed hospitals and clinics
  • A continual reduction in services as the costs spiral out of control

Worse yet, the elite are hell bent on creating a health care system that will become just one more tool in the demonic arsenal of total control of the American people.

Step By Step – Off The Grid Herb Garden

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve ever used herbal medicines or alternative treatments before, or whether you don’t know anything about gardening.  This new “off the grid” herbal growing system will show you step-by-step exactly what to do. You can grow your own back-yard medicines. In fact, for your own health and that of your loved ones, you must take preventative action without delay.



Natural Fertilizer – Protogrow












There now exists a new bioactive plant “Superfood” so powerful, so effective in its ability to grow ordinary plants into nutritionally dense giants that it has virtually eliminated the need for harsh chemical fertilizers.

   News of this amazing natural fertilizer for plants is sweeping across the country.  The product is called ProtoGrow™ and it”s dynamite in the garden.  In fact, thousands of gardeners are now using this new “superfood” year round to make both indoor and outdoor plants go wild. What it also gives you is…


Nature’s Original Super-Growth Formula!

ProtoGrow™”s ingredients were developed in Maine by a researcher there. The product contains no harmful chemicals whatsoever. Its ingredients are a unique blend of the micronutrients from a very special kelp extract and the macronutrients from North Atlantic fish. (Fish emulsion is a natural source of a large number of major plant nutrients) Why North Atlantic kelp? For years it was a widely held belief that Atlantic kelp extract had almost magical properties. When a plant became exposed to this amazing substance, it grew like crazy!



“ProtoGrow is great for spiking home grown tomatoes with
bio-available minerals like potassium, calcium and boron as well as healing phytonutrients like lycopene and quercetin. Increased glyconutrient content also gives ProtoGrown tomatoes an unbelievable taste.”

Natural Fertilizer for Tomatoes
Grow radishes with Organic Fertilizer

“Radishes are listed in many publications as a ‘food that heals’ and should be full of ionic calcium. When you grow nutrient dense radishes with ProtoGrow… you’ll see and feel the difference!”

“Sure you can grow sweet corn 10 feet high with Protogrow… but wait til you see the ears. Best tasting corn in the world.”

Grow sweet corn with Protogrow
Seaweed Fertilizer - ProtoGrown beets are simply amazing!

“Beets should be jam packed with ionic iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. They should also make your mouth water! ProtoGrown beets are simply amazing!”

“Use ProtoGrow” to grow
high-octane grapes oozing with phytonutrients such as resveratrol, quercetin, anthocyanin and catechin. Resveratrol, found primarily in the skin of grapes, has been found in preliminary studies to fight breast, liver and colon cancers. Resveratrol is also believed to play a role in the reduction of heart disease and has been shown to exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. ProtoGrown grapes tend to be larger and much sweeter with yield increases up to 38%.”

Natural Fertilizer - "Use ProtoGrow™ to grow high-octane grapes oozing with phytonutrients such as resveratrol, quercetin, anthocyanin and catechin.

Researchers at Clemson who investigated this phenomenon discovered through sophisticated testing, that the extract did indeed cause rapid plant growth. They believe it”s because many of the trace minerals in this special kelp have important regulatory functions when applied to land plants.

Actually the way it works is truly extraordinary. Shortly after applying ProtoGrow” with water, nutritional density begins to increase rapidly which results in darker green leaves and increased sugar content. The plant aging process also begins to slow (senescence) thereby lengthening the production season. Plant vigor begins to increase almost immediately and imparts a greater resistance to disease, insect attack, drought and even frost.

Other growth factors in ProtoGrow™ increase the plants mineral uptake, increase bloom set and dramatically increases the size of both flowers and fruit. Additional ingredients build microorganisms in the soil as well as increase the storage life of fruits and vegetables by actually reversing the loss of proteins, chlorophyll and RNA.

Maximum Plant Growth
In Minimum Time!

Natural Fertilizer - Maximum Plant Growth

The new formula contains four enormously effective ingredients which… when combined together… in such a way… that horticulturists call it “synergistic.” This means that… all the ingredients in the new formula are… much more effective at producing high speed plant growth. This is because of the way each ingredient interacts with the other ingredients in the formula. Thus, this unique product produces plants which maximize their genetic potential in a very amazing way.

In fact, ProtoGrow™ is so effective at producing rapid plant growth in record time that it almost forces plants to grow even under the worst light and soil conditions. You can use it on hard-luck plants where you”ve almost given up hope. You can even grow plants in sand and absolutely astound your friends!

ProtoGrow™ also increases micro-organisms in the soil. In fact, some researchers have considered it one of the most important developments in horticulture. Why? The answer is easy. ProtoGrow™ is more than just a plant food. ProtoGrow™ is a proprietary blend of organic nutrients that contain the basic building blocks of life itself!

You No Longer Have To Use Harsh Chemical Fertilizers!
(ProtoGrow™ Replaces Them All)

By now it should be obvious that ProtoGrow™ is no ordinary plant fertilizer. Unlike other garden products, once you apply it there is really very little else to do. You”ll marvel at the way ProtoGrow™ makes plants grow like crazy. You need only follow the simple instructions. That”s it! ProtoGrow™ simply does not allow the plants in your garden or house to remain normal” Period!

Each day you”ll notice absolute visible results as plants grow into giants even under the worst light and moisture conditions. Plants that bloom rarely” now flower constantly! Sickly plants become vibrantly alive, as flowers become more vivid and vegetables grow vigorously right before your eyes!

Who Should Use ProtoGrow™?

  • Flower gardeners who want fantastic new growth and brilliant blooms
  • Vegetable growers who want to sell the sweetest, richest, tenderest produce imaginable
  • Landscapers who need fast shrub and sod growth
  • Backyard herbalists who want to growth herbs with therapeutic properties
  • Wheatgrass junkies who want to drink nutritionalized “High Brix” juice
  • World Class pumpkin growers who need an edge
  • Families who want to be prepared for any crisis should can nutrient-dense foods
  • Home owners who don”t want to give up on “hard-luck” plants
  • Gardeners who want a showplace with a green, lush professional look
  • Indoor gardeners with hard to grow house plants
  • Rose growers who want thousands of vibrant, fragrant blooms instead of hundreds from spring to frost
  • Stewardship minded plant lovers who want to give back rather than strip the soil

A Word Of Caution!

Some plants like rose bushes may grow even more rapidly. Young trees can jump in size in a very short amount of time. Because ProtoGrow” works automatically and is so effective at promoting staggering growth year round, there is a tendency for some gardeners to overdo it. If some plants grow too rapidly, simply skip an application or two.

Company Offers Extraordinary Guarantee!

Solutions From Science is the only company in the United States authorized to sell ProtoGrow”. They have examined the data from research studies as well as gardeners using ProtoGrow” and are convinced that with ProtoGrow” you can achieve the garden of your dreams. They don”t care if you have tried harsh chemical fertilizers before and were disappointed. They have documented the results of skeptical people who now swear by ProtoGrow”.

In fact, as proof that they believe ProtoGrow” is everything they say it is, they offer an extraordinary guarantee, one that they wouldn”t dare make if they had even a single doubt! If you place your order now and then follow the simple instructions for a period of 90 days, you must be completely satisfied with the dramatic results or just return the empty container(s) and Solutions From Science will refund your entire purchase price. (Less shipping and handling of course) No questions asked!

If you”ve tried to grow geraniums and hydrangeas before into giants” if you”ve tried to turn roses into prizewinners and failed” if you”ve tried to grow vegetables into organic monsters and failed” you no longer have an excuse. In fact, from this moment on, forget everything you have ever heard about what fresh vegetables must taste like. Forget anything you have believed about growing truly succulent fruits and vegetables. You”ll thrill your family with the sweetest, juiciest, tenderest vegetables you”ve ever picked. ProtoGrow” is available, it”s easy to use and it works like crazy on any plant!


P.S. One more thing. It”s important. If you use this product as directed you will also grow the best tasting vegetables you have ever eaten. They guarantee it! For some reason fruits and vegetables grown with ProtoGrow” seem to “burst” with flavor and intensity. They think it”s from the combination of increased mineral uptake and the increased “good sugar” content.

P.P.S. ProtoGrow” is also great for growing “medicine strength” herbs.This makes it a great barter item if things ever get bad. What could be more valuable than the ability to grow high potency herbs and nutritionally dense foods?

Learn how to make your own emergency
remedies for use in any survival situation if and
when medical help may be unavailable.

The remedies
I’ve discovered represent the findings and gleanings of thousands of hours worth of research.
Emergency Herbs

Dear Friend,

If you are serious about “emergency herbs” and how to use them when you can’t find a doctor, this will be an extremely important message to read.

Here’s why. I have just released an amazing new book called “Emergency Herbs” and it’s about the very subject you have some interest in.

Growing an Herb Garden Is easy.
“What herbs
could be of use
in a true emergency
or crisis?”

Listen: My name is Carolyn Stephenson and the first thing you should know about me is… I am not a doctor.

I’m not a botanist either. I have never gone to college and I don’t have a degree in anything. In fact, the only thing I consider myself an “expert” about is…

I Think I Know How Almost Everyone
Can Use Herbs In Emergency Situations!

I know… because… I’ve done it.

Look, when you get into a tight spot, you have to use whatever you can find to keep yourself or a loved one healthy. I’ve worried about this kind of thing for a long, long time. What would I ever do if I couldn’t find a doctor and someone I love was sick? It was an issue that literally kept me awake at night. So… instead of continuing to worry, I decided to come up with some answers. I decided to do some research. I went to five different bookstores in my city and found 72 books on Herbal Remedies.

I bought every single one of them. Some books were good, but most were full of “fluff”. So I went to a few doctors, a chiropractor, and an herbalist. I asked a lot of questions and I took notes from every visit. I also recorded some of the interviews and went back over the information again and again.

I also went to several medical libraries, looked up documented research on many online research journals and generally looked for any information on the subject I could find. After all this research…


I Finally Figured Out
What I Would Do
With Herbs
In An Emergency!

The remedies I’ve discovered (that actually have a shot at working) represent the findings and gleanings of thousands of hours worth of research. I have explained the secrets I’ve discovered in a small, easy to read, 34 page book. It’s written in plain English and you can read it from cover to cover in about 45 minutes or less. It can also serve as a sort of quick reference book if you need help in a hurry.

The book is called “Emergency Herbs” and it explains exactly what herbs to use in a crisis, but also… how to use them. Most of these remedies don’t cost much either which makes it even better. And I promise… as soon as you read this book…

You Are Going To Have
A Big Smile On Your Face!

Why? Simply because the secrets of using herbal antibiotics can give you such a feeling of security knowing you have a backup plan in place.

The book also reveals five amazing ways to help rev-up your immune system in a crisis system. It also recommends 15 herbs you should have “just in case”. All the herbs in this book are available almost everywhere… plus… many of the herbs can be grown for practically nothing or are very cheap to buy (you probably have some of them already!).

You probably have some of these herbs readily available!
Many Of These Herbs Can Be Found Growing Close To Your Home …

Anyway, you’ll learn how to use these 15 herbs in amazing ways. You’ll learn how to use…

  • Leaves
  • Flowers
  • Seeds
  • Roots

Here are a few of the “conditions” those herbs have been used to support traditionally. Please understand, we can’t and don’t make medical claims for the herbs or the suggested use of the herbs. This book is sold for information only. Always see a health care professional if you or someone you love is sick.

  • Coughs
  • Sore throats
  • Diarrhea
  • Dysentery
  • Cuts
  • Burns
  • Dental hygiene
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Malaria
  • Fevers
  • Lowering blood glucose
  • Congestion
  • Chills
  • Shigella
  • E. Coli Salmonella
  • Pain relievers
  • Anti-cramping
  • Stimulation of circulation
  • Skin infections
  • Sinus infections
  • Infected wounds
  • Ulcerations
  • Colds
  • Flu
  • Urinary Tract infections
  • Upper Respiratory infections
  • Adrenal support

There’s a ton of material covered in this condensed “little” 34 page book and having it handy could mean the difference between sickness and health in a crisis and…

You need this information right now because the world is going psycho. The odds are that we will experience some type of meltdown which could affect the availability of good health care. Having this kind of information at your fingertips isn’t a luxury for Americans anymore.

What’s more, the more options you have in a crisis, the better decisions you can make. That’s why I want you to have this book in your possession.


New “Crisis Cooker” Lets You Prepare Hot Meals

When The Power Is Off!


The Most Versatile Backup Stove In The World Allows You To Cook Anything, Any Time, Any Where.

Crisis Cooker


Many people call our company and ask “How do I cook when the power is off?” Well, we think we’ve found the most amazing and affordable way yet. I believe this is the best cooking solution for 90% of American families. We call it the “Crisis Cooker” and it is without a doubt the best survival cooker ever made.

The Crisis Cooker is a highly efficient charcoal, wood or propane cooker that allows you to boil, grill, fry or bake using a fraction of the fuel that other systems use. You can cook an entire meal with as little as 6 briquettes (even a Thanksgiving turkey dinner can be cooked with only 12!) – less than one tenth of the fuel you would use on a conventional charcoal grill and far less than you would use in a wood cook stove.

Burn virtually any type of fuel.

You Can Even Cook An Entire Meal With As Little As 6 Briquettes
Using the small firewood bundles available at your local store, or construction scrap wood, you can have a small warm and pleasant campfire using surprisingly little fuel. One bundle or a few left over 2×4’s will keep your fire going for hours.

With the unique ability to run on charcoal, wood or propane, the Crisis Cooker gives you the option for high efficiency cooking in any given situation. Remember, in an emergency, when systems start to fail… you want as many options as possible and this unit provides them.

Wood Powered Microwave?

Why is the Crisis Cooker so good compared to other cooking options in a true, life and death emergency? Because all the parts are designed from the ground up to work together as a system so it’s safe, economical and extremely easy to use. My wife thinks it’s great. In normal times it serves as an excellent barbeque for picnics. You can also use it to cook potatoes, vegetables, gravy or whatever else is on the menu while the turkey is roasting.

How does the Crisis Cooker work? Light a few briquettes with a paper towel and you’re ready to cook in as little as 10 minutes. Pop in your chicken and in less than an hour, your dinner is ready.

Patented Design Provides Complete Control Over Cooking Temperatures.
Crisis cooker

That’s why I’m so excited (maybe I should say relieved… at last, cooking totally off the grid) to find the Crisis Cooker.

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It’s as easy to use as a barbeque (with greater cooking versatility).
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It’s portable. The whole thing weighs 26 pounds.
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It’s economical to use. You’ll be able to store years of charcoal briquettes for a fraction of the expense of other cooking options.
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It’s also very reasonably priced.

The key to the efficiency of the Crisis Cooker is the patented heat chamber. It conducts heat 10 times more efficiently than conventional stoves. It also has vents that adjust so you can guarantee maximum heat efficiency. And here’s the best part… because it’s so efficient, there is almost no heat on the side or bottom of the vent. The sides will be a little warm to the touch… but not hot! All because of the patented design.

Here are a few more interesting facts:
In an emergency situation, 25 pounds of charcoal briquettes will cook two meals a day for up to 3 weeks.
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Because of the design… it’s almost impossible to tip over
The unit carries a 5 year warranty against manufacturing defects.
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When using briquettes, you can be cooking hot meals in only 5 minutes.
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Powder coat finish on 18 gauge steel makes it almost impossible to scratch.
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Ultra efficient heating system means 12 briquettes will give 2 hours of cooking time.
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Any size frying pan or griddle can be used.
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Up to 18 quart pots can be used for boiling water, soups, and corn on the cob.
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Easy to clean. Just dump the coals and wipe down the interior.
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Adjustable air valve allows you to roast, fry or sizzle with complete control over cooking temperature.
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If you can find a few pieces of wood, you’re ready to cook.
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Comes fully assembled.
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Can be placed on any surface.
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Instant set up in any location.
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Switch from charcoal to propane to wood in a matter of seconds.
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Powerful 30,000 BTU of heat when using propane.
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Cook two meals a day for three weeks with just a single bag of charcoal briquettes.


The Crisis Cooker is by far the most versatile multipurpose survival and emergency cooking stove available. You can use three different fuels so you’ll have food no matter what the circumstances. It’s the ultimate tool for heating, cooking and even sterilizing. It may be the single most important emergency device in your home.

Use to sanitize, sterilize or just warm your hands.
Use The Crisis Cooker To Sanitize, Sterilize Or Just Get Warm.

Along with the Crisis Cooker, I recommend storing charcoal briquettes (you can use small chunks of wood in it if you want, but briquettes are easier to use and, because the unit is so efficient, a full year’s supply is remarkably inexpensive and takes up very little space.)

The price of the Crisis Cooker is $159.95 plus $22.50 shipping and handling for a total of $182.45. All cookers shipped via FedEx.

The absolute fastest way to get one is by clicking on the “Order a Crisis Cooker” button below and placing your order online. You’ll be pleased to know that all “Crisis Cooker” sales are bonded by Buy Safe, the nation’s only online bonded purchase program




Lets You Plant A Full Acre Garden!


New “Seed Bank™” Produces Thousands Of Pounds Of Nutrient-Dense Food For Pennies Per Pound… Enough To Feed Friends And Family Forever!

Survival Seeds

Now you can grow all the survival food you will ever need anywhere in the country with a kit that contains a special seed bank of hard to find, open pollinated… super seeds, grown by small, fiercely independent farmers.

Let’s face it. If the stories coming out on the world’s food supply are even half right, we’ve got real problems and they aren’t going to go away quickly. Here are a couple stories that I ran across recently:

  • Grocery store prices are rising faster than any time in U.S. history.
  • Worldwide grain stocks are dropping precipitously as bio-fuels consume inventories… and on and on and on.

You don’t have to be an Old Testament prophet to see what’s going on all around us. A desperate lower class demanding handouts. A rapidly diminishing middle class crippled by police state bureaucracy. An aloof, ruling elite that has introduced us to an emerging totalitarianism which seeks control over every aspect of our lives.

Are You Ready To Take Control Of Your Own Food Supply?

Do you have the right kind of seeds to plant? If you’re answering no to this questions, you need to stop wherever you are and ask yourself… “What would I do if the grocery stores closed?”

Here’s What You Should Do Right Now…

First, you need to have the peace of mind knowing that if things were to get scary, that you and your family could still eat. Listen: having enough non-hybrid seeds to plant an acre or two could be the difference between life and death. With our new “Seed Bank™,” growing your own  food becomes easy. Remember, our hand-picked seeds are not genetically modified in any way. You simply save some of your harvest seeds from year one and have more than enough to plant in year two. You’ll never need to buy seeds again! You just can’t do that with man-made hybrid seeds.

It’s been very difficult to acquire high quality, open pollinated seeds lately. We’ve had a lot of our Food Storage Secrets’ customers asking for a good source and we finally have seeds we feel comfortable offering folks whose lives may depend on exceptional germination rates.


Survival Seed Bank

What will your family eat when grocery store shelves are empty?


These seeds are authentic strains which are NOT genetically modified in any way. When the going gets tough… you’ll only want this special type of seed which will produce not only outstanding nutritional plants but will allow you to plant the seeds from the plants you grow unlike sterile hybrids. Most seed companies are now selling only “terminator” seeds which have been genetically modified and will not reproduce themselves.

These are NOT ordinary seeds… they have been chosen for their truly extraordinary germination rates!

Grown in remote plots, far from the prying eyes of the big hybrid seed companies, each of the Seed Bank™ varieties have been hand-picked for germination rate, nutritional density and of course, storage life. These seeds are true heirlooms and produce extremely nutritious plants. In fact, some studies show that these varieties are up to five times as nutritious as hybrid varieties. We have also selected seeds that will produce some of the best tasting garden produce available.

Each seed pack is individually packaged for maximum shelf life. Here’s what we mean by that: We carefully dry each seed to the precise level of allowable moisture which “locks in” hardiness and maintains extremely long shelf life. Then, each seed package is sealed in a special foil packet with a very expensive desiccant designed to keep seeds fresh for 20 years at 70 degrees. However, if you freeze your “seed bank” you could increase the shelf life by five times or more beyond that.

(By the way, never buy seeds in plastic or paper containers. The seeds just won’t last.)

The seed packs are then packed and placed in a special waterproof (practically indestructible) container we call a Seed Bank. We believe that this type of storage container is the absolute best way to store seeds for the long term. Yep, it costs a little more, but if you do have to store seeds for the long haul, it’s pretty darn important that they will not only have high germination rates, but grow into lush, productive crops when you need them most.


The Seed Bank™ produces thousands of pounds of nutrient-dense food for pennies a pound.

Seed Bank


Each Seed Bank™ has a total of 22 varieties of OPEN POLLINATED “super seeds.” Also included are detailed growing instructions for each variety which includes helpful information on harvesting of seed stock for the following year in a survival situation. This is obviously very important because failing to collect seeds properly at harvest time could mean starvation.

Each Seed Bank™ Contains
These Or Similar Hand Picked,
Heirloom Varieties:

   1) October Bean – Beans are rich in fiber and an inexpensive source of protein. This Native American variety     dates back to the 1830’s from the Cherokee Nation in Tennessee. Prolific producer, great winter staple. Bush habit, 85-90 days. 200 seeds per Seed Bank.
Black Valentine Bean 2) Black Valentine Bean, Stringless – Straight slender dark-green, nearly round pads, stringless at all stages. 16-18 in. plants, hardy, good for early plantings, good shipper, very old heirloom, pre-1850, introduced by seedsman Peter Henderson in 1897. 48 to 70 days. 300 seeds per Seed Bank.
3)Bountiful Bean – In 1897 Abel Steele of Ferguson, Ontario won a $25.00 prize for naming this new variety from Peter Henderson & Company, previously known as “Green Bush Bean #1.” Heavy crops of excellent quality, brittle, stringless 6-7″ pods. Productive bush plants grow 16″ tall, 47-50 days. 200 seeds per Seed Bank.
4)Detroit Dark Red Beet – Introduced in 1892; original selections were made from Early Blood Turnip by Mr. Reeves of Port Hope, Ontario. Nearly globe, blood-red 3″ diameter roots. Beets are often credited in folk medicine for gallbladder and liver health, and they have natural anti-inflammatory properties. Delicious fresh, great for canning. Prolific, good keeper.  60-65 days. 300 seeds per Seed Bank.
5)Copenhagen Market Cabbage – Introduced by H. Hartman & Co. in 1909. Solid heads reach 6-8″ in diameter, weigh 3-4 pounds and rarely burst. Medium sized plants ideal for small gardens. Cabbage is a part of the brassica family of vegetables, which are known for their cancer-protective properties. 63-100 days from transplant. 300 seeds per Seed Bank.
6) Stowell’s Evergreen Corn – The original strain of this variety was bred by Nathaniel Newman Stowell, born May 16, 1793 in New Ipswich, Massachusetts. After years of refining the strain, Nathaniel sold two ears of seed for $4.00 to a friend who agreed to use it only for his private use. His “friend” then turned around and sold the seed for $20,000 and it was introduced to the seed trade in 1848. His variety is still the leading white variety for home gardens and market growers. Ears grow 8-9″ long and have 14-20 rows of kernels, 1-2 ears per stalk, holds well. 80-100 days. 250 seeds per Seed Bank.
7) Reid’s Yellow Dent Corn – Old-timer, well adapted to Southern heat and soils, vigorous 6 – 7 ft. plant, 9-10 in. double well filled ears,high protein. Developed by James L. Reid in northern Illinois. This late large reddish corn was crossed with an earlier yellow dent to create the modern Reid’s Yellow Dent. 85-110 days. 300 seeds per Seed Bank.
8) Bushy Cucumber – Enjoy the cool, satisfying crunch of cucumber in your salads! This well-known older variety originated in Russia. Recommended for dacha gardens that surround Moscow because of its compact “bush” plants with 3-5 foot vines. Good production, for fresh eating or pickling. 46-49 days. For earlier harvest, start indoors before the last frost. 90 seeds per Seed Bank.
9) Yellow Of Parma Onion – A top-quality, late-maturing onion with handsome, golden, upright globe-shaped bulbs. Average size is 1 pound. One of the best for storage. Imported from Italy. 110 days from transplant. 1000 seeds per Seed Bank.
10) Bloomsdale Spinach – Vigorous, upright plants. Dark glossy green leave are thick, twisted, crumpled, blistered and savoyed. Fine quality, very tender, excellent flavor. Rich in Vitamins A and K, rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, a good source of folate, Vitamin C, potassium, and more. Quick growing, heavy yields, well adapted for late spring or summer plantings, slow to bolt. Introduced before 1908. 39-60 days. 400 seeds per Seed Bank.
11) Scarlet Nantez Carrot – Cylindrical roots are 7″ long by 1“” wide. Bright reddish-orange flesh, fine grained, nearly coreless, great flavor, sweet and brittle. Good as baby carrots. Good for storage, freezing and for juice. Variety chosen for its extremely high anti-oxidant constituents. Widely adapted, highly selected, uniform strain. 65-70 days. 1,050 seeds per Seed Bank.
12) Red Salad Bowl Lettuce – Large decorative upright plants with wide leaves that are crisp and delicious. One of our best performers. Beautiful deep-lobed bronze leaves, 6″ tall and 14-16″ wide plants. Very slow to bolt. Introduced to U.S. gardeners in 1955. Looseleaf, 50 days. 1,750 seeds per Seed Bank.
13) Oakleaf Lettuce – Known as Baltimore or Philadelphia Oakleaf in the 1880’s. Resistant to hot weather, long-standing, never bitter. Excellent quality even in late summer. Looseleaf, 50 days. 1,750 seeds per Seed Bank.
14) Hale’s Best Melon – A reliable early melon with heavy netting and firm salmon colored flesh. Good flavor and drought tolerant. Fruits are round and weigh 3-4 pounds.  Introduced in 1923. Melons are ripe when they “slip” off the vine.  Hale’s Best should be harvested just prior to “full slip” or when you might still need to pull a bit to make them slip off the vine. A serving of this melon delivers 100% of the recommended daily allowance of Vitamins A and C. 175 seeds per Seed Bank.
15) Green Arrow Pea – An English main crop variety, a standard home and market variety. Medium-size vines grow 24-28″ tall. Slim pointed pods are 4-5″ long and contain 8-11 small deep-green peas. Pods are almost always borne in doubles. Very heavy, reliable production. Shell, 62-70 days. 500 seeds per Seed Bank.
16) Fordhook Giant Chard – Introduced in 1934 by W. Atlee Burpee and Co. Broad dark green heavily crumpled leaves with white veins and stalks. Plants grow 24-28″ high with 2½” wide stalks. Abundant crops all season and even after the first light frosts. 50-60 days. 200 seeds per Seed Bank.
17) Brandywine Tomato – (a.k.a. Red Brandywine) The original Brandywine introduced by Johnson and Stokes in 1889, the large vines produce fruits that are 8-12 ounces and deep red in color. Tomatoes are an excellent source of Vitamins A and C, along with protective antioxidants. Very productive, excellent taste. Indeterminate, 80 days. 200 seeds per Seed Bank.
18) California Wonder Pepper – First introduced in 1928. This is one of the best for the home gardener, long known as a great canning and freezing variety. Heavy sets of 4-lobed, 4″ blocky fruits that ripen from green to red. An excellent source of Vitamins A and C.  Start indoors; 70-75 days from transplant. 50 seeds per Seed Bank.
19) Early Jalapeno Pepper – The earliest Jalapeno, does well even in cool areas. Sturdy 24″ plants are loaded with 3″ fruits that ripen from green to red. Fruits are mild when green, but hotter when red and fully ripe. Great for pickling. 60-70 days from transplant. 50 seeds per Seed Bank.
20) French Breakfast Radish – Oblong and blunt, rose-scarlet with a white tip. White, crisp flesh, mildly pungent flavor, top quality. Sow in the spring or fall, pick when small. A garden standard since the 1880s. 30 days from transplant. 900 seeds per Seed Bank.
21) Waltham Butternut Squash – Prized for its uniform shape, rich dry yellow-orange flesh, nutty flavor and high-yielding vines. Good source of healthful carotenoids. Fruits are 3-6 pounds and exceptional keepers. The result of years of patient refinement and selection by Bob Young of Waltham, Massachusetts. One of the most recognized types of baking squash. AAS winner in 1970. 83-100 days. 40 seeds per Seed Bank.
22) Rossa Bianca Eggplant – Stunning Italian heirloom, beautiful fruits are prized by chefs. Very meaty 4-6″ round fruits, mild flavor and almost never bitter. Well suited for all of your cooking needs, great for Eggplant Parmisiana. 80 days from transplant. 50 seeds per seed bank.

*Important: We are in a very real “non-hybrid” seed shortage. This means we may have to substitute varieties if supplies become exhausted. All Seedbanks will contain the same amount of ONLY Heirloom seeds, enough to plant a full acre Crisis Garden!

Total Seeds –
Enough To Plant One
Full Acre!


Heirloom Survival Seeds

Remember, non-hybrid seeds can be grown practically anywhere and have the ability to assimilate mineral and trace elements from the soil that man made plants just don’t seem to have. That’s because they were created by God as we read in Genesis:


Survival Seed Bank Picture

So… all in all… you’re saving $149.00 off the full price… and you get a waterproof seed bank FREE. That’s right. You can actually bury this unit for 20 years if you like and still have your seeds when you need them most. Most seed companies send you seeds in paper envelopes and cardboard boxes. But the difference is that the seed bank you get from us is practically indestructible.

That’s a heck of a deal right there.

But there’s more: I am also going to give you a bottle of “Nitro Seed Starter Solution” absolutely free of charge. What this amazing product does is allow you to jump start your crop by simply soaking your seeds in this solution for a few seconds before you plant. When the Nitro soaked seeds hit the ground… it’s over. The seeds grow like crazy!

And there’s one more thing: You’ll also receive detailed instructions on how to harvest seeds for the following year.

Survival Gardening With Heirlooms In fact, we’ve included a special 81-page e-book called *Survival Gardening With Heirlooms*. It’s designed to help anyone (beginner or expert), cultivate a highly productive crisis garden. Written by a survivalist and a master gardener, it describes in detail, each step of the way, taking you by the hand from planting your seeds to cultivating to gathering and storing your seeds for the next growing season. The 81-page manual is absolutely free as an e-book to anyone that purchases a Survival Seed Bank™.




Now You Can Harness the Power of the Sun
to Cook Up Delicious Meals Anywhere!


Obviously, cooking a meal would be impossible for most people without electricity or natural gas. A stove would become nothing more than a useless hunk of metal; a microwave nothing more than a plastic box.

And that’s why I want to tell you about the new solar oven from Solutions from Science — a compact portable device that will cook anything using only the power of the sun!

New Solar Oven Cooks Food Even When
You Don’t Have Wood, Gas, or Electricity!

This new solar oven could be just what you need to help you survive an emergency, a widespread disaster, or even the collapse of the aging U.S. electrical grid.








With a solar oven you can cook just about anything so long as the sun is shining. And with the built-in thermometer, you can make sure your food is cooked thoroughly so it is 100% safe to eat. (Most meats should be cooked at 140-165 degrees Fahrenheit — the solar oven can reach temperatures up to 400 degrees!)


Here’s the best part: The solar oven is portable… durable… and super-easy to use. All you need is a pot (dark-colored ones work best). Align the oven with the sun to “preheat” it. Put the food inside the pot, place the pot on the preheated solar oven… and voilà! Your food will start cooking.

Believe it or not, cook times are fairly similar between a traditional oven and the solar oven. Of course the solar oven may take a bit longer if clouds get in the way. But overall, your food will cook fairly fast.

And here’s something most people don’t know. The food cooked in our solar oven actually…

Tastes Better Than Food
Cooked in a Traditional Oven!

That’s because the heat is evenly distributed and the natural juices remain “locked in.” In fact, it’s nearly impossible to burn a meal using your solar oven due to the how evenly the food is cooked. You don’t even have to stir it!

The Solutions from Science solar oven is perfect for:

Survival – Cook anything, anywhere, so long as the sun is shining. Cooks meat (including small and large game), vegetables, and more. The perfect survival oven to have on hand in case there is a disruption in electricity or natural gas supplies.
Camping – Want a back-up in case your gas-powered stove runs out of fuel? The solar oven is the perfect solution — much simpler and safer than trying to cook over an open fire.
Fishing – Cook your fish right after you catch it! It’ll be the freshest, best-tasting fish you’ve ever tried. And get this: It doesn’t even matter if it’s below freezing outside. So long as there’s sun, you’ve got “fire” to cook with.

The truth is, the Solutions from Science solar oven can be used to cook just about any food, anywhere, and in any situation! It’s convenient, easy-to-use, and…

It’s Totally FREE to Operate!

A conventional oven is usually the biggest energy hog in the house. Just one hour on medium heat sucks up 3 kilowatt hours of energy. And if you’ve done much cooking, then you probably know that the heat that escapes the oven can make your kitchen uncomfortably warm.

The solar oven, on the other hand, won’t cost you a penny to operate because it’s powered exclusively by the sun. So long as the sun is shining, you’ll have a source of unlimited FREE energy to cook with! Plus, your kitchen will stay comfortable — a real blessing if you live in a hot climate.

Getting a solar oven for yourself is important so you’re prepared for any emergency or disaster the moment it strikes. But it’s not only about being prepared — it’s about being smart, saving money, and conserving precious natural resources. Why use wood, electricity, or natural gas if you can cook just as well with the energy from the sun?

Act Now… And Start Enjoying
Your New Solar Oven!

The solar oven from Solutions from Science is one of the highest quality units on the market today. It’s made from tough durable materials so it can stand up to heavy use in rugged conditions. It comes with a comfortable handle (for easy carrying), heavy duty reflectors, and a leveling leg so you can easily adjust the oven to fully face the sun.










Dehydrating & Preparedness Accessory Package Includes:
  •  Multi-Level Dehydrating & Baking Rack Set (set of 3 racks w/1 roll parchment paper)
  • Two Easy Stack Pots with interchangeable enamel and glass lids
  • Multi-Fuel Water Pasteurizing Indicator (WAPI)
  • Two Loaf Pans
  • A computer CD with over 80 SUN OVEN recipes, cooking tips, FAQs, written & video operating instructions, a video on how the SUN OVEN works and emergency preparedness tips
  • Free Shipping within the Continental United States

1800 watt Solar Backup Generator

Amazing “Solar Generator”  Is Like Having A
Secret Power Plant Hidden In Your Home!

Solar Powered Backup System Provides Instant Electrical Power In Any Outage Or Disaster. Even Better…
Backup Kit Produces An Endless Supply Of Electricity For Free!

 Are You Ready For Unexpected Power Outages?

If you have ever wanted to have an emergency “backup” system that supplies continuous electrical power, this will be the most important message you will ever read.

Here is why.

There is now a completely portable (and ultra-high efficient) solar power generator which produces up to 1800 watts of household electricity on demand when you need it most. News of this “solar backup generator” (it’s the first “off-the-grid” breakthrough in 50 years) is spreading like wildfire all across the country!


The answer is easy. You see, this solar generator is extremely powerful and yet very simple to use. It produces continuous electricity and runs with absolutely no noise whatsoever. It emits no fumes. But the best part about the solar generator is that it…

Generates Free Electricity!

The unit then stores the power for your use when you need it. We all face natural disasters, with hurricanes, tornadoes, snow and ice storms cutting off electrical power to millions of Americans each year.


Have A Backup System In Place!

The Solar generator kit consists of three main components which work together to create a very efficient home power plant. The massive “generator-backup”, the high efficiency solar panel, and the charge controller. In fact, when you compare a solar generator to a gas generator, the difference is pretty remarkable. Here’s why. First, gas generators make an incredible amount of racket… if you can even get them started. I say that because in this part of the country (Northern Illinois), the time of year we are likely to lose our electricity is in the winter, during an ice or snow storm.

Generally the wind breaks the power lines, which get covered with ice and snow. Typically, when you lose power here, you go to the garage, roll out the generator and start pulling the cord. You pull and pull some more, all because your generator has been sitting in the cold and the carburetor is playing hard to get. This is not a lot of fun in the dark.

Another reason to avoid gas generators is that you just can’t run one in your house. The fumes from a gas generator force you to run it outside and rely on a lot of cords coming through windows or doors to bring the power inside. Again, this is assuming you can get your gas generator started in the first place.

Gas Stations Can’t Pump Gas Without Electricity!

Yes.  It’s true.  When the power goes out, you’re left with whatever gas you have on hand because the gas station pumps all run on electricity.  A few gallons stored in a gas can means a little electricity for a little while, then it’s quickly back to black.

Look… I could go on and on about life without electricity and what nightmare gas generators can be. But here’s the bottom line. Solutions From Science is offering an amazing power generating system that can provide plenty of electrical power in the event of an outage or emergency. And the best part is that you can have the power safely in your house.

It’s the perfect emergency backup for troubled times at any location.
When the lights do go out at your house…
you’ll be darn glad you didn’t hesitate.

And, Solutions From Science can put one of these “backup” Solar Generators in your hands very quickly and affordably so you’ll be prepared in any crisis that comes down the road.

A True Breakthrough In Home Power Generation!

Let me try to explain the features and benefits of our Solar Generator as simply as possible. If I could bring one over to your house and let you start plugging in appliances, you would immediately understand what all the fuss is about. But I can’t do that. Here are some of the reasons you’ll want a solar generator:

1)Maximum power in minimum time. – I cannot emphasize this enough.  The solar generator can be set up in just a few minutes.  Then, all you have to do is start plugging things in.  It will run both AC & DC appliances anywhere… anytime
2)Back up power when you need it most – It’s called a “solar backup” because it’s designed to come to your rescue when power trouble starts and your lights go out. Run a small refrigerator (high efficient ones are best) to keep your food from going bad or even run a sump pump in the basement if you have to get rid of excess water.
3)Portable Power – If the going ever gets too tough where you are and you decide to “get the heck out of dodge,” you simply throw it in the car and take off to a safer destination, knowing you have power wherever you go.
4)Replaces gas generators – No noise, no fumes, no maintenance and most importantly… no fuel required.  Simply roll it to whatever location needs the power and start plugging in appliances.  It has a massive maintenance-free battery as well as an indestructible outer case.  (It weighs about 65 pounds.) It’s a solid piece of equipment that will last a lifetime
Solar Generator 5)Generates permanent power – The unit provides 1800 watts of electricity at peak power.  That’s enough to run many appliances in your house.  The unit stores power and makes it available when you need it.  The generator is recharged constantly by the sun allowing you to use the system and charging it at the same time.  Many users choose to keep appliances plugged in permanently to reduce electrical costs and help pay for the unit
6)Multiple uses – You can use your solar backup to run essential appliances when emergencies arise. You can recharge phones; run shortwave radios, televisions, lights, fire place or furnace fans, as well as computers and printers. Plus, if you need to work in the woods at the cabin or in a boat, you can use the solar backup to run power tools, trimmers, blowers and coffee makers.
7)Plug and play means instant power – The emergency backup system comes ready to go. Just start plugging in your favorite household essentials…
Life Saving Power when you need it 8)Life-Saving Power When you need it most – Great for powering aquariums, CPAP machines, small refrigerators/freezers, alarm clocks, security systems, whatever you need to live comfortably when the power goes out.
Emergency Backup Power for Communications 9) Emergency Backup Power for Communications – Access the latest weather changes even when the rest of the neighborhood looses power. Powers AM/FM radios, televisions, shortwave radios, cell phones, computers, and other telecommunication devices.
Emergency Backup Power for Communications 10) Assembled in AmericaOur solar kits are assembled in the United States of America.

You’ll feel a whole lot safer knowing you have a solar generator when the unexpected occurs. It could be in a storm, riot or meltdown. Unlike most  people, when the power goes out, you’ll be ready. In fact, if you’re like most Solar Generator owners, you’ll even sleep a little better knowing you still have a very reliable source of electrical power.

How much is a “plug and play” Solar Generator? Well… One friend of mine told me he couldn’t even put a price on his backup system. For him it was peace of mind.

FEATURES- Power Source 1800 Backup

Solar Backup Generators

Power Source 1800 Solar backup generatorIntroducing a powerful new way to keep your essential household appliances running when the power goes out. Power outages are a reality that can threaten your productivity and sense of comfort. The Power Source 1800 is the perfect Backup power solution for essential home appliances, emergency power electronics and full size office equipment during a power outage.

Power Source 1800 will supply up to twelve hours of uninterrupted backup power for a small office, and up to eight hours of runtime for essential home appliances and small electronics during a power outage.

Until now, backup power products on the market have only been able to provide limited backup power for outages, and not extended runtime like the Power Source 1800. The unit switches to backup power automatically when a power outage occurs. This happens seamlessly so the home appliances and electronic devices that are hooked up to it won’t sense the power outage. They’ll run off the units charged battery for hours.

Backup Generators Features Home Backup Power: Will run a fridge, freezer, sump pump and 1000 W microwave, fish tank light and air pump, home alarm system and garage door.
Emergency Generator Features Emergency Power: Will run essential electronics such as a 20 ” TV, radio, fan, mobile and cordless phone, and a 40 W emergency light.
Solar generator Features Small/Home Office Backup Power: Will run a laptop, desktop and 20″ LCD or CRT monitor, 600 W office lamp, inkjet printer, 4-in-1 copier/printer/fax/scanner, internet modem, VoIP phone, mobile phone and cordless phone.
Solar generator Features 1800 watt inverter with five 115 VAC power outlets for operating multiple devices simultaneously.
Solar generator Features Built-in transfer relay provides reliable backup power capability.
Solar generator Features Bright LED light turns on automatically when power outage occurs to provide illumination over the AC outlets.
Solar generator Features Digital LED display indicates battery capacity status and total wattage of the devices connected to the unit.
Solar generator Features Audible alarm signals 10 minutes before the unit runs out of battery power.
Solar generator Features Integrated handles for easy transportation.
Solar generator Features Overload and over-temperature protection to ensure longer PowerSource life.
Solar generator Features Sealed, non-spillable 60 amp-hour AGM battery
Solar generator Features Recharges from the included solar panel or from home AC wall outlet

— SPECIFICATIONS ———————————–
OUTPUT – Output power (maximum) : 1800 W (2900 VA)
Surge power (peak) : 3600 W
Output voltage (nominal) : 120 VAC
Output frequency : 60 Hz +/-1 Hz
Output wave form : Modified sine wave
Transfer switch : 15 A maximum/<80 milliseconds
Surge suppression : Yes
Inverter on : < 0.6 A (battery drain)
(no-load current draw)
Charging time : 15 hours from 120 VAC
12 VOLT DC – Internal battery type : Sealed lead acid, AGM
Internal battery capacity: 60 amp-hours
Internal battery voltage : 12 VDC (nominal)
Low battery alarm : 11.0 V (nominal)
Low battery shutdown : 10.5 V (nominal)
Internal charger
charging current: 5 A DC maximum
DIMENSIONS – 8.5″w x 18.5″h x 10.5″d WT.- 65 lbs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Solar Power Information

What exactly is a Solar Generator?

The Solar Powered Generator is an electric generator which will provide up to 1800 watts of household electricity (3600 watts peak); enough to run almost any electronic product or appliance you might connect to your wall outlet at home. No diesel or regular gas is needed! It consists of a battery pack that stores electrical energy, state-of-the-art electronics that convert 12 volts from the battery pack to household power, an AC power panel that contains five standard outlets, and a DC power panel that is used to run 12 volt products. The Power Source 1800 is packaged in an almost “indestructible housing” and is easy to move around as needed.

Solar Power Batteries

Is it a generator?

With the included solar panel, yes. The Solar Generator is an electric production and storage unit. Generators are self contained power units which generate their own electricity by use of a solar panel or other fuel source. It generates its own electricity, and stores the electricity for use when you need it.

Is it noisy?

No, the Solar Powered Generator runs silently, no noise whatsoever. It emits no fumes and no gas is needed.

What can I run with it?

The Solar Powered Generator provides for 1800 watts of household electricity (3600 watts peak). That’s enough to run almost any electronic product or appliance you might connect to your wall outlet at home. But appliances that require exceptional amounts of power are best to avoid, if possible, as they are very expensive to run from batteries or a generator. Examples include central air conditioners, heat pumps, electric hot water heaters, electric clothes dryers, electric ranges and electric space heaters.

Run Times on typical products if you unplug the Solar Panel and use battery power only:

Run Time**
Cordless Phone 5 63 h
Cell Phone 5 63 h
Internet Modem 6 56 h
Inkjet Printer 8 46 h
Clock Radio 8 46 h
Laptop Computer 20 22 h
20″ LCD Monitor 52 7.5 h
Table Lamp 40 10.5 h
13″ TV 38 11 h
Desktop Computer 200 1.5 h
8.8 Cubic Foot Freezer 80 4.5 h
18 Foot Refrigerator 120 2.8 h
Sump Pump 1/2 HP 300 1 h
Microwave 920 12 min

* Average power consumption as measured on loads tested under regular operating conditions.
Rated power may differ from average power consumption.

** Run time as measured on tested loads.

Run time for combinations of products if you unplug the Solar Panel and use battery power only:

Run Time **
Laptop, Inkjet Printer, Cordless Phone, Internet Modem Up To 10 h
Desktop Computer, 17″ LCD Monitor, Inkjet Printer, Internet Modem, Cordless Phone Up To 1.6 h
Cordless Phone, 13″ TV, Clock Radio, Table Lamp Up To 4 h
18 Cubic Foot Refrigerator, Home Alarm System Up To 2.6 h

** Run time as measured on tested loads.

AC appliances run times if you unplug the Solar Panel and use battery power only:

Household Electrical Appliances; (115 Volts AC) Typical Power (Watts) Estimated Run Time (Hours)
Clock Radio 8 32
Light Bulb (CFL) 14 18
Portable 6″ Television/Radio 14 18
Laptop Computer 25 10
Refrig/Freezer – 7 cubic ft 30 8.5
Refrig/Freezer – 19 cubic ft 90 3
Sun Frost Refrigerator R4 – 4 cubic ft 8 31
Sun Frost Refrigerator R19 – 8 cubic ft 28 9
Portable Fan 65 4
13 inch TV / VCR 100 4

DC Appliances and Equipment; Run Times if you unplug the Solar Panel and use battery power only:

12 Volt Automotive or Marine DC Accessories Typical Current (Amps) Estimated Run Time (Hours)
Cellular Phone 6 42
Fluorescent Light 8 31
Coffee Maker 30 8
Tire Inflator 100 3

On average, how long does it take the solar panel to fully re-charge the unit?  That would be assuming the regular power source is out and you could not plug it in to your regular A/C outlet to re-charge it.

That really depends on the sun. For example, here in Northern Illinois, in full sun during the winter, it takes about 5 to 7 hours to fully charge the system. Two hour recharge times in full sun have been reported in the Southwest.

Can you get 50′ of cord?

Yes. It comes with 50′ of cord.

What are the dimensions of the panel?

47″ long X 21″ wide X 2″ deep
weighs 17 pounds

Is it “portable” and easy to move around?

Yes, very. It weighs only 65 pounds, has “lifting handles” at both ends as well as hidden wheels which make moving the unit around a snap.

When you say it will run a Sunfrost R19 refrigerator for 9 hours, do you mean that the fully charged battery will do that by itself, or does having the unit receiving electricity from the solar panel simultaneously  increase the run time, and, if so, by how many hours?

Fully charged without the sun. Running the system during the day, with the panel in the sun increases results and those results will be a function of where you live, time of year and how much sun/clouds that day.

If power goes out for several days, will the act of plugging the refrigerator into the unit for just a few hours each day, combined with the act of having the solar panel constantly re-charging the unit, allow for effective frozen/cold food preservation for several days?

Yes. This is the strategy we highly recommend in an emergency.  As you know, your refrigerator doesn’t run all the time anyway. Simply run your refrigerator for two hours plugged in to the solar generator and then unplug it for two hours. This works great!

Does it include a battery?

Yes, the Solar Powered Generator includes a massive 60Ah battery. The battery is a sealed, maintenance free battery and is securely housed inside the housing.

Can I charge it and use it at the same time?

Yes. The Solar Panel connects to the Solar Powered Generator with the included DC socket, so your household AC appliances can be run from it at the same time. Use the Solar Powered Generator permanently and watch your electric bill drop!

Is the System easy to install?

Yes, the system is very easy to install since no actual installation is really needed. No electrician is needed either. This is a stand-alone system that does not need to be connected to your household wiring whatsoever. Just fasten the solar panel to a flat surface outside, and then plug everything into the power plant. That’s it!

How often should I change the battery?

Just like the battery in your car, it should be charged up now and then, and actually used. The expected life span of the battery will be around 6 years or more, but the more you use it, the longer it will last! 🙂

Can I use it indoors?

Yes. The Power Source 1800 does not emit any fumes since it is completely sealed. Place it into your kitchen or office, and plug in your appliances! Use it as a permanent source of power!
Solar Residential Panels

Does weather effect my power system?

The Power Source 1800 itself can be used outdoors, however, it should be kept out of direct exposure to rain, direct sunlight and snow. Keep the Power Source 1800 in a cool dry place if you can, it will radically increase the lifespan and capabilities of the unit. The solar panel of course, should be put into direct sunlight, or even mounted right on your roof with southern (preferably) or southwestern exposure. The Solar Panel will operate efficiently at temperatures from -40 to 185 degrees Fahrenheit.

Can I hook several of these together?

No. The units are self contained and are designed to operate independently.

Can I add extra batteries?

No. The unit is sealed and designed to work with the current battery inverter ratio installed.

Is the battery a lead acid/battery?

Yes. The battery is sealed, non-spillable, lead/acid gel battery.

Do you carry a 240 volt system for other countries?

Not at this time.

Will I be able to operate my air conditioner or electric heater with this unit?

No. These appliances consume more energy than the PowerSource 1800 can supply.

Will my solar panels be able to work if I place them on my porch or “sun room”?

The solar panels need to have direct sunlight. Windows act as filters and will not allow the  solar panels to absorb the solar energy that they need. Solar panels should be placed outdoors in direct sunlight.

Can the PowerSource 1800 power my entire home?

No. This is a self contained, backup power unit. It is designed to power only a few of the most critical loads (a refrigerator and a few lights or a small office).

What is your return policy?

All sales are final. We will honor all of the warranties on the equipment (20 years on the solar panels, 90 days on batteries and the electronics, 2 Year Extended Warranty can be purchased). Any unauthorized repairs will void the warranty.




FilterQueen® Defender® Room Air Cleaner














The FilterQueen® Defender® Room Air Cleaner is recognized as a Class II medical device by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The FDA has recognized three classes of medical devices based on the level of control necessary to assure the safety and effectiveness of the device. Class II medical devices are subject to special controls and standards, while providing safety to users of the products.

Designed to remove airborne particles and allergens such as dust, smoke, pollen, mold spores, animal dander, dust mites and harmful fibers that may lead to allergic reactions, the Defender® was found to have efficiency ratings better than HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air), the industry standard.

The Defender® is manufactured using Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) requirements, which are enforced in the U.S. by the FDA. GMP requirements outline the aspects of production and testing that can impact the quality of a product.

Health-Mor is dedicated to delivering safe and dependable products that are the best in its industry. Consequently, the Defender® Room Air Cleaner is both ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 Certified. ISO 9001 is an internationally recognized Quality Management System, with the focus on increasing customer satisfaction. ISO 13485 is specific to the design and manufacture of medical devices, with the focus on meeting regulatory requirements.

Test data regarding bacterial filtration efficiency tests, airborne molecular contamination tests, filter efficiency tests and clean air delivery rates is available from Health-Mor.

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4320 Serving Long Term Food Storage

12 month supply – 3 servings of food per day for 4 adults or 2 adults and 4 children.

This product qualifies your order for a FREE EMERGENCY STOVE and a FREE DELUXE SURVIVAL KIT.

PRICE $6,650.00


4320 Serving Long Term Food Storage

This Package Includes

Included Crunchy Granola (480 servings)     Included  Apple Cinnamon Cereal (480 servings)
Included Multi-Grain Cereal (480 servings)  Included  Cheesey Lasagna (288 servings)
Included Chicken Ala King (288 servings)      Included Pasta Alfredo (288 servings)
IncludedChili Macaroni (288 servings)          Included Savory Stroganoff (288 servings)
Included Creamy Pasta & Veg. (288 servings)Included Cheesey Macaroni (288 servings)
Included Tortilla Soup (288 servings)                Included Teriyaki & Rice (288 servings)
Included Tomato Basil Soup (288 servings)



2880 Serving Long Term Food Storage

This product qualifies your order for a FREE EMERGENCY STOVE and a FREE DELUXE SURVIVAL KIT.

12 month supply – 2 servings of food per day for 4 adults or 2 adults and 4 children.

PRICE $4.495.00 

2880 Serving Long Term Food Storage


1080 Serving Long Term Food Storage

3 month supply – 3 servings of food per day for 4 adults or 2 adults and 4 children. Also equals a 12 month supply – 3 servings per day for 1 adult.

This product qualifies your order for a FREE EMERGENCY STOVE

PRICE $2060.00 

1080 Serving Long Term Food Storage


INGREDIENTS: Pasta (Durum Semolina Flour (wheat), Niacin, Ferrous Sulfate (iron), Thiamine Mononitrate, Riboflavin, Folic Acid), Food Starch-Modified, Sunflower Oil (Sunflower Oil, Food Starch-Modified, Maltodextrin, Natural Tocopherols), Whey, Maltodextrin, Non Dairy Creamer (Partially Hydrogenated Soybean Oil, Corn Syrup Solids, Sodium Caseinate (a milk derivative), Mono and Diglycerides, Sodium Citrate, Salt, Dipotassium Phosphate, Carrageenan, Natural Flavor), Carrots, Salt, Peas, Hydrolyzed Corn Protein, Textured Vegetable Protein (Soy Flour), Guar Gum, Soybean Oil, Natural Flavors, Disodium Inosinate and Disodium Guanylate, Spices, Lactic Acid, Turmeric Extract. CONTAINS: MILK, SOY, WHEAT.

nutrition information